Bleeding 1year after hystorectomy

paddison Member Posts: 8 Member

I am just shy of one year after my hysteroctomy.  Yesterday I started a light period with some small clotting.  I called the Dr office and he said to call on Monday to come in.  Has anyone experienced this?  Is it bad?  I have been dealing with rising CA125 numbers, but nothing showed on scans.  I had kidney stones removed 2 weeks ago.

Any ideas?


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,535 Member
    dear paddison.  I am sorry no

    dear paddison.  I am sorry no one had responded to you.  You did the right thing call the doctor and getting it checked out.  Please come back and let us know what they find and PUSH THEM to find out what is going on.

  • azgrandma
    azgrandma Member Posts: 609 Member
    What did the doctor say

    what did the doctor say i have not expreienced this i will pray fo ryou

  • paddison
    paddison Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited November 2017 #4
    Finally got answer

    After 3 months of ring and falling CA125, kidney stone removal, and being very uncomfortable, they have found recurrent cancer.  We are trying Doxil this time.