Well...not out of the woods yet I think

randyradiohill Member Posts: 68 Member

My surgeon called today to talk about the results of my tumor.  Here is the path:  T3a NO M0...The tumor was 2.7cm and had broken containment of the kidney and into the renal vein.  My margins are negative...

He was very positive saying even though it's graded as a T3a, he doesn't think I'm going to have much chance of reoccurance.  I will be on a higher level of scans for the next 5 years.  

I missed quite a bit of what he was saying because once I heard T3, my mind exploded.  I wrote down as much as I could hear and wrote down questions.  We talked a little about the survivalbility, and he said as a T3, there was a 30% chance of it coming back.  However, he said because of the way they caught it, of that 30%, I was in a very small percentage of that....or something like that.

I have my official meeting with him on the 14th, so I will be more prepared with questions and have my wits about me better.  

I'm back to being scared, but the overall conversation with him left me feeling like I've got a better outlook than the report shows.  I guess well see...


  • tango xray
    tango xray Member Posts: 26

    It's strange how our minds hear something and then completely tunes out or doesn't process anything that follows.... I will continue to hope the number is just that... a number on a report that means 'hell yeah, I am kicking t3a's ****!'

  • Magayon
    Magayon Member Posts: 16
    My path was also T3 which

    My path was also T3 which also involved the renal vein but not the surrounding fascia. The tumor was large enough to push a part of my large intestine that it was resected. Dr. Chang was happy with the results and he told me that the chance of recurring on the same side is 1% and on the other kidney is 3%. 

    I'm glad you're recovering well. I'll be back at Vandy also on 11/14 for another surgery to remove a lung nodule found on CT before my nephrectomy. I'm blessed to have another good thoracic surgeon.

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    edited October 2017 #4
    I understand the worry! Let's

    I understand the worry! Let's be positive about the fact there is over a 70% chance it WON'T come back!!!!! Wishing you a speedy recovery, positive thoughts and peace.

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    I would advise

    Get a copy of your pathology report, if you don't have an on-line version that you can print out and take a look at.  As your appt. nears, write down questions you have so when you get in there you won't forget.  If possible take someone with you, cause lots of times we hear one thing that throws us into a tailspin and then it's like our ears go deaf to the rest.

    Best wishes,


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Totally get the tuning out of

    Totally get the tuning out of info once we hear something we don't want to hear. And I can understand why you're disappointed and worried. But Annissa is right and 70 percent chance of it not coming back is a better way of looking at it. Also, the fact that the margins were negative is a good sign. Aggressive monitoring with frequent scans is going to catch anything (should it come back) while it's early. So that's good too. Once you talk to him about all your concerns and get your questions answered you'll feel better. All the best!

  • randyradiohill
    randyradiohill Member Posts: 68 Member
    edited October 2017 #7
    Magayon said:

    My path was also T3 which

    My path was also T3 which also involved the renal vein but not the surrounding fascia. The tumor was large enough to push a part of my large intestine that it was resected. Dr. Chang was happy with the results and he told me that the chance of recurring on the same side is 1% and on the other kidney is 3%. 

    I'm glad you're recovering well. I'll be back at Vandy also on 11/14 for another surgery to remove a lung nodule found on CT before my nephrectomy. I'm blessed to have another good thoracic surgeon.

    Thanks Magayon

    That makes me feel better.  I saw Dr Chang when I was in the hospital.  I feel good in the fact that even though it had broken containment, the margins were negative and there was nothing in the fascia either.  I found a study online yesterday comparing T3a diagnoses' with tumor size.  Bascially it said a T3a with a tumor smaller than 7cm was considered the same diagnosis as at T1.  Not sure  how acccurate that is but it makes me feel better.  I'm glad you're doing well and good luck on the 14th.  I'll be there that same day for the sit down with Dr Baroca.

