Please help me

Yagz Member Posts: 1 Member

A few weeks back I went to the hosptial with bad tummy pain. A ct scan was done and it was noted my tummy looked like a battle field with the adhesions from operatons I had when I was a child and a hystorectomy done years ago from the adhesion issues. They said they saw a 4cm cyst on my right ovary. I went home. I have been going to my doc for these tummy issues for the last 6 months. I have had issues all my life with IBS. I was reffered to a gyn. I am 56 years old. I had a vaginal ultrasaound done. The doc came in and said there was not cyst and the overies looked good. They took a C 125 test and it came back 230! I freaked out. My  crp was 10.9 in Jan and jumped to 23.9 and now it is 20.5. I have to go to oncologest. I am freaking out.. My husband is disabled and I am the only one working and I cant afford this. My stress is so high. 


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,524 Member
    yagz, anything below 30 - 35

    yagz, anything below 30 - 35 for a CA125 is considered "normal".  Your number is higher - not the highest mentioned here, but higher.  I am sorry, I don't know what "crp" is.  I would recommend finding a gynecologic oncologist.  They are gynecologists who have taken extra years of training for 'below the belt' cancers.   

  • Tethys41
    Tethys41 Member Posts: 1,382 Member
    It's hard not to freak out


    I'm sorry you are in this situation.  Yes, your CA-125 is high and your CRP is also high.  You have some type of inflammation going on, which may or may not be cancer.  Things other than cancer can elevate both of these.  I understand how impossibly devastating this news is, but regardless of whether it is cancer or something else, things WILL work out.  Right now, the most important thing is to find a experienced gynecologic oncologist.  If you end up needing surgery, this type of doctor is the only one qualified to do it.  You will probably also need some additional tests to see IF there is anything inside for the doctor to focus on.  Getting a possible diagnosis of cancer is never good news.  But take one day at a time.  Hopefully, there is just some other inflammation that is causing your test results, but there's only one way to find out.

    Please keep us posted.  I hope this turns out to be something less serious.