Opinions on laproscopic or partial

Hello, i was recently diagnosed with a 5cm renal mass located centrally in my right kidney.The urologist wants to order an mri to determine if its malignant. My question to you all, are their any surgeons who would try a partial  given the location of the mass?





  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    There is no one answer.



    In my day 15 years ago they yanked the whole thing out. Keep in mind that 5 cm is at the upper end of a partial and a full neph has a better chance their will not be a recurrance. Beyond those observations the answer you are looking for is above my paygrade. If you are uncertain get a second opinion and make sure thatt at least one of the doctors has a partial as part of his toolbox.




  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Partial takes a lot more

    Partial takes a lot more skill especially if it's in a difficult location. If they find that it is indeed malignant definitely search out experts in RCC surgery and seek at least two opinions on how to approach it.

    BRANDONBEN Member Posts: 5
    Thank you so much for your

    Thank you so much for your responses

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    edited October 2017 #5

    When I was first diagnosed I watched a few videos on Youtube about RCC surgery.  In one of the videos there was a doctor that was obviously well respected and incredibly skilled that did a centrally located tumor rumoval.  He said it was a difficult surgery, but it was possible.  My take-away is it's possible with the right surgeon. 

    Good luck to you
