Liver resection... Yes or no?

So my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer December 16. Had a right hemicolextiny. Well it was initially stage 3c but due to spots on her liver they changed it to stage 4.  She has had 12 cycles of folfox plus Avastin. Her CEA started rising in July.  A pet scan in August showed three lesions in liver all increased in size from last time. No other hotshots were noted. We've met with a liver surgeon who is ready to do a resection.  Her recent scan on 22 September shows these three lesions in liver... Again a few mm increase in size from August... And also omental thickening.  We are really worried now. We are in Pakistan and hipec isn't an option here. The hospitals in the US haven't given us a positive response at all. We just don't know what to do. The liver surgery is planned for 11 October.  Some doctors we talked to are telling us to not go for surgery at all as it is a lost cause to em already.  Has anyone had a similar situation?  We should still get the surgery?  And thn try for hipec after removal of omentum n all(provided the disease is limited to just omentum which we won't know till the open her up) 


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Hello Saraaa

    There are many here who have had liver resections, some have had mutliply.  I was about to have a liver resection, which is what my Oncologist wanted, but my liver surgeon said I was a candidate for a liver ablation (thermal).  I know that at the moment, they only do ablations on tumours that are below 2cm, and of course, the tumour has to be in an ablatable spot.  

    When the surgeon got in, he found my tumour to be 2.2 cm, but went ahead with the ablation. That was almost three and a half years ago. 

    I don't know if your ablation would be an option for your mum, but its worth looking in to. 

    I wish your mum all the luck in the world. Keep in touch. 


  • Saraaaa
    Saraaaa Member Posts: 13
    Trubrit said:

    Hello Saraaa

    There are many here who have had liver resections, some have had mutliply.  I was about to have a liver resection, which is what my Oncologist wanted, but my liver surgeon said I was a candidate for a liver ablation (thermal).  I know that at the moment, they only do ablations on tumours that are below 2cm, and of course, the tumour has to be in an ablatable spot.  

    When the surgeon got in, he found my tumour to be 2.2 cm, but went ahead with the ablation. That was almost three and a half years ago. 

    I don't know if your ablation would be an option for your mum, but its worth looking in to. 

    I wish your mum all the luck in the world. Keep in touch. 


    Thank you so much tru. I've

    Thank you so much tru. I've been a silent reader here for a while now and you guys are so amazing.  We also want a liver resection. But now because of omental involvement many people are telling us it wouldnt be wise. I just don't know... Ur doomed if you do and doomed if you don't? But then people have had their omentums removed as well so maybe it's worth a shot? We are all so depressesd right now. 

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    Saraaaa, my story was very

    Saraaaa, my story was very similar, 111b initially, did all the folfox after the original colectomy, rising CEA at 2 years out, three spots in my liver, three scoops in the surgery, staedy then a rising CEA again, 2ish years out, surgery for one liver mass, now over three years NED. Click on my name for more details, but my attitude with the surgeons was "I want it out". They offered the other options, but for me, surgery was the right choice. Just offering my experience for consideration. Good fortune to your mom and you on this choice and fight..........................Dave