New to this, diagnosed this week. What next?
Hello, Last week went in for my yearly physical, feeling great. Had a yearly physical in November with a colon exam all clean. Doctor this time says you are showing very slightly anemic ( very slightly). Doctor does a external exam of the abdomen and says we need a CT. Monday have my first ever CT scan and they say the peritoneum is enlarged and is cancer. CT shows no contact with other organs at this point. Will have biospys in week to get the final questions answered. If I google search pertineal carcinomtosis it is scary. Right now feeling good with no side affects so this is big suprise for me and family. Now every twitch of my belly makes me think here it comes but so far good. I know that we need to learn what the biospy says for spread and type of cancer but the be honest am scared and worried for my family. Looking for any suggestions thoughts and prayers. Thank you and the best for all of you. Marshal
Marshal~Just saying I "know" where U R coming from! Stay N touch
Good afternoon Marshal ~
By now you’re no doubt saying, “Oh yeah—what’s so good about it?”
Well for starters, you are still alive.
So are you saying that you have already had the CT scan, and that a biopsy will be scheduled? If your peritoneum is “enlarged” but the CT shows no affected organs, just what are the doctors going to biopsy? We have several organs in there you know. I’m not sure I understand your post. The very first thing I would do is have a SECOND OPINION. I was amazed, but not surprised to know how many FIRST opinions are wrong. So if you could clarify some things for me, I will be able to help you more specifically.
You’ve mentioned having a colon exam. Peritoneal Carcinomatosis can be diagnosed from a variety of reasons. For instance your appendix could rupture, and if not detected at the time, it could set up a bacterial infection that could ultimately become cancerous. This diagnosis could come also from cancer on the ovaries, which is most likely the origin of my diagnosis of Peritoneal Carcinomatosis. This cancer was discovered by a CT exam at my local emergency room. However, when I went to the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center for a SECOND opinion, exploratory surgery and a PET scan revealed cancer in both my ovaries.
A CT (Computerized Tomography) can show shapes, sizes & measurements in centimeters or millimeters, but a PET (Positron Emission Tomography) can actually show “live metabolic activity”. So the best of both worlds would be to have a combination PET/CT scan which is often utilized today for an accurate diagnosis.
So since Ovarian cancer and Peritoneal Cancer are both treated with the same drugs, my oncologist’s first option was a chemo cocktail of Carboplatin and Paclitaxel (Taxol). The second step for me was Cytoreductive surgery after my neoadjuvant chemotherapy. I didn’t have any radiation. In my case, I had my fallopian tubes, ovaries, spleen, gallbladder, omentum and sections of my intestines removed. YES—OUCH—MAJOR SURGERY.
Now if I had still had my uterus and appendix, they would have been removed. But I had a partial hysterectomy at age 36, and an appendectomy at age 12. But before I go further, we need to compare notes after you know what you are ACTUALLY dealing with!
May I suggest that you confer with a gynecologic oncologist? They undergo far more extensive training and are especially trained to treat the female reproductive system. Now I am assuming that you are female, even though men can be diagnosed with Peritoneal Carcinomatosis as well. So if you are female, my suggestion applies. And by all means, have a 2nd opinion. This will clarify some of your fears, of which there will be many, no doubt. But you cannot let fear rule your life and cloud your ability to cope.
Now you will certainly have my prayers and those of the many who read this forum topic, even though there are not too many active posters. Since I’ve been living with Peritoneal Carcinomatosis/Ovarian Cancer Stage IV since my diagnosis in November of 2012, I’ve been through a lot. Sharing what I’ve learned is one way I can help other “newbies” along the way. For sure this is a life changer, but don’t rush ahead and plan your funeral today. You’ve got enough to deal with in the “here and now”. And if you already knew what the future holds, you would know exactly what to do, and where to go. That’s why God only put 24 hours in a day. We need to live only one day at a time, and try to rest some part of that day! But don’t get me wrong, I mean, handle what you can today, and start again tomorrow. Please check back in when you learn more.
