
Just joined I have an ENT appointment in 2 days.  I noticed a pea sized lump back middle of tongue it's maybe even smaller than that about 3mm.  Swollen lymph nodes in neck started a few weeks ago.  Went to 3 doctors and dentist for 5 months for what I thought wasnswollen large taste buds or thrush or infection and they gave me antibiotics and thrush medine and they didn't work so I decided to stick my finger way down my throat and tongue cause something seemed off and that's when I found it.  When I pull out my tongue (I have to pull it out hard to see it). I can see it in the back past the large taste buds   It's round and kinda hard.  Anyone have those symptoms prior.  It almost looks like a cyst but it's white so I'm concerned it's a tumor.  Was having trouble swallowing for months but just thought my tongue was swollen.  Funny I eat better now but it throbs sometimes.  I pray If it is cancer they can easily remove it and it hasn't spread.  Been doing the google shuffle this disease is scary.  Worse case I hope they can use a laser or something not sure if it is is a bad spot about the length of a finger from front of tongue to the back past the taste buds.  Smoked for 10 years so I think I'm screwed.


  • MitchellM
    MitchellM Member Posts: 48
    the ent will put your mind at

    the ent will put your mind at ease. They’ll be able to scope and biopsy, if necessary. Also, you have large lingual tonsils and taste buds that are back there and that might be what it is. It’s funny how us (ex) tobacco users always seem to be more paranoid now than when we were smoking or dipping in my case. Just have faith that it’ll be ok and it’s hard to say, but just keep calm till you get the definitive answer. I’ve been running in circles for the last two months and still don’t have answers, but have come to understand that constant worrying doesn’t do us any benefit in the end. 

  • youcandoit
    youcandoit Member Posts: 3
    MitchellM said:

    the ent will put your mind at

    the ent will put your mind at ease. They’ll be able to scope and biopsy, if necessary. Also, you have large lingual tonsils and taste buds that are back there and that might be what it is. It’s funny how us (ex) tobacco users always seem to be more paranoid now than when we were smoking or dipping in my case. Just have faith that it’ll be ok and it’s hard to say, but just keep calm till you get the definitive answer. I’ve been running in circles for the last two months and still don’t have answers, but have come to understand that constant worrying doesn’t do us any benefit in the end. 

    Thanks it's not a taste bud

    Thanks it's not a taste bud for sure.  It's a lump behind them. And something just doesn't feel right.  

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    welcome to the H&N forum, sorry that you are here, but you haven’t had your cancer card punched yet.  We (most members) consider you without cancer until it has been officially determined.  I know some people can tell just by pulling on their tongue, but we prefer to have a positive biopsy by an ENT. That may not sound fair, but there are only so many rad machines to go around.

    I am sorry for your stress and it may be well founded, but try and relax and research Dr. Goggle with one eye closed.  By your description I do not know what it is?  I actually had an ulcer on my lower tongue, but did not know it.  A swollen lymph node rang the warning bell.

    While smoking may not be good for you, it does not guarantee cancer.  Even if it did cause cancer, you are not officially screwed until your doctor runs wildly out of the room.  I am sure that has not happened, so I am  guessing you will be in the que for diagnosis for now and maybe more later.

    Good luck.


  • MitchellM
    MitchellM Member Posts: 48

    Thanks it's not a taste bud

    Thanks it's not a taste bud for sure.  It's a lump behind them. And something just doesn't feel right.  

    Completely understand! i know

    Completely understand! i know that same feeling but I can tell you, a good ENT will be able to scope it in the office and give you a solid answer / tell you if it needs to be biopsied. Hell, you can explain how it’ll put your mind at ease if they do and a good doctor should listen. Have you made sure the ENT can scope you in his/her office? 

