
Russman73 Member Posts: 4
edited December 2017 in Colorectal Cancer #1

found out in September that I have colon cancer surgeon was able to remove tumor and appendix without needing a colostomy bag was sent home only to have to return a week later for a second surgery to put in a drain tube been home now since middle of October.  Having trouble now staying out of the bathroom and sleeping apparently have now developed restless leg syndrome. my diarrhea is crazy and has my but so raw I don't know what to do.


  • Russman73
    Russman73 Member Posts: 4
    edited December 2017 #2
    and I've had the same

    and I've had the same hemorrhoid since I came home nothing seems to work and when I do get it to stop hurting I'm right back in there wiping it all off again. I don't know what to do I usually only get to sleep after total exhaustion let's me which is usually around day 3 which is where I'm at now. my surgeon has prescribed me lomotil andcolesid to try and get diarrhea under control and it has taken me from 40 times a day to 20 but come on is this the way it is from now on or will this eventually go back to normal.

  • Lily Flower
    Lily Flower Member Posts: 260 Member
    Have you tried the BRAT diet?

    Have you tried the BRAT diet? Banana, rice, applesauce, toast. It's good for upset stomach and diarrhea. 

    Use wet wipes instead of regular TP. Aapply destin afterwards for some relieve. 

  • Russman73
    Russman73 Member Posts: 4
    thank you Lily flower for

    thank you Lily flower for your comment I have not tried that diet but have tried the desitin and it does bring some relief once the burning stops it's just frustrating to have to reapply it 15 minutes later. thanks again and will give that diet a chance

  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    Look into getting a bidet toilet seat

    They wash you gently, allowing you to avoid wiping sensitve areas.  They are not cheap, but can be requested as Durable Medical Equipment if your dr agrees to it.  Otherwise, invest on your own if you can.  I have had one for about 5 years - wouldn't want to live without it.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member

    After radiation, my backside had open, weeping sores (sorry about the TMI). It was so painful, and of course, clothes, especially underwear, was not a option.  I ended up going to my GP who told me to use Medicated wipes - Witch Hazel - They worked like a dream. 

    Of course, stopping or slowing down the diarrhoea is the key.  Try to keep a journal of what you eat, at all times, and see if there is a correlation between foods and bad episodes of diarrhoea (Oh, I wish there were an easier spelling of that word. I use the English version). 

    Abrub is right about a Bidet. I got one that plumbs directly into the cold water. It was only $26 on Amazon and I have used it for four years. I also suggest a Sitz Bath. They are cheap enough. Fill it with warm water, and sit your butt in it AFTER you have eliminated and cleaned up. The Sitz Bath was a necessity during radiation for me, as I was living in the big city with a friend and not ablet a have a Bidet.

    Lily is right about the BRAT diet as well. 

    As for lack of sleep. I had that as well, and only conqured it by using a guided imagery CD. Mine was called Meditaion to Help you with Chemotherapy by Belleruth Naparstrek      Each to his own, when it comes to meditation and guided imagery, though. For some people it works, for others it does not.  Folks here also use sleep aids like Ambein, but all OTC drugs must be cleared by your Oncologist when you start Chemo. 

    It is a rough trip, for sure. Welcome to the forum. I hope you find here, some answers and advice to help you along the way. 


  • Fab65
    Fab65 Member Posts: 25
    Russman73 said:

    thank you Lily flower for

    thank you Lily flower for your comment I have not tried that diet but have tried the desitin and it does bring some relief once the burning stops it's just frustrating to have to reapply it 15 minutes later. thanks again and will give that diet a chance

    Try Coconut Oil

    Hi Russman,

       Try using coconut oil it wont burn and is less goopy  (I purchased my coconut oil at walmart back in health and beauty section, but isn't too hard to find elsewhere).  Make sure to use alcohol free wipes if you choose to go that route.  Something else to consider is purchasing a Bidet spray nozzle and attach to your toilet.  It can be a bit cold but better than repeated wiping.  Just pat dry after using bidet and apply coconut oil.  I purchased my bidet hand-held at Home Depot.  I believe it was about $40.  Hope it helps you.

    Blessings for a speedy recovery

  • darcher
    darcher Member Posts: 304 Member
    edited December 2017 #8
    Prep H

    As Trubrit and Lilly said get medicated wipes. Preperation H wipes are perfect.   I go through a 48 count box of those every couple days and because of that I can sit on a chair without squirming.  If I had to use normal toilet paper I would have bled out from being rubbed raw.    

    Another item is a soft toilet seat.  A bidet would be ideal but if you can't spring for it then it's a decent alternative for sake of comfort.  

     I'll be starting the mop chemo in a few weeks and the Meditation CD Trubrit mentioned might be something I'll look into.  I never thought there would be something like that.  Every little bit helps.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    darcher said:

    Prep H

    As Trubrit and Lilly said get medicated wipes. Preperation H wipes are perfect.   I go through a 48 count box of those every couple days and because of that I can sit on a chair without squirming.  If I had to use normal toilet paper I would have bled out from being rubbed raw.    

    Another item is a soft toilet seat.  A bidet would be ideal but if you can't spring for it then it's a decent alternative for sake of comfort.  

     I'll be starting the mop chemo in a few weeks and the Meditation CD Trubrit mentioned might be something I'll look into.  I never thought there would be something like that.  Every little bit helps.


    Hey Darcher

    I am not a 'still' person, and I balked at the idea of meditation. But WOW WOW WOW! For me, personally, this little CD was a life saver. It was truly miraculous. I would play it when I went to bed, because that was my worst time for bad thoughts and I could not sleep.

     I know it may not work for other folks, but it is worth giving it a try.  Take a look at all of the CD's this company put out. The chemo one is just one of many. The company is Health Journeys. 

    I also used music to calm me, Stephen Halpern was a life saver, still is. 

    Hit this thing from every angle is my belief. 


  • Lily Flower
    Lily Flower Member Posts: 260 Member
    edited December 2017 #10
    Russman73 said:

    thank you Lily flower for

    thank you Lily flower for your comment I have not tried that diet but have tried the desitin and it does bring some relief once the burning stops it's just frustrating to have to reapply it 15 minutes later. thanks again and will give that diet a chance

    Anytime Russian! Also ask

    Anytime Russian! Also ask your doctor to prescribe some anti-diarrhea meds.