Love & prayers for sure,
P.S. If you scan some of the articles under this forum topic, there will be a myriad of references that may be of help in understanding more of just what the “Peritoneum” is and what it holds!
by Melissa Turtinen - April 4, 2017 12:17 pm
If you’re diagnosed with an illness, you might want to get a second opinion.
The Mayo Clinic in Rochester did a study (published in a medical journal Tuesday) and found as many as 88 percent of patients who came to the clinic for a second opinion for a complex condition left with a new or more refined diagnosis, a news release says.
The Mayo Clinic says a different or more detailed diagnosis can change someone’s care plan “and potentially their lives.”
The study looked at 286 patients who were referred from primary care providers to Mayo Clinic’s General Internal Medicine Division in Rochester between Jan. 1, 2009, and Dec. 31, 2010. Here’s how the types of diagnostic errors breaks down:
- Only 12 percent of patients left the Mayo Clinic with the same diagnosis.
- In 21 percent of cases, the diagnosis was changed completely.
- In 66 percent of patients, their diagnosis was refined or redefined.
“Effective and efficient treatment depends on the right diagnosis,” Dr. James Naessens said in the release. “Knowing that more than 1 out of every 5 referral patients may be completely [and] incorrectly diagnosed is troubling – not only because of the safety risks for these patients prior to correct diagnosis, but also because of the patients we assume are not being referred at all.”
A lot of people don’t consider getting a second opinion because they either don’t know that’s something you can do, or because it can be expensive for people to see another doctor who may not be in their health insurance’s network, the Mayo Clinic says.
“Total diagnostic costs for cases resulting in a different final diagnosis were significantly higher than those for confirmed or refined diagnoses, but the alternative could be deadly,” Naessens said.
How to ask for a second opinion
It may seem a little awkward to ask your doctor for a referral to get a second opinion, but don’t worry – asking for a second opinion is pretty normal, U.S. News and World Report says, noting any doctor who is good at what they do will welcome a second opinion.
Here are some tips about seeking a second opinion:
– Don’t worry about asking for a second opinion for the minor things. Instead, seek a second opinion for serious or chronic issues, especially if you’re unsure about your doctor’s diagnosis or if the treatment for the issue is experimental or risky, U.S. News and World Report notes. But it’s important not to wait too long to get a second opinion, because you don’t want to delay treatment for too long, the Patient Advocate Foundation says.
– When asking for the second opinion, tell your doctor you just want to be fully informed about your diagnosis, prognosis and treatment, Compass Healthcare Solutions suggests. You can ask your doctor for a referral to see a specific doctor you have in mind, but WebMD says don’t see a doctor that is affiliated with your initial doctor – they probably won’t contradict them.
– Before you go see the new doctor, make sure you get a copy of your medical records and test results, the Patient Advocate Foundation says. Sometimes tests can be wrong, though so WebMD says you can ask for a second medical opinion and for the lab or pathologist to do the tests again.
– When you go in for your second opinion, remember you’re looking to confirm your current diagnosis – the second opinion isn’t always right, U.S. News and World Report says. Doctors may differ on your diagnosis or a treatment plan, and ultimately it’s your choice to decide what’s best for you, the Patient Advocate Foundation says.
For more information on when and how to get a second opinion, click here.
[My note: I usually go to major hospital facilities for my references, but for now, this is just an introduction into what the Peritoneum is and what it holds.]
“The peritoneum is a continuous thin sheet of tissue, or membrane, which lines the cavities of the abdomen and pelvis, and covers the surfaces of the organs found within. It produces a lubricating fluid, called serous fluid, which enables the guts to move freely past one another. That part which forms the lining of the walls is called the parietal layer, while the part which covers the pelvic and abdominal organs is known as the visceral layer. Between the visceral and parietal peritoneal layers is a space known as the peritoneal cavity. Blood vessels, lymph vessels and nerves run through the peritoneum, supplying organs, and cancers occurring in the abdomen tend to spread throughout the peritoneal tissue.
