secondary hypertention and rcc

repaid Member Posts: 17

I have chronic stage 3 rcc chromophobe with secondary hypertention that my Dr is trying hard to get under control. Very fatigued. Anyone else?


  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    Not me, but...

    What do you mean chronic stage 3 chromophobe?  I'm a chromie too and have never heard that term.


  • repaid
    repaid Member Posts: 17
    edited January 2018 #3
    CKD stage 3

    As far as I know from how my Dr. described it to me was  with  constant high creatine levels, low Phosphorus levels, GFR keeps dropping (currently at 44, don't know if that's ok or bad), secondary hypertension, along with other tests that seem to be consistant over the last 2 years. Partial nephectomy( 5/2015) rt kidney 8 1/2 hours in surgery.Left kidney tumors( chromophobe) which continues  to grow as with increased hypervascularity.States throughout my medical records as cronic kidney disease stage 3.

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    Oh--chronic kidney disease

    Thanks for clarifying that for me repaid.  Although I don't have anything to add to your story can I ask how large your original tumor from 2015 was?  You mention that the ones (?) in your remaining kidney continue to grow.  How many and how big are they?  I looked at my recent labs and it says the normal range is >60.  But this will decrease as we age. 

    Wishing you only the best--


  • repaid
    repaid Member Posts: 17

    I was told that there were three but only see 2 on my report 3.8x3,3x2.5 at the same time  there were 4 in the left kidney.Dr. said the best would be to  do parcial nephectomy  on the right kidney and monitor it to see if  the cancer should return.(at last scans they were still no signs of cancer but continue to monitor).As far as the left kidney, they keep a close eye on it as to make sure that it do not matastisize beyond the kidney.Waiting for my next scans this month or Feb.Dr said I should know by the end of next week.