Partial open nephrectomy new to this site....schelduled for open partial nephrectomy on Oct 23rd.....just wanted to know what I'm in for and what to expect after surgery...




  • Anthony S
    Anthony S Member Posts: 2
    edited September 2017 #2
    One of my biggest concerns is

    One of my biggest concerns is a bulge....any thoights????



  • nbenabe
    nbenabe Member Posts: 8
    Hi Anthony. i had a partial

    Hi Anthony. i had a partial nephrectomy June 26. I stayed in the hospital for 8 days after and I was in a lot of back pain. After surgery I woke up extremely cold and I had lost lots of blood during surgery so I needed a blood trans after. Besides that, I walked as much as I co around the hospital and I used the breathing pump a lot it is important. One thing that was annoying to me was the med students becabuse they came in a lot especially at night while I was sleeping to touch my  incision. i got bit depressed because of the swelling and how scarred I was but its okay to not feel like yourself at first. i had to sleep in a recliner when I got home because laying down on a straight bed hurt a lot. they tried to give me perks but I  really itchy and felt really really out of it so they gave me oxycodon. I had a weird reaction to my joints a few days of being home which sent me to the ER I wonder if anyone has ever had this problem. wberytjing will be fine! 

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    Hi Anthony.  My in-hospital

    Hi Anthony.  My in-hospital experience was completely different from nbenabe.  I had a partial (robotic assisted lap) in June of 2016.  From the time I checked into the hospital until the time they threw me out was a total of 25-1/2 hours.  The only discomfort I had was from the catheter, but that came out the morning after the surgery.  I had a pulling sensation where the incisions were, but no pain and I didn't have to take any pain meds.  I asked for an incentive spyrometer (to help expand my lungs) and used that in the morning.  I also walked from the time they let me to the time they threw me out.

    If your procedure is anything like mine, a nurse will try to get you standing not too long after you get back to your room.  It sounds nuts, but it's an essential first step to recovery.

    And in terms of a bulge, I didn't have any.

    Best wishes for a really boring and uneventful procedure and a rapid recovery.

  • Pittston
    Pittston Member Posts: 26
    My son had his 1 month ago

    My son had his 1 month ago today at Memorial Sloan Kettering with Dr. Russo. He was in the hospital for 2 days and on pain killers but went home and started slowly walking around his neighborhood the third day. He stopped the pain killers once he got home and just took Tylenol. He stayed home from work two more weeks and back at work last week. 

    I wish you all the best.


  • Angiebby75
    Angiebby75 Member Posts: 208 Member
    same here

    I am due to have a open also and that is big concern. Have you been told what the recovery time is, and when could expect one to go back to work.

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    edited September 2017 #7
    I also had an open partial at

    I also had an open partial at Sloan Kettering by Dr. Russo. My experience was not nearly as bad as I had feared. It wasn't fun and yes there was some pain and discomfort but nothing like I made up in my imagination prior to surgery. A lot depends on how large the incision is and mine is only about 4 inches. So recovery was fairly easy. I had surgery on a Monday morning, up walking that evening, and home Wednesday. Thursday I was sitting at my computer doing work. I tapered off on the pain killers and stopped after about 10 days - 2 weeks max.

    A few things are important. Have them teach you how to roll in bed so you can get up on your own. Walk as much as possible and drink lots of water. Use the breathing apparatus they give you to keep your lungs clear. You won't have much appetite and that's normal. It'll also take a while to move your bowels so take some stool softeners. Use a pillow against the incision when coughing, sneezing, or laughing. All the best to you and don't let your imagination scare you.

    Oh, and about the bulge... yes, it'll be swollen for a while and take quite some time to go down. I don't have a bulge now just a slight indent where the incision scar is. Again, I think it depends on the size of the incision and where and how they cut.