In the abdominal and pelvic cavities, there are a large number of organs arranged in a complex way, and the peritoneum helps to hold everything in place. It does this because the visceral layer, surrounding the organs, is attached by strands to the parietal layer, lining the walls, which prevents the guts from moving too far out of position. This is especially important in the case of the intestines, which are approximately 33 feet (about 10 meters) long, and very tightly coiled into place. Some organs, such as the kidneys, are within the abdominal or pelvic cavity but outside the peritoneum, and these are known as retroperitoneal organs.
There is a rich nerve supply to the parietal peritoneum, making it sensitive to pain. This means that any disease or injury occurring within it gives rise to pain which is felt straight away at the affected spot. The visceral peritoneum is not as well-supplied with nerves, and pain is usually only felt as a response to it being stretched. With visceral pain, it is difficult to pinpoint the source of the injury, even more so because pain is often referred to another area of the body.
As the peritoneal cavity is potentially quite large, any disease within it is able to spread extensively. Some cancers originate inside the peritoneal cavity, including malignant peritoneal mesothelioma, a rare tumor arising from the peritoneum. This type of peritoneal cancer is associated with exposure to asbestos, and some early signs are pain and swelling in the abdomen, weight loss and anemia. Treatment uses a combination of approaches, such as surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy together with newer, more experimental options. A cure is only possible if the disease is discovered early, while it is still quite localized.
It is more common for cancers to originate elsewhere and for the tumor cells to spread, or metastasize, to the peritoneum. There are numerous examples of cancers progressing in this way, including those affecting the stomach, breast, ovary and lung. Metastasized cancer cells may be treated with a combination of surgery and chemotherapy to extend the patient's life.”
_________________End of references for now_________________________
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Thank you Loretta
Loretta, Thank you for the reply. I am a 61 yr old male. I have enjoyed good health with never a problem. I get a physical each year and stay current with recommended medical checkups. Novemeber of 2016 I have my yearly physical and all was good. I also had my age so colon exam and all was good (fall of 2016) Last week I had my 2017 yearly physical. Doc siad blood was good but slightly anemic (very very slightly) He did a external exam of the abdomen and felt some hard areas. In the past 2 months I lost 15 pounds but that was common as during the spring and summer I am more outdoor active and I was watching my diet to lose weight. I feel good. Doc last week asked for a CT scan which was done on Monday. CT showed a thincking of the peritonel. The scan did not show any tumors that they could see in other organs. In one and half weeks they plan to do a draw of the fluid from the abdomen and the following day biospys. They told me the test will help to ID the type of cancer andmay also have markers that may show if there is organ involvement or not. One week after the biospys they want to meet to discuss the result of the testing. I live in a beatuiful area of northern Wi full of lakes and trees but limited medical. The hospital is 35 miles away and has a limited cancer center ( I need to learn more about it) I have good health insurance but like all requires to stay in a provider network. The major medical clinic for this netqwork is about 2.5 hours away and has six doctors in the cancer unit, I am working to learn more about that .
I shouold mention that I have never show and blood in urine or stool, have no issues eating and no pain. I must admitt that since the CT scan every twith of my abdomen makes me wonder but the reality is I am still doingeverything I was doing prior to this scan. I will update you as I knw more
Again thanks for the reply and I am encouraged by your battle and thankful for your knowledge.
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this is serious as my mother is going through it
cant type much as at hospital but it will leak to organs covered by peritoneum and cause must act fast.
