Nervous Newbie

tango xray
tango xray Member Posts: 26

I am still waiting on my results from yesterday's bone scan and chest xray...

But I have an appointment next week at MD Anderson and need to take all imaging and reports with me.  While gathering the reports I was able to see the findings of my CT Scan from 9/29/17:

There is a heterogeneous primarily solid enhancing mass arising from the superior pole of the left kidney posteriorly.  This measures approximately 4.6 x 3.5 cm in greatest axial dimensions at about 4.2 cm in craniocaudal dimension.  There is displacement of the superior pole calyx on the left with possible invasion.  There is no apparent renal vein invasion.  The left adrenal gland appears normal.  This mass is inseparable from the medial aspects of the left hemidiaphragm posteriorly.

I was told the mass appeared very close to my diaphragm but does the wording 'inseparable' mean it can't be separated from the diaphragm or they can't tell if the mass is connected to the diaphragm?

I guess the waiting and unknown have me nervous....



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member


    Smallenough that you  should have an uneventful surgery. For the chest xray see if they mean Chest CT instead. A chest CT shows more in the lungs.  Mine was 15 years ago.



  • tango xray
    tango xray Member Posts: 26
    icemantoo said:


    Smallenough that you  should have an uneventful surgery. For the chest xray see if they mean Chest CT instead. A chest CT shows more in the lungs.  Mine was 15 years ago.



    Thank you for the reassurance

    Thank you for the reassurance Icemantoo.  I will double check the wording of yesterday's chest test.

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    I wish you all the best. Ask

    I wish you all the best. Ask them every single question that you can think of!! I sure did and felt better once I had answers.

  • sandy23
    sandy23 Member Posts: 143 Member
    edited October 2017 #5
    My husband's report had

    My husband's report had similar wording but was on the right side.  For him, it meant that the tumor was pressing on his liver and they couldn't see the space between them.  It doesn't mean that it is attached or invading, or anything like that.  Those words are so scary and hard to believe, aren't they?  You will be just fine and we are all here for you.

  • Retcenturion
    Retcenturion Member Posts: 240 Member
    Try not to think about tests

    It was so hard to wait on tests that were done. I 'll say it but didn't do it myself... try and relax, don't let your mind imagine something that could happen.. try and concentrate on a positive result. Sending thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    Welcome, Tango

    I'm glad you found us.  I know, (so does everybody else on this board) what you are going through.  You have a lot of questions and the uncertainty can eat you up, but try to focus on the positive.  1. your mass is relatively small (still stage 1), 2.  You have an appointment with one of the best RCC facilities in the country, 3.  The description of the CT scan shows that it probably is contained in the kidney,  4. You can grow one heck of a goatee! 

    In all seriousness, try to shift your thinking.  Believe it or not, we are the lucky ones to find the mass in the early stages.  Many on this board would have loved to be this fortunate.

    Good luck and keep us updated.


  • tango xray
    tango xray Member Posts: 26

    Thank you all so much.... I did hear back from the urologist yesterday with great news - bone scan and chest xray were normal, so I can proceed with my October 23rd appointment at MD Anderson.  It is comforting knowing that you all have or have had some of these same thoughts, fears, tests, etc.

    Thanks again, my fellow cancer fighters!!

    And yes, my goatee is badass!  LOL


  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154
    Dear Badass Goatee...

    Dear Badass Goatee...

    wonderful news!  Until surgery try to keep the worrying to a minimum. i know it’s hard. I walked the same shoes. My tumor was almost the same size as yours. It was removed 6 weeks ago today. Mine appeared very close to the renal artery and I was prepared for them to take the entire kidney but once they got inside it wasn’t as deep as it appeared on both ct’s And was slightly smaller. Best wishes and prayers for the best report from MD Anderson!



  • BoondockSaint
    BoondockSaint Member Posts: 242 Member
    I think your RCC Demon will

    I think your RCC Demon will "Fear the Beard" when this is all said and done And sent right back to Hell.

    While I didn't have to go thru the actual surgery I can tell you from a spouses perspective, it sucks equally as bad. 

    Im glad you have a plan going forward, time to excecute the plan and get back to badassery. Is that even a word? Well it is now. Haha

    Praying for you brother..... Lean on family and friends and all us here on this board. It saved my sanity when my wife was diagnosed back in March.

    Boondock out!!


  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154

    I think your RCC Demon will

    I think your RCC Demon will "Fear the Beard" when this is all said and done And sent right back to Hell.

    While I didn't have to go thru the actual surgery I can tell you from a spouses perspective, it sucks equally as bad. 

    Im glad you have a plan going forward, time to excecute the plan and get back to badassery. Is that even a word? Well it is now. Haha

    Praying for you brother..... Lean on family and friends and all us here on this board. It saved my sanity when my wife was diagnosed back in March.

    Boondock out!!


    Fear the Beard!! Love it!

    Fear the Beard!! Love it!

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Welcome and I think.... need to change your name, thanx to Boondock.....Fear the Beard.....hilarious!  haha

    Now, for the scan results.  As someone else mentioned, doesn't necessarily mean that it can't be separated, just an inseparable appearance. 

    Best wishes, keep us posted and try to find calmness in the fact that it has been discovered and you are well on your way to figuring out the next step in your adventure.


  • tango xray
    tango xray Member Posts: 26

    I am cracking up.... the badass goatee -  fear the beard -  in my profile picture is my husband!  LOL

    I can now see how my screen name could be gender neutral and how my silly sense of humor didn't clarify... thanks for the laughs and know my hubby has a few new nicknames :-)


  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member

    LOL  How horrible we somehow made the assumption that he was the patient Sherrine.  But a few posts back you said "And yes, my goatee is badass!"

    Oh well.....funny nevertheless.  We're all about the laughs here.


  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    Please accept my apology.  I think I started this mess.  Looking at your profile picture I can gurantee you've never been mistaken for your husband--but his goatee is badass:)


  • tango xray
    tango xray Member Posts: 26
    Still Laughing

    I am still laughing as I read these to my husband... the badass goatee beard fearing spouse. I totally wasn't even thinking that ya'll didn't know I was a she.... laughing is the best medicine!

  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member
    Hope you get a date soon

     keep us informed and Good Luck



  • BoondockSaint
    BoondockSaint Member Posts: 242 Member
    Bawahahaha x 1000.........we

    Bawahahaha x 1000.........we crack ourselves up on here sometimes. takes a team to beat this mess. A good team of Doctors and nurses, a team of family and friends ( be it in real time or on this message board) and most importantly the 2 of you.

    Life comes at ya fast and having a good TEAM is priceless.


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    I wanna know

    what you and your husband ride. Gotta be a bagger.