  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154

    Thanks Magayon

    That makes me feel better.  I saw Dr Chang when I was in the hospital.  I feel good in the fact that even though it had broken containment, the margins were negative and there was nothing in the fascia either.  I found a study online yesterday comparing T3a diagnoses' with tumor size.  Bascially it said a T3a with a tumor smaller than 7cm was considered the same diagnosis as at T1.  Not sure  how acccurate that is but it makes me feel better.  I'm glad you're doing well and good luck on the 14th.  I'll be there that same day for the sit down with Dr Baroca.

    My tumor appeeared very near

    My tumor appeeared very near the renal artery and they were considering a radical because of fear of it being in the artery as well.  T3a was mentioned alot before the surgery and I remember how shocked I was for him to tell me that.  I burst into tears and my mind went bonkers.  I had my son and sister with me so they took over from there.  It turned out that it wasn't as close as it appeared on the CT.  I totally understand how your mind went off when you heard T3a.  Just remember they got it... and you are going to be monitored closely.  This cancer is a slow growing cancer.  Chances are you will be fine.  Don't let the worry of what if take over!  WE SURVIVED!  Live each day in that celebration and keep fighting the battle daily to keep winning!

  • randyradiohill
    randyradiohill Member Posts: 68 Member
    Angie1496 said:

    My tumor appeeared very near

    My tumor appeeared very near the renal artery and they were considering a radical because of fear of it being in the artery as well.  T3a was mentioned alot before the surgery and I remember how shocked I was for him to tell me that.  I burst into tears and my mind went bonkers.  I had my son and sister with me so they took over from there.  It turned out that it wasn't as close as it appeared on the CT.  I totally understand how your mind went off when you heard T3a.  Just remember they got it... and you are going to be monitored closely.  This cancer is a slow growing cancer.  Chances are you will be fine.  Don't let the worry of what if take over!  WE SURVIVED!  Live each day in that celebration and keep fighting the battle daily to keep winning!

    Thank you

    Thank you Angie...It helps alot.

  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154

    Thank you

    Thank you Angie...It helps alot.

    Everyday gets easier.  I know

    Everyday gets easier.  I know it is hard to let go of the worry.  I worried even after my followup visit.  Fretted about different things and would call my doctor to get clarification.  As the weeks have passed I have been able to push the worries to the back and let life become my focus.  I know where you are. I was there a month or so ago.  Its been 7 weeks since my surgery and I am less focused on the worry of RCC now than I was then.  Make your list of concerns and questions for your doctor and if possible have someone go with you that can listen and help you ask questions should you become overwhelmed with information.  I always had someone with me for every appointment because I knew I would be getting alot of information thrown at me at once.  You may want to ask the doctor can you use your phone's voice recorder to record the meeting so you can go back and listen later.  



  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    This is plenty

    to have happened to you. You will have to keep your seat belt strapped tight a while longer. Sometimes a procedure or drug or two become part of the deal. Remember none of us want to be here. But just focus on the fact that you are in an acute state right now. Keep yourself motivated.

  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    Also, consider your doctor

    Also, consider your doctor you belong to a small portion of the 30%, say 1/5 of that. That makes it 94% already!

  • randyradiohill
    randyradiohill Member Posts: 68 Member
    foxhd said:

    This is plenty

    to have happened to you. You will have to keep your seat belt strapped tight a while longer. Sometimes a procedure or drug or two become part of the deal. Remember none of us want to be here. But just focus on the fact that you are in an acute state right now. Keep yourself motivated.

    Thanks Fox

    It helps to have people like you to look up to.  You've been there and you're right, gotta keep the seat belt tightened awhile longer.

  • randyradiohill
    randyradiohill Member Posts: 68 Member

    Also, consider your doctor

    Also, consider your doctor you belong to a small portion of the 30%, say 1/5 of that. That makes it 94% already!

    That's how I look at it

    My surgeon was very positive and that is what I keep coming back to.  At this point there's nothing I can do expcet get over the next hrudle.