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Went for surgery on 10/2. Upon the start they determined the cancer was more than first anticipated. They called a second surgeon and worked 12 hours. They removed colon, retum, spleen and in totel 25 punds of tissue and what they say is 85% of the cancer. Recovering now and must say feel good. Able to do anything I want, drive, walk work. In spring they plan to finish the surgery with removal of gallbladder and stomach then do the HIPEC. Doctor says he feels he can remove visible cancer and that I have good strenght to move on from there. We will see. Out of hospital after 10 days. Hope and pray it all works and hope they can save part of the stomach. Lost 40 pounds now trying to gain some back. Thanks fully should have some good months prior to the second surgery. Strengt and peace to all.. Marshal
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Marshall~Can I say UR not half the man U used 2B-What a surgery!
Hello again Marshal:
My you’ve had a much bigger surgery than anticipated for sure! I surely hope they can leave part of your stomach when the next surgical date arrives. I know about having a good portion of your intestines removed. That certainly has affected my regularity. I vacillate between diarrhea and constipation, but hey that’s life. Something with fiber helps or a stool softener. But you’re going to have to eat a lot of high-caloric foods and protein rich ones as well. I ordered some whey concentrate from Costco that is pure whey and not from concentrate. It's expensive, but you're WORTH IT!
My husband makes me some fattening milk shakes. He puts in a scoop of ice cream, a spoonful of whey which equals 30 grams of protein, plus a big spoon of peanut butter, and crumbles up a Reese Peanut Butter cup, because that’s one of my favorites. He also put enough high-protein BOOST liquid to make it a thick consistency so that I can eat it with a spoon. I don’t like it as thin as a milkshake. I also find that with my ongoing cancer, I can’t eat as much in volume without feeling full, so what I do eat needs to be nutritious.
Marshal, allow me to give you a very informative video by a professor of Surgical Oncology at Mt. Sinai Hospital. I received Cytoreductive Surgery at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in July of 2013. When going into surgery, I was under the impression that I would be having the HIPEC treatment. However, when I “came to”, my surgeon, Dr. David Bartlett, explained that he didn’t perform the HIPEC procedure on me. I had to trust his judgment.
My original diagnosis was “Peritoneal Carcinomatosis”, but when I went to UPMC, exploratory surgery revealed cancer in my ovaries as well. I had many tumors, and obviously the surgeon decided that in my particular case, the HIPEC treatment would not be helpful. However, I am glad to be alive, and so are you!
So add this to your collection of information. It is well explained and very helpful. I suspect that the doctor may have thought that your primary cancer first was located in the colon by removing so much. In any event, I hope you gain lots of weight. I understand that fish oil is good as well. But no doubt, the doctor’s dietician has given you some good advice on how to put back on some much needed pounds. Glad you’re feeling well and I hope all continued efforts to help will be successful.
HIPEC is not available at all cancer centers. You really want to have surgeons experienced in patients with cancers in the abdominal lining for sure. And I hope you will have a SECOND opinion if you haven't already. You're headed for another major surgery for sure.
So here are 2 links regarding the HIPEC procedure. I find the first video extremely helpful.
Peritoneal Carcinomatosis/Ovarian Cancer Stage IV
[Marshal - This is a 19:55 minute very informative video re HIPEC.]
Heated Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy: What, When, Who, Why, and Where?
Published on Nov 12, 2013, Umut Sarpel, MD, MSc, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Division of Surgical Oncology - Mount Sinai Medical Center. New York, NY
[This is an explanation regarding the HIPEC treatments from my UPMC surgeon, Dr. David Bartlett who performed my Cytoreductive Surgery.
_________________________End of references____________
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hipec surgery
HI My husbands surgery was delayed due to change in chemo drugs and tumor shrank to 1/3 the original size however my question is what should we look for post HIPEC surgery and any
good questions to ask dr. He is scheduled now end of month hopefully after 2 more treatments of chemo it wil continue to shrink. Will he need more help at home than me?