  • youcandoit
    youcandoit Member Posts: 3
    CivilMatt said:



    welcome to the H&N forum, sorry that you are here, but you haven’t had your cancer card punched yet.  We (most members) consider you without cancer until it has been officially determined.  I know some people can tell just by pulling on their tongue, but we prefer to have a positive biopsy by an ENT. That may not sound fair, but there are only so many rad machines to go around.

    I am sorry for your stress and it may be well founded, but try and relax and research Dr. Goggle with one eye closed.  By your description I do not know what it is?  I actually had an ulcer on my lower tongue, but did not know it.  A swollen lymph node rang the warning bell.

    While smoking may not be good for you, it does not guarantee cancer.  Even if it did cause cancer, you are not officially screwed until your doctor runs wildly out of the room.  I am sure that has not happened, so I am  guessing you will be in the que for diagnosis for now and maybe more later.

    Good luck.


    Lol thanks.  Trying to be

    Lol thanks.  Trying to be positive but I can see the lump and it looks scary.  Hoping small is good but the lumph nodes scare me that it spread.  My wife is also HPV + so that's not great either.

  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    While it certainly 'could' be

    While it certainly 'could' be cancer - it could also be other things. 

    Things I look for when I see an ENT (because trust me, they don't all do this). Does he listen patiently to your description of symptoms? Does he do a thorough exam? Does he run a scope up your nasal cavity and into your throat? Does he offer to needle biopsy your swollen node(s)? My first ENT did none of those things and my second did all of them.

    Also, don't necessarily take the ENT's/oncologist's word for it if they want to go straight to surgery and start cutting out nodes or tumors. Get a second or even third opinion if you feel it's necessary. The doctors don't have to live with the treatment plan - you do.

    The cancer center i went to (Stephenson Cancer Center in OKC) believes in not cutting unless absolutely necessary and have a long histroy of successfully treating people without surgey.

  • Tonita
    Tonita Member Posts: 197 Member
    edited October 2017 #8
    MitchellM said:

    the ent will put your mind at

    the ent will put your mind at ease. They’ll be able to scope and biopsy, if necessary. Also, you have large lingual tonsils and taste buds that are back there and that might be what it is. It’s funny how us (ex) tobacco users always seem to be more paranoid now than when we were smoking or dipping in my case. Just have faith that it’ll be ok and it’s hard to say, but just keep calm till you get the definitive answer. I’ve been running in circles for the last two months and still don’t have answers, but have come to understand that constant worrying doesn’t do us any benefit in the end. 

    Being a smoker actually got

    Being a smoker actually got me to seed medical attention a lot sooner than maybe someone who didn't smoke.  I knew when what I thought was a canker sore didn't heal that it was a tumor.  Oral surgeon sent me directly to head and neck cancer doctor.  Caught it early so I had no chemo or radiation and I'm grateful for that.

  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    Waiting Game

    Sorry you have this to deal with. It surely is no fun as you've probably already read a lot of posts here.  Try to stay away from Google searching.  It is the most natural thing to do but it only seems to instill fear into people.  We here have the experience and know a lot more than a searh engine.

    Yes, they have something called TORS.  Trans Oral Robotic Surgery.  A robot arm per say controlled by the surgeon.  If it does end up being a tumor and they recommend surgery then they'll use that if they can't reach it through the mouth.  I had it done because my tumor was way down low where I never saw it.  With TORS, it allows the surgeon to get to places the human hand cannot.  Works really well if they do go that route,

    But you are jumping the gun here.  Do what the others have said and wait for the results.  Always hope for the benign biopsy instead of thinking how bad it will be.  A positive attitude is very helpful with any disease.  Once they know what it is then they'll gather the team together for an action plan.

    If you've read a lot of threads on this forum then you know that the vast majority of us have recovered quite well.  There are even stage 4 members who have no evidence of disease now. (NED) So you're in good company even if you need treatment.  This is a support site and that is what we will do.  Everyone here helped me through my procedure and I'm 5 years out of treatment and doing great.  Every case is different.

    Welcome to the forum and I hope it all turns out great for you.