Treatment with xofigo

sharn Member Posts: 3

My brother is pondering whether to do this treatment or not. The drawbacks seem heavily weighted against the benefits. Has anyone of you or your loved ones gone through this treatment and can offer data/experience that I can relay to him?



  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,575 Member
    Need more info

    regarding your brother's prostate status/history to give a reasoned response to your post

  • slickjy
    slickjy Member Posts: 26
    edited September 2017 #3

     I am in midst of Xofigo treatment, just had 3 in series of 6 IV injections.  Since I don't know your brother's history, you can look at my history to see if similarities exist. .... at any rate, I have had ZERO ill effects as result of any of these injections, but doctors are very cautious and watchgful of my various blood counts.  If white blood cells or absolute neutrophyls get too low, then injection is delayed until the counts "come back".  


    Good luck to you and your family!

  • Not so Patient
    Not so Patient Member Posts: 4

    Help please!

    I just started Xofigo treatment.  My doctor does infusion/injection once every 5 weeks instead of Xofigo's specified 4 weeks.  Has anyone else received Xofigo at other than the 4 week intervial?

  • slickjy
    slickjy Member Posts: 26


    Help please!

    I just started Xofigo treatment.  My doctor does infusion/injection once every 5 weeks instead of Xofigo's specified 4 weeks.  Has anyone else received Xofigo at other than the 4 week intervial?

    Xofigo Intervals

    I have had 3 Xofigo infusion/injections thus far, and though the intended schedule was 4 weeks between each, I could not adhere to that due to my travel schedule.  My oncologist said that extension of time between treatments is OK, it's just that reduction of that 4 weeks is NOT OK.  As it turned out, the required 4 weeks minimum was extensively increased between my 1st & 2nd treatments, not only due to travel, but also because my white blood cell counts were too low for awhile.

    My first Xofigo treatment was May 9th, 2nd was Aug 22nd, third was Sep 26th.  My 4th is scheduled for Nov 7th, again delayed a bit due to my travel schedule.

    Good luck with your treatments.  As an aside, I have had no side affects whatsoever.