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Most likely U will B assigned a home health nurse 4 A time
Hello there –
Having read your “about me” page, and thanks for posting something informative there—I know that your husband has been diagnosed with Peritoneal Mesothelioma. My own diagnosis was different, but I’ve been able to find some references for you that may help you to understand more fully your husband’s diagnosis and prognosis. I would say research this cancer thoroughly and ask lots of questions. Make a list of those questions as you read and listen to the references below. Then again you may already know all that you can know and just need to talk to others who have had the same diagnosis. Perhaps someone who checks in here will have had a personal experience with Peritoneal Mesothelioma. If so, I hope they will contact you ASAP! However, I don’t recall recent discussions that relate to your husband’s diagnosis. What have the surgeons said about your husband’s prognosis? If someone on this forum has had the same diagnosis, they will obviously be more able to help you directly.
As for me, I had Peritoneal Carcinomatosis that most likely occurred first in my ovaries and then spread to the abdominal cavity. So forgive me for not being able to be more helpful at this time.
Strangely enough, like your husband, I, too, went to the ER thinking I had a hernia, and was diagnosed at the ER with a Stage IV cancer. Multiple tumors were detected in the peritoneal fluid in my abdomen. I had Cytoreductive Surgery in July of 2013 performed by Dr. David Bartlett at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. One of the first “youtube” video references will be by him. I had a very large incision from my sternum to the pelvic region. But I would be afraid to try to answer you not knowing exactly what your husband’s surgery will involve. As a female, I had my ovaries, fallopian tubes, gallbladder, spleen, omentum removed and my intestines were resectioned. My uterus and appendix had been removed years earlier. The purpose was to reduce the “non-essential” organs to which my cancer could spread.
I do know that this is a very serious diagnosis and there will certainly be several follow-up visits following the surgery. As for me, my body was extremely sensitive to any little “bump or jolt”. I had to hold a pillow to my stomach when I was riding in the car. And it was quite a long time before I could be comfortable riding in a car. And I was very weak and at first was pushed around in a wheelchair. My husband was very attentive and helped me in every way possible. So extreme exhaustion will be common after a Cytoreductive Surgery. The fact that your husband is having HIPEC is really encouraging.
HIPEC treatments given as a portion of the Cytoreductive Surgery are very effective and those who qualify for the HIPEC treatment have much longer survival times. I would say that obviously with this diagnosis, definitely he will be assigned a “home health service” nurse to monitor your husband’s recuperation for quite some time. That will give you more peace of mind than if they just discharged him to home and you were left to care for him all by yourself. Caregivers need support too you know!
Knowing what it’s like to be a caregiver to my husband when he had his Ivor Lewis Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer Stage III, I sympathize with you as the wife. I always said, and I’m sure you feel this way—“When my husband has cancer—I have cancer.” That was way back in 2002. Thankfully, he is in his 15th year of survival from this advanced cancer with no recurrence thus far. Little did I know that indeed I would have Peritoneal Carcinomatosis/Ovarian Cancer Stage IV in November of 2012.
We would all like to be “home for Christmas”, but I also know what it’s like to be in the hospital during Christmas. But thanks be to the Lord, I have “survived” 5 years now—something I could never have dreamed possible given my initial diagnosis. My surgery was never intended to be curative, rather it was to prolong my survival and provide me with some additional quality of life. And so far, that has been the case. One thing for certain, you and I share a deeper appreciation for our husbands.
Our cancers have brought my husband closer together and our love for one another has deepened even more than before our diagnoses. Actually, we had become accustomed to our “daily ritual of work and play” and we never “thought” we were taking good health for granted. That is, until we both became ill. Then we realized what a difference a day makes. One day you feel fine—next day you discover some slight pain—you go to the doctor not thinking it’s anything serious—and you are “jolted” into reality when you read the diagnosis. It says, “Cancer” and your name is at the top! So in hindsight we never learned to fully appreciate the good health until sickness entered the picture. Oh sure, there are broken ribs, cuts and scrapes, minor surgeries, etc. now and then—but cancer—now that’s a different journey altogether.
Your attitude is in the right place. So keep your thoughts on the positive side and refuse to waste your precious time looking in the “rear-view” mirror and wishing you could turn back the clock. We can’t! I say, “It is what it is.” And I choose to concentrate on the things I can still do rather than the things I can no longer do.
This is not original with me but this saying says it all.
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass—it’s about learning to dance in the rain!”
May God bless both of you and give you His peace.
Dr. David Bartlett HIPEC Webinar
Published on Jan 27, 2012
[This is a 24 minute video. Dr. David Bartlett is my surgeon who performed my Cytoreductive Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). Unfortunately he did not perform HIPEC for my cancer, even though we had discussed it just prior to my going into surgery. I was disappointed but I have to go with his best judgment. I think this video will be very helpful.]
“Chemotherapy-induced Nausea and Vomiting (CINV): No Longer an Inevitable Side Effect of Chemotherapy for Mesothelioma
Management may be effective and convenient.
It’s no surprise that cancer patients name nausea and vomiting among the side effects of chemotherapy that they most fear. And though its impact on patient comfort and quality of life is a significant concern, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting (CINV) can also have a major adverse effect on the course of treatment and subsequent outcomes. Because severe CINV can result in the delay or complete halt of a patient’s chemotherapy regimen, this side effect can drastically interfere with treatment.
At a recent annual meeting of the Oncology Nursing Society, more than half of oncology nurses surveyed reported that they had interrupted or completely stopped patients’ chemotherapy due to CINV.[1] This finding underscores the dire consequences of CINV. For optimal treatment, CINV must be effectively managed.
Preventing and Treating CINV
Prevention and treatment of CINV often begins before chemotherapy is administered. Drugs used to prevent nausea and vomiting are call antiemetics and can be delivered intravenously (IV), orally (in pill form), or through a transdermal patch (a patch that delivers medication through the skin)…”
“Peritoneal mesothelioma is a form of cancer that affects the lining of the abdomen (the peritoneum). It is caused by the ingestion of asbestos fibers.
What is Peritoneal Mesothelioma?
Peritoneal mesothelioma accounts for 20 to 25 percent of all mesothelioma cases. It is the most common diagnosis after pleural mesothelioma…”
[My note: I think this link will lead you to more concise information about your husband’s type of mesothelioma.]
“Types of Malignant Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma cancer occurs in a protective lining called the mesothelium. The mesothelium is a thin membrane that protects and lubricates several important organs and body cavities. When people are exposed to asbestos, the sharp fibers can become lodged in the mesothelium and eventually cause cells to become cancerous.
Where Does Mesothelioma Develop?
Mesothelioma can also develop in the lining of the testicles. Testicular mesothelioma is extremely rare and occurs in less than 1 percent of mesothelioma cases…”
Treating Peritoneal/Abdominal Cancer with "HIPEC"
Published on Jan 23, 2012 - Richard Berri, M.D, Director of Surgical Oncology and Peritoneal Surface Malignancy Program at St. John Hospital and Medical Center, Detroit, MI. will share information about treating Peritoneal/Abdominal Cancer with "HIPEC" following surgery to help you make a more informed treatment decision.
Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation
Published on Sep 14, 2011
Dr. Robert Taub, member of the Science Advisory Board of the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation discusses peritoneal mesothelioma.
Peritoneal Mesothelioma Research- H. Richard Alexander, MD
Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation
Published on Jan 17, 2009 Learn about mesothelioma research and statistics from the International Symposium on Malignant Mesothelioma 2008.
Presentation by Dr. Richard Alexander, internationally recognized surgical oncologist and clinical researcher. He treats cancer patients at the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Cancer Center and is associate chairman for clinical research in the University of Maryland Department of Surgery. For more videos and personalized information about mesothelioma research & treatments and clinical trials, please visit
H. Richard Alexander, MD | Peritoneal Mesothelioma | Symposium 2009
Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation
Published on Nov 16, 2009
More videos about mesothelioma treatment available at Dr. Alexander's presentation from the International Symposium on Malignant Mesothelioma 2009, presented by the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation, in Washington, DC.
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