chronic radiation proctitis

puddinface Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
My husband had hormone treatment, followed by external beam radiation, followed by seeding. The seeding was done a year ago. He is now suffering intense pain from radiation proctitis. Would like to hear from anyone else who has had this problem. Thank you.


  • eduardo2004
    eduardo2004 Member Posts: 1
    Hi, my Dad got radiation proctitis associated with severe pain and some bleedings. Do You know any treatment to improve his rectum and colon shape, tks
  • shadowman
    shadowman Member Posts: 27 Member

    Hi, my Dad got radiation proctitis associated with severe pain and some bleedings. Do You know any treatment to improve his rectum and colon shape, tks

    radiation proctitis

    I have after also gotten cronic radiation proctitis  I have no bleeding but I have to get up several times a night because of loose bowel movements  I had 45 radiation treatments and hormone treatments    My gastrologist wanted me to go on canasa but with my insurance it would cost 447 dollars a month   According to him this is the best treatment although it doesnt sound like there is a cure    I can not afford this  sohe looked into other treatments and I am currently trying proctosol -hc 2.5%cream     just started  so if this doesnt work  I will have to find a way to get the canasa     does anyone have any other experience with this issue.  The other night I had to make 7 trips to the bathroom in 12 hours     any help wold be appreciated     thanks



  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,599 Member
    shadowman said:

    radiation proctitis

    I have after also gotten cronic radiation proctitis  I have no bleeding but I have to get up several times a night because of loose bowel movements  I had 45 radiation treatments and hormone treatments    My gastrologist wanted me to go on canasa but with my insurance it would cost 447 dollars a month   According to him this is the best treatment although it doesnt sound like there is a cure    I can not afford this  sohe looked into other treatments and I am currently trying proctosol -hc 2.5%cream     just started  so if this doesnt work  I will have to find a way to get the canasa     does anyone have any other experience with this issue.  The other night I had to make 7 trips to the bathroom in 12 hours     any help wold be appreciated     thanks



    Ulcerative proctitis?

    I guess you have been diagnosed with ulcerative proctitis. I had radiation proctitis and your symptoms appear different from mine. But if your doctor says that they are related to the radiation treatment, so be it.

    Have you discussed changing your diet with your doctor?

    I looked at the Canasa website and there appears to be a patient savings program. I hope that you can qualify for it.

    Good luck!

  • grizwalsh
    grizwalsh Member Posts: 6
    edited October 2017 #5
    shadowman said:

    radiation proctitis

    I have after also gotten cronic radiation proctitis  I have no bleeding but I have to get up several times a night because of loose bowel movements  I had 45 radiation treatments and hormone treatments    My gastrologist wanted me to go on canasa but with my insurance it would cost 447 dollars a month   According to him this is the best treatment although it doesnt sound like there is a cure    I can not afford this  sohe looked into other treatments and I am currently trying proctosol -hc 2.5%cream     just started  so if this doesnt work  I will have to find a way to get the canasa     does anyone have any other experience with this issue.  The other night I had to make 7 trips to the bathroom in 12 hours     any help wold be appreciated     thanks




    Hi--I was having the same problems as you but I was also having extreme pain with the bowel movements--It's been almost a year since the radiation and it has gotten better-except for flare ups every now and then--I also used proctosol--Here in Canada you can get a generic version of it called "Proctol"--it has the same ingredients and costs a lot less



  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member
    15 Year Old Thread

    FYI, grizwalsh, this tread was started in Dec 2002 and the original poster was last on this site in Aug 2008 apparently without ever reporting what had happened to her husband.  If you would like responses to your specific problem, you may wish to start a thread of your own where it can be discussed separately from this stale thread.