
Angie1496 Member Posts: 154

I had a robotic Partial on Sept 6... almost 3 weeks ago.  I have been working from home since the Monday following Surgery. I would get up and not even put on clothes but log into my work network and answer calls, manage my group etc... Some days early on I was really tired etc and would take it easy but most days I was fine.  Didn't feel tired.  I am not a good patient.  My father didn't allow us to be "sick".  He made us get dressed and "do something" to make us feel better.  

My doc told me to start easing myself back into my normal routine so I went into the office this morning and by 11AM I was exhausted.  I came home at noon because I felt I needed to complete the day at home.  I am literally exhausted.  I want to take a nap. Should I be concerned?  Am I asking too much from my body?  I do walk more at work than I would at home but it doesnt seem that much more demanding.  I am really discouraged and worried that maybe since the surgery there is cancer that was missed or it did spread and they can't see it yet.  Is it normal to be so tired 3 weeks post neph?  


Thank you for being a place I can come to and get support.  


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    edited September 2017 #2
    I was the same way. I think

    I was the same way. I think everyone is a little different but I too got tired much more easily. I ended up being anemic on top of it all so do get your hemoglobin and iron levels checked. But 3 weeks is not that long so don't be discouraged. Try to walk more at home too to build up stamina.

  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154
    Before all this happened I

    Before all this happened I was at the gym 4 or 5 days a week on the elliptical and averaged about 15,000 steps a day.  Now I am pooped after 3,000.  The doctor said I could go to the gym again but I haven't tried it yet.  I guess when the incision pain is gone you still have healing you cant see happening.  I shopped yesterday with my sisters and didn't do a normal trip but did double my amount of activity.  I was tired after but not like this.  I am bone tired today if that makes sense?

  • BoondockSