Bad news - tumour skull bone

Bellen Member Posts: 281 Member

Hi all - I am supposed to be on a chemo break to recoup after about 13 mos of chemo, which I really needed.  Had brain scan due to ear plugged and feeling bit dizzy.  CT showed a large tumour in the skull bone near my ear.  Now I have had a zillion tests, x-rays, MRI's for Oncologist to learn more and to try to determine where originated - said uncommon for CRC to metastasize there - apparently very hard spot to biopsy or remove due to possibility of blood vessels, nerves, chewing, facial, ear, eye involvement, etc.  I am so depressed because my last CT scan showed shrinkage in the liver tumours (although still there) and supposed to start back on same chemo mid Jan.  I am totally in limbo now, feeling more dizzy and off balanced due to plugged ear, earache pain on and off, etc.  It's really affecting my quality of life.  Boy, just can't win. I guess you never know when something else is going to crop up just when you think things are going along okay.  Just wish I could get some relief from feeling off balanced - any suggestions?  I am waiting for some news about what direction this might take, or what options I might have.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Oh, Bellen!

    This is awful news.  I am so sorry to hear of your new battle. It all seems unfair. 

    I have no advice to offer for your balance, other than take it very, very carefully; especially driving. 

    I had major balance and vision issues with chemo and ended up wrecking my husbands car. Luckily I smashed into a large rock and not an innocent person.

    I wish you all the best, and please know you will be in my thoughts and prayers. 



  • Ruthmomto4
    Ruthmomto4 Member Posts: 708 Member
    I am so sad to hear this

    i am so very sorry, I don't know what say it's just unfair. I don't have any advice because anything I do for vertigo probably would not work here.  i will be thinking of you, hoping for the best!

  • Mikenh
    Mikenh Member Posts: 777
    This is very tough news.

    This is very tough news.

    There is a bone cancer forum and that might be a better place to look for advice in this area (I don't know anything about it).

  • plsletitrain
    plsletitrain Member Posts: 252 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear this. 

    I'm so sorry to hear this.  Please don't give up the hope.  There is always hope, no matter how challenging the tribulations come.  I will pray for you.  

  • carrieh
    carrieh Member Posts: 146 Member
    Old Timer (5 years..)Advice :)

    I don't think we've met.I'm sorry this is happening to you. I'm a Stage 4, current NED...lots of surgeries and even lived through hospice I will say, never give up my luv. Even if everyone around you does (unless you're ready and it's what you truly want)..there really is always hope. 

    Other advice...if you have the ability, go to any amazing hospital. I had a tumor right between my carotid and femeral artery, had already eaten through my vocal chord (last go-round> here said "Oh, that's tricky. I'm not sure we can get it. It's dangerous. Maybe hopeless. I went to mayo in Rochester and surgeon there said "oh year, we can get that. Relax. No big deal." Such a difference in outcomes! One vocal chord. One lung. Half of intestines. Ostomy. Hysto. I'm running out of organs and now sound a bit like Janis Joplin in the mornings lol...but still around :)

    Also, depending on stage and what you're willing / able to do...clinical trials? Immumno seems promising. My onc says unless it's the end of the line, only go for Stage 3 trials and above. Mayo was offering an open trial this year...may stell be open. Worth checking. It was stage 2...but i almost went anyway. I have HNPCC so genetic (so they say)...there isn't a targeted immuno for me yeet, but they are working on it. Check MD Anderson and Sloan Kettering...keep looking for answers, always.

    Are you open to marijuana? CBD? THC? Charolette's web and Realm of Caring suggest that THC is needed along with CBD, as do studies in rats/mice etc. There's a lot of good info out there...and a lot of bad...and no promises...but it's worth a shot IMHO, as long as you keep doing other treatments and don't rely on it to save you all by itself. Some people feel it's complete baloney...but there are reliable studies going back to the 70s at least, Nobel Prize physiologists and so forth that show apoptis in cancer cells with the right dosage...and you aren't going to OD on pot...and it won't counteract chemo etc. If you get serious and want to try it, you can produce safe oil with a copper distillery bought online and a few simple tools. Not cheap but that way you know what you're getting.

    I'm not sure how I would cope with what you're going through...there's only so much we can all take spiritually and our bodies seem to get beat up a little more each time...but I do know, if ypu've come this far you are strong.

    One day at a time. My mom says, you can live through anything for one day. Can't you. No matter how miserable I feel, I always think,...yeah. I can. With a little help and love, something to live for...I can. Then it doesn't seem so overwhelming. I start living my life in moments, not years...and the moments seem longer, more intense. If that makes sense..? Physically, I don't have ways to make you feel better...I've not experinenced your situation...I'm keeping you in my thoughts.

  • Lily Flower
    Lily Flower Member Posts: 260 Member
    I'm sorry to hear bellen. It

    I'm sorry to hear bellen. It is rare that CRC metastasize to the brain but it could happen. Sending you best wishes. Keep fighting and don't give up. We're all here for you! 

  • Bellen
    Bellen Member Posts: 281 Member
    Skill tumour

    Thank you all for your well wishes.  Plans right now are to have a biopsy to determine this tumour's origin - not thought to be CRC met.  I will see an ENT this week.  Clinic dr thinks I may have vertigo and my balance issues may be related to this, and not so much the tumour.  I have some meds to take - pills, ear drops, nasal.  Will confirm this with the ENT this week.  I really need some relief from the dizziness - it really affects quality of life - fingers crossed this can resolve soon.  You're all so strong and fighters, and I do intend on doing everything I can - things go a bit too slow though when you're waiting for news, appts, phone calls, etc.  Carrieh - I am in the process of looking into medical cannabis.  Thank you all For your input and caring support.

  • Mikenh
    Mikenh Member Posts: 777
    edited December 2017 #9
    Bellen said:

    Skill tumour

    Thank you all for your well wishes.  Plans right now are to have a biopsy to determine this tumour's origin - not thought to be CRC met.  I will see an ENT this week.  Clinic dr thinks I may have vertigo and my balance issues may be related to this, and not so much the tumour.  I have some meds to take - pills, ear drops, nasal.  Will confirm this with the ENT this week.  I really need some relief from the dizziness - it really affects quality of life - fingers crossed this can resolve soon.  You're all so strong and fighters, and I do intend on doing everything I can - things go a bit too slow though when you're waiting for news, appts, phone calls, etc.  Carrieh - I am in the process of looking into medical cannabis.  Thank you all For your input and caring support.

    I did a little digging and

    I did a little digging and there are a few kinds of bone cancers but you likely have an Osteosarcoma and this page covers Osteosarcomas and other bone cancers and it covers diagnosis and treatment.

    The thing about this group is strength in numbers in terms of support, pooled knowledge, experience - short-term and long-term, survivor examples and people that can help you deal with anxiety and worry. I hope that your doctors can put together a plan to give you some immediate relief and ultimately remove the cancer.


  • Ruthmomto4
    Ruthmomto4 Member Posts: 708 Member
    Bellen said:

    Skill tumour

    Thank you all for your well wishes.  Plans right now are to have a biopsy to determine this tumour's origin - not thought to be CRC met.  I will see an ENT this week.  Clinic dr thinks I may have vertigo and my balance issues may be related to this, and not so much the tumour.  I have some meds to take - pills, ear drops, nasal.  Will confirm this with the ENT this week.  I really need some relief from the dizziness - it really affects quality of life - fingers crossed this can resolve soon.  You're all so strong and fighters, and I do intend on doing everything I can - things go a bit too slow though when you're waiting for news, appts, phone calls, etc.  Carrieh - I am in the process of looking into medical cannabis.  Thank you all For your input and caring support.


    this I can help with! It's just horrible isn't? You need to find someone who can perform the Epley maneuver on you, it's just movements of your head a certain way.  You can look it up and there are ways you can do it yourself but be very careful. You also need to figure out which is your "trigger" side usually one side brings it on worse than the other. Get up very slowly avoid lying flat, not sure if this works for everyone but I find the minute things start to spin staying totally still and squeazing My eyes closed helps end it quicker. For me sinus issues bring it on, as well as dehydration. The medicine just seemed to make me tired so I only took it before I went to bed.  It's just horrible I understand exactly what you are feeling, I hope it resolves quickly. 

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    So very sorry

    So very sorry to hear of your news.  It's got to be hard hearing this after the liver tumors had been shrinking.  Hoping that there is some type of treatment to shrink it so that your balance is better.  You will be in my prayers.


  • PamRav
    PamRav Member Posts: 348 Member

    the doctors will be able to resolve your dizziness soon.  I really have nothing to add except for my hope for a speedy recovery from this latest medical issue.  

    Wishing you well


  • Bellen
    Bellen Member Posts: 281 Member
    Skull tumour

    Thank you all again.  Saw ENT today - she said the tumour could be causing my dizziness, while my Onco had told me looks like it is not pressing on a nerve.  Very confusing.  biopsy in 2 wks - due to Christmas holidays - really bad time to be in limbo.  And being so dizzy. They did a procedure on me - no relief so far. Asked if there was any relief (medication or other) from dizziness, ear pressure, exercises I could do in meantime. Not given any. Told her I was literally incapacitated - have to hold my husband's hand, hold onto walls, etc.  This is going to be a very quiet, home-bound Christmas - very down.  Plus, the biopsy will do nothing for the dizziness - just determine if it is cancerous, which they are assuming it is.  This is dragging out way too long, especially now that I am so off balanced - really makes one appreciate and sympathize with those who have mobiliity issues.  All that I can hope is that this is vertigo or other and will resolve itself.  Thanking you for your support and best to all.  I will look into your suggestions.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    I hope you find some joy in the season

    though I have no doubt that you will have to look hard.  Just the anxiety as you waiting for your biopsy would be bad enough, but to have to suffer the dizzyness, is awful. 

    I had a conditoin called BBPV - Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, and it was truly awful. I was sick to my stomach and thowing up. My conditon was caused by a canoing accident. It is about 90% gone, just a clicking in the ear, though it does come back if I knock my head, or hold it in a certainl position for a long time (like watching fireworks).  It was miserable, and yours sounds so much worse. 

    We are definitely here to support you, and wish that we could do more. 



  • Phil64
    Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member
    Bellen said:

    Skull tumour

    Thank you all again.  Saw ENT today - she said the tumour could be causing my dizziness, while my Onco had told me looks like it is not pressing on a nerve.  Very confusing.  biopsy in 2 wks - due to Christmas holidays - really bad time to be in limbo.  And being so dizzy. They did a procedure on me - no relief so far. Asked if there was any relief (medication or other) from dizziness, ear pressure, exercises I could do in meantime. Not given any. Told her I was literally incapacitated - have to hold my husband's hand, hold onto walls, etc.  This is going to be a very quiet, home-bound Christmas - very down.  Plus, the biopsy will do nothing for the dizziness - just determine if it is cancerous, which they are assuming it is.  This is dragging out way too long, especially now that I am so off balanced - really makes one appreciate and sympathize with those who have mobiliity issues.  All that I can hope is that this is vertigo or other and will resolve itself.  Thanking you for your support and best to all.  I will look into your suggestions.

    So sorry you have this

    So sorry you have this additional challenge. And sorry for the vertigo and dizzines. I too have struggled with dizziness / vertigo due to bad sinuses. Praying for some relief for you AND for a peaceful Christmas and Love filled holidays. 

  • Bellen
    Bellen Member Posts: 281 Member

    Hi Tru - Did you find that anything - meds (thinking anti-inflammatory, gravol, other?), exercise, ear drops, etc helped with the off balance feeling.  I am able to stand (holding onto something, leaning) but am off balance when I walk.  The frustrating part is that I don't know whether I have vertigo or the tumour is pushing on a nerve or other area that affects balance.  I posted on the head and neck site, but have had no response.  Ruthmom - I'm not sure of the "trigger ear" but all the pressure, earache is on my left side where the tumour is.  

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Bellen said:


    Hi Tru - Did you find that anything - meds (thinking anti-inflammatory, gravol, other?), exercise, ear drops, etc helped with the off balance feeling.  I am able to stand (holding onto something, leaning) but am off balance when I walk.  The frustrating part is that I don't know whether I have vertigo or the tumour is pushing on a nerve or other area that affects balance.  I posted on the head and neck site, but have had no response.  Ruthmom - I'm not sure of the "trigger ear" but all the pressure, earache is on my left side where the tumour is.  

    What does your gut tell you?

    Sometimes our gut is right. It just seems odd that you would suddenly come down with vertigo and be diagnosed with a tumour in the head at the same time. 

    As for meds, I remember being given something when it first happened, but could not tell you what it was.  I don't think it worked. I learned very quickly what positions triggered the vertigo and what I could and couldn't do. I only took the pills once, and then just learned to live with it. Because it was BPPV thus positional, I could control it to a large degree. 

    Tell me again when you find out more about your tumour? 


  • Ruthmomto4
    Ruthmomto4 Member Posts: 708 Member

    The trigger side would be similar to what Tru said what position kicks in the vertigo or spinning the most. For me if I turned to my left the world would spin but not the right so turning to left was my trigger side. You said they did a procedure on you was it something where they turned your head in certain ways? If that was it and it didn’t work it might not be vertigo. Did they give you  antivert to take? Meclyzine is the generic name that might help, sometimes that helped me. I know when I have an episode it is pure misery, my heart goes out to you because I do know how difficult it is to function. I hope that they help you soon it’s not ok that they are letting you deal with this for so long.