


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Ok so kidney scan fine but

    Ok so kidney scan fine but they saw a nodule on my lung on the X-ray and want a CT scan. Naturally stressing my butt off. He said he was unconcerned and at first said we'll do it next year along with other tests but then called me after I left and thought we should do it sooner. I'm going to do it back home since I can't fly to NY again in two weeks. So I'm happy about kidney but concerned about that nodule. 

  • Scottie22
    Scottie22 Member Posts: 99 Member
    APny said:

    Ok so kidney scan fine but

    Ok so kidney scan fine but they saw a nodule on my lung on the X-ray and want a CT scan. Naturally stressing my butt off. He said he was unconcerned and at first said we'll do it next year along with other tests but then called me after I left and thought we should do it sooner. I'm going to do it back home since I can't fly to NY again in two weeks. So I'm happy about kidney but concerned about that nodule. 

    Great news on the kidney scan

    Great news on the kidney scan but sorry you have to go through another scan on your lung.  From what you say it would appear that your doctor is using an abundance of caution in having it checked now rather than later.  I know the stress that comes along with this and feel for you but hang in there it will all work out.. Wishing you well!


  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    Oh Apny, sorry to hear about

    Oh Apny, sorry to hear about new worry. I would worry like hell too.

    But as we know, nodules can be on lungs due to many-many things, they pop up after chest infection or smth and never change. And remember recent Donna's case, her lung growth appeared to be ņothing!

    I hope you'll be able to wait for scans more or less calmly, and that they turn out allright!


  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    It must be stressful to here

    It must be stressful to here the news, but I think it is because the doctor knows that your are worry and rather do the test earlier to ease your mind instead of waiting for another year!!!  (my doctor knows that I am the anxious type, so he always wanna to reassure me). With the primary tumor that size, I believe you will just be fine!

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Prayers for you Apny

    Please keep us posted.


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    edited October 2017 #27
    Thanks guys. It's just so

    Thanks guys. It's just so disappointing after being told it can wait then wham, get a call that it can't. And I'm not in NY anymore so I flew up for the tests. If he told me right away while in the office I'd have extended my trip and insisted on a CT scan right away. But he let me go back to hotel and then I get the call. Now I either have to done it down in Florida or go back up. I really don't know what to do. And I'm worried why he changed his mind. I guess stressing is not going to do any good but I can't help it. He even said it's most likely nothing to do with kidney but then there's always the chance that it's another primary.

  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member
    edited October 2017 #28
    I feel terrible now

    I hope you don’t not think I didn’t sound sympathetic. I was trying to gee you up for the good news I thought you were going to get.  Sorry (lession learned)

    You are no doubt panicking as is understandable

    when do you think you will get the test done


    I am praying like crazy that this is nothing or something very treatable

    what size of nodule is it  it must be very small if they were originally going to wait six months

    it sounds like surgeon has spoke to someone else after you left and they decided to reschedule which is what you no doubt wanted in the first place


    I am Holding your hand all the way from uk






  • Optimisticgirl
    Optimisticgirl Member Posts: 82 Member
    Sorry about mixed report

    You can do the chest ct in Florida and the results can be uploaded by Dr in NY, correct?  Perhaps he is being supercautious and wanting you to get results asap.  

    Hoping whatever it is turns out to be nothing serious.  


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member

    I feel terrible now

    I hope you don’t not think I didn’t sound sympathetic. I was trying to gee you up for the good news I thought you were going to get.  Sorry (lession learned)

    You are no doubt panicking as is understandable

    when do you think you will get the test done


    I am praying like crazy that this is nothing or something very treatable

    what size of nodule is it  it must be very small if they were originally going to wait six months

    it sounds like surgeon has spoke to someone else after you left and they decided to reschedule which is what you no doubt wanted in the first place


    I am Holding your hand all the way from uk






    Oh no, of course I don't

    Oh no, of course I don't think that, Annie. Never for a second. I think he may have spoken to somene else too. Why else the change of mind? At first he said next year! (I go for yearly now since everything was clear). I've no idea of size because the report hasn't been uploaded to my portal yet. He was so nonchalant discussing it at first. Like, no worries, he's not concerned, blah blah. We'll CT it a year from now. I've no idea when we'll do it because I'm back in Florida and they need to send me the CT request. Then I have to find a place to do it. Thank you so much for concern.

