Going there...

Got the news this morning that my dad has stage 4a (possibly 4b-have to have a pet scan) squamous cell carcinoma. He had a tonsillectomyon 9/27. They said it was in lymph nodes. They want to do PET scan, dental appt and then feed tube. 

I guess I am still in denial but does anyone have any expierence with cannabis oil? I have read several published studies as well as the infamous Dennis Hill and Rick Simpson. Not looking for miracle cure (even though I would love it if it was) but even used in conjenction with radiation and chemo. I read it can greatly help with the side effects. 

And no, it's not legal for us but if it's a viable option then that will not stop me.

Not looking to start a debate; only looking for insight for those that have tried it. Wink


Thank you and I am so glad I have found this site!! Very informative and will be great support! 


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Welcome to the H&N forum, sorry about your Dad.  I was stage IVa, SCC, base of tongue, 1 lymph node, hpv+ (surgery, rads & Erbitux).

    There are a number of things which claim to cure cancer, but the traditional methods used today have the greatest success rate as a cancer treatment.

    I wish your Dad good luck going forward and hope his treatment plan has few side effects.


  • Klingels
    Klingels Member Posts: 78
    Was Recommended

    Cannabis oil was recommended to my husband by his healthcare team. We live in California. It was suggested to help with pain and to help encourage his appetite. However, he chose not to try it.

  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    I used THC patches that came

    I used THC patches that came from Colorado during treatment to help with side effects. Honestly, I have no idea how much they helped. All I do know is that my experience with treatment was far smoother than many others. I never once threw-up and my overall sick feeling was limited to about the same degree as the flu. Was that because of the THC? Like I said, i don't know. But it certainly didn't make things worse and I have no explanation for why my side effects were so relatively minor.

    I did consult with my doctor. He said i should do what I felt I needed to do and that while there was no proof it would work, he didn't see the harm.

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member
    I didnt..

    No nausea, no vomiting, no feeding tube, barely any pain (tylenol)


    Standard treatments are what you make of them


    I believe if you go in with a "woe is me" attitude, everything will suck


    If you go in with a "I got this" attitude, apart from a rude wake up call, you will do much better.


    Your brain gets fuzzy with chemo, why would you make it fuzzier?

  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    SuzJ said:

    I didnt..

    No nausea, no vomiting, no feeding tube, barely any pain (tylenol)


    Standard treatments are what you make of them


    I believe if you go in with a "woe is me" attitude, everything will suck


    If you go in with a "I got this" attitude, apart from a rude wake up call, you will do much better.


    Your brain gets fuzzy with chemo, why would you make it fuzzier?

    I agree that attitude goes a

    I agree that attitude goes a long way when it comes to getting through treatment. I think it definitely helped me. That said, I've now met plenty of people who had (and still have) a great outlook on life, but their treatment was not very smooth and filled with miserable side effects. 

    Every individual is different. A lot also has to do with your age, current overall physical health and luck. "I got this" or not, most people are going to react negatively to drugs like chemo (especially when combined with radiation).

    As for cannibis.... Not sure what you mean by "make it fuzzier." Sounds like you've never tried it and are relying on bias stereotypes. That's not the reaction I or anyone I know who has taken the regulated drug reacted. I've had far 'cloudier' reaction to prescription pain medications than to cannibis oil or THC patches. Most reaction is to simply feel calmer (far from 'fuzzy' brained).

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    THC has never been proven to cure cancer, period. Stay with the proven medical treatments for the cancer. THC, specifically CDB, does for many offer relief and stimulate appetite. CDB has little of the "high" so it is used more often for medicinal purposes. It also helps one sleep better. Again, not everything to everyone but why wouldn't one try anything if it helps keep weight on and offers better sleep and pain relief. Some do, some don't.