First holiday season with cancer.

SubDenis Member Posts: 130 Member

First holiday season with cancer. 


Today I am at peace and grateful for the many gifts in my life.  While I am not grateful to have cancer, I am very grateful for the people I have met, the wonderful medical professionals who go out of their way to help me.  I am also extremely grateful I live in a country where quality medical care is available.  

During the last six months, I have experienced an array of emotions, unsureness, and loneliness that were not pleasant.  However, I also met all of you, men and women at GFMPH and at the PCRI conference.  I also have found many existing friends who have PC.  The level of conversation is much different when you talk to another man with PC.  

I have so many gifts and those related to PC include the ability to learn, to trust, to be inquisitive and to be so thankful for those who help me on this journey.  The ability to connect and share is such a gift.  

During this holiday season, I have been reflecting on the gifts related to my cancer and am very grateful.  So, I wish you all peace and a wonderful holiday season.  I also want to thank you all for being on these forums and other get-togethers where you have helped me come to grips with my disease and options. You are very special men and women!

Peace, Denis


  • JayAur
    JayAur Member Posts: 33 Member
    edited December 2017 #2
    And Peace and Health to you.


  • SubDenis
    SubDenis Member Posts: 130 Member
    JayAur said:

    And Peace and Health to you.


    Thanks and to you also! Denis

    Thanks and to you also! Denis

  • Jerry Mac
    Jerry Mac Member Posts: 21
    Hell Denis,

    Hell Denis,


    I am sorry to hear about your diagnose. I was diagnosed with PC this holiday season as well. It was tough going at first; however, i have found peace and joy. Per the Doctor I am in the early stage T1C, which is remarkable considering that I have gleason scores of 6,7,8,9. The cancer is still well within the prostate gland.

  • Steve1961
    Steve1961 Member Posts: 643 Member

    same here folks...beginning stages for me and I feel sooo blessed because it could have been sooo much worse after skipping a year..still waiting for MRI and to meet with surgeons but I trust my other drs and their confidence as well as all u wonderful people who answered all my questions...GOD BLESS EVERYONE THAT HAS C     ANY KIND    AND MAY ALL HAVE A SPEEDY RECOVERY AND HEALTHY LIFE ..........

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,556 Member

    This is not your first holiday season with cancer. Your prostate cancer has been there for some time (several years, probably).

    Yes, I am a nitpicker (aka The Grinch).

  • SubDenis
    SubDenis Member Posts: 130 Member
    good point old salt, the

    good point old salt, the first season knowing I have cancer. Denis

  • Fishermen
    Fishermen Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2018 #8
    First Holiday

    wow ! I thought I was the only one that got PC Christmas!

    Tough Christmas trying to get my head around this. The most confusing thing is every specialist recommends 

    the solution they have as best !? Going for my third opinion tomorrow from Doctor not involved with the other

    group I've been going to. Different old boys club ! Interested in his recomendation

    hang in there guys ,  we'll be better next Christmas!

  • MCD54
    MCD54 Member Posts: 13
    You also are very special.

    You also are very special.