I made it thru...now on to healing

randyradiohill Member Posts: 68 Member

Well, it's over and now I'm on to recovery....I'm not gong to lie, it was tougher than I expected, but not what you think.  I went into surgery last Thursday morning, they had me prepped and under anesthesia.  My heart then started doing weird rhythms so they stopped, pulled me out of surgery and called in a cariologist.  They cardiolgist looked at the readings and said in 26 years he's never seen anything like it.  He indicated even though the rhythms were weird, it wasn't dangerous so he wasn't worried.  So I laid in recovery all day while they decided what to do.  At 5:30 that night they rolled me back in, they put me out again and they did the surgery.  It went well (I did have the weird rhythms again) but I'm glad it's done.

The surgery lasted a little over 4 hours and I was out of recovery a little after midnight on Friday.  The reovery is what was tough.  I have never handled anesthesia or pain meds well.  I get sick, foggy and all of my bodily functions shuts down and it's hard to get them started.  I was up walking at midday on Firday and was able to eat a little food.  On Saturday my bladder and bowels still weren't working so they put the catheter back in and started giving me suppositories.  On Sunday morning, from 2am til 6am I did nothing but walk, sit in the chair and toilet.  Finally, just after 6am things broke loose and I was able to have a bowel movement.  They sent me home at noon on Sunday.

The surgery itself hasn't really been a problem.   I have had zero pain, I have no trouble getting up and down and I'm eating a little and drinking as much as I can.  I did take 1 oxicodone last night before bed because I wasn't sure if I would wake up in pain.  All it did was make me feel bad and put me back into a fog, so I won't be doing that again.  I was able to shower and feel more alive today.

I know there are several of you that are real close to having surgery like mine  and Tucker and AnniissaP are nervous.  Just to let you guys know the surgery isn't bad at all and I just hope you guys handle the meds and anethesia better than me.  I have to keep the cath in til next week then I should be good to go.

Thanks for all the valuable information on here.  It's really helped.  Anyone who doesn't know. ginger ale has bee a lifesaver for me in keeping my stomach under control and things moving.



  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154
    I’m sorry you had such an

    I’m sorry you had such an ordeal with your surgery!  I hope you continue to do well at home. I’ve only had problems with anesthesia once before and I know it’s not fun. 

  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    I am sorry to hear the

    I am sorry to hear the complications, but at least you can put them behind you! Wish you a speedy recovery!!

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    Oh wow. I have been thinking

    Oh wow. I have been thinking about you and wondering how you have been doing. Sorry to hear it was a tough go for you. I am glad you are on the mend and that this will soon be behind you. Thank you for posting so we know how you are. Also, I will def remember the gingerale when my turn comes around!! Thanks again!!

  • kiwi68
    kiwi68 Member Posts: 110
    Good for you.

    Glad to see you are up and about and have made it through.   Don't forget to get a report from that cardiac dr and the anesthetist in case you ever need another surgery, (god forbid), you may not have great recollection fo what they were recording on your charts.   

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

     and heal.  You made it.  In another week or less you'll have your pathology.  Hopefully, the report will confirm some things for you and provide you with some relief.  Take care!


  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    edited October 2017 #7
    Glad to hear

    Glad to hear you did well with your surgery in spite of the wonky heart rhythms and reactions to anesthesia and pain meds.  I was in horrible foggy pain after my surgery... due to being allergic to the Tylenol as it turned out. Once I quit that, I felt as though I'd rejoined the human race, even though I was walking my relay legs 5 minutes at a time.  

    All the best as you continue your mending and recovering --

  • Canadian Sandy
    Canadian Sandy Member Posts: 784 Member
    Sorry to hear you had those

    Sorry to hear you had those extra problems. Your on the road to recovery now. My turn is next April. Glad it’s all over for you.

  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member
    edited October 2017 #9
    Yippe All Done

    oh dear you did have an ordeal.   Poor you your poor wife must be in bits


    However all behind you.  Thank god you don’t have to endure three months of chemo.  That would have been a non starter for you


    Odds you all fixed and just need your report now


    Rest for you young man.  No shortcuts




  • Retcenturion
    Retcenturion Member Posts: 240 Member
    Scary stuff

    Wow what a day! So glad you came out of your surgeries okay. Your family must have been so scared. Try and rest and listen to Your body it gets better each day. One thing I had happened was night sweats post op.I learned here it was from annestia and it lasted a couple of weeks. Positive thoughts for fast recovery.

  • DreamOnDeb
    DreamOnDeb Member Posts: 112
    Yay, Randy!  You will feel

    Yay, Randy!  You will feel better and better every day!  My husband was the one who went through this, but my advice would be to take as little pain medication as possible.  The pain meds can definitely mess with your head big time and cause depression.    

  • love_of_my_life
    love_of_my_life Member Posts: 77
    Get better!

    So glad you are getting through this.  Get rest and start planning all the things you are going to be doing once 100% again!

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Dang Randy!

    You had to be different huh?  LOL  So sorry to hear that your heart needed to be center of attention and steal the show, albeit temporarily, but at least you got thru the intended surgery.  I can totally identify with the lack of pain and reaction to meds.  Was thankful beyond words can utter for the small amount of pain I experienced.  Uncomfortable & sore yes, but pain, no.  And the meds make me feel a ton worse, so I too only took them once after getting home and never again.

    Another week or so and you'll be feeling much better, be patient with yourself now.  You're body has been thru a lot and is working overtime to heal.  Do your walking and breathing exercises and get plenty of rest.


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    So sorry to hear about the

    So sorry to hear about the anesthesia and heart issues but glad that it's over and you don't have much pain. It took me a long time to get a visit from the poop fairy; almost a week. Happy to hear things are working and you're on the mend. Feel well!

  • Trucker1
    Trucker1 Member Posts: 82
    edited October 2017 #15
    All righty then

    I hate you had the extra complications! !! Glad to be reading your post!!

    I hope recovery is quick and as painless as possible.

    Cheers to being back to 100 percent!!!

  • tango xray
    tango xray Member Posts: 26

    Glad to hear you are on the mend .... sorry about the set backs prior to your surgery!


  • BoondockSaint
    BoondockSaint Member Posts: 242 Member
    Good news. Now it's on to

    Good news. Now it's on to recover. Rest, rest and when you get tired of resting, rest some more. Haha


  • randyradiohill
    randyradiohill Member Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks everyone

    For the thoughts and prayers.  Things are feeling better every day.  I appreciate the support.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Glad you are on your way to

    Glad you are on your way to full recovery. Sorry for what you went through. 

    And I swear I answered your post, just yesterday, yet I don't see it!

    I am very sensitive to medications. After my nephrectomy I had weird feelings/responses from the half life left over from General Anesthesia then adding oral pain meds. Hallucinations, unsure where I was..weird stuff.

    Glad your pain is zero..good for you!

    Keep us posted as to how you are doing,

    Hugs, Jan

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    Sorry to hear you had tough

    Sorry to hear you had tough time but really happy to know it's past. Wishing you uneventful recovery

    Here's to your cancer free body

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    edited October 2017 #21
    Hope you are healing just

    Hope you are healing just fine!!!!