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member

    Sorry about mixed report

    You can do the chest ct in Florida and the results can be uploaded by Dr in NY, correct?  Perhaps he is being supercautious and wanting you to get results asap.  

    Hoping whatever it is turns out to be nothing serious.  


    Thank you. Yes, I hope it can

    Thank you. Yes, I hope it can just be uploaded to NY. Or I may go back and do it there. I don't know what to do and what would be best. Hope it's nothing too.

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    edited October 2017 #32
    Spoken to someone or simply

    Spoken to someone or simply thought about it again and quite prudently decided to cover his back. Imagine - a nodule is discovered on the lung of a patient with cancer history, and he does nothing for a year! Too dangerous for him, of course he decided to be too cautious and check now. 

    I know that advise to stress less won't help. But even in the worst case scenario ( a met or a new primary) it would be very treatable in both cases (I've googled today. Don't do that yourself please!) And I also read that nodules are very common and majority is benign. So first docs reaction shows that he is pretty confident it's nothing.

    Can you call him and ask if OK to have a scan at home and then upload? I find that having a clear "plan of attack" always helps me not to stress.

    And I'll say it again - think of Donna's lung tumor, they almost biopsied her, and it appeared to be nothing!

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Allochka, you're right of

    Allochka, you're right of course. And the sane part of my mind says the same thing: that to wait for a year with someone who has a cancer history would be negligent. But the crazy part of me wishes we did wait. I know, stupid sticking my head in the sand. I keep telling myself it's probably nothing but when the last 7 x-rays showed nothing and then sudenly there's something I can't help obsessing that it's a met or a primary.

    He did say I can do it down here in Florida but I don't know what would be smartest. Do it where they always did it (Sloan Kettering) or in a new place.

    I'm sorry I'm going on and on about this but it's very scary especially since nothing showed up on all those 7 prior checkups since my surgery in 2014. I really appreciate everyone's patience, help, and support.

  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member
    edited October 2017 #34
    Apny I can't

    Apny,  I can't imagine what you're going through.  The stress of these scans are awful.  Just want you to know I am thinking about you and saying a prayer for you. 


  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    edited October 2017 #35
    Apny, no need to be sorry, we

    Apny, no need to be sorry, we are here for you!

    I've heard that  if you started the scans in a certain facility it is better to continue them in the same one (same equipment, same techs, same radiologists, etc) . But you have never had chest CT before right? Then perhaps it doesn't matter where to make it? Can you have them in Florida, reviewed by local radiologist, and then upload for your NY doc, where he can show them to his radiologists? Thus you'll get 2 opinions.

    I wish it turns out nothing!

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    You guys are the best. I'm so

    You guys are the best. I'm so appreciative I can't even say. Foroughsh, wishing you the very best results on your upcoming checkup. It's so true that staying calm is easier said than done.

    I'm still undecided on where to do it. No, I haven't had a chest CT since 2004 when they did find a harmless nodule. Maybe this is the same one. I've no idea. Thank you again for all the good wishes and understanding. Friends and family are of course supportive and loving but honestly, only you on this forum truly get it.

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    Do you have old records? Can

    Do you have old records? Can tou compare x-ray results? Like same lung, same lung segment.. Perhaps it is really the same, and all worry is for nothing? previous x-rays could have missed it, and the last one did see it...

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Like I said, I have had seven

    Like I said, I have had seven x-rays as follow up after my surgery and none showed anything. And the latest one that does has not been uploaded to my portal yet so I can't compare it to the ancient one I had in 2004 that sent me for the CT scan back then. But yes, it's possible that they missed it before; what's scaring me is that perhaps it grew fast to this size that they can finally see it. My last one in October 2016 showed nothing. As soon as it's posted I'll compare it to that old 13 year old x-ray/CT scan and see if it's even in the same location.

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    That would be great! But I

    That would be great! But I won’t be surprised if it is the same one, just not mentioned on previous x-rays. My husband has some lung fibrosis from pneumonias. Sometimes it is mentioned on his x-rays, sometimes not. But it is always there.

    please keep us posted!

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Thanks so much Allochka. You

    Thanks so much Allochka. You're so supportive and make me feel better!

  • sandy23
    sandy23 Member Posts: 143 Member
    edited October 2017 #41
    I just wanted you to know

    I just wanted you to know that we are here for you.  Have you had any type of allergy or virus?  I'm pretty sure any of those sort of things can cause a lung nodule.  If your doctor was originally willing to wait a year, he must feel pretty confident that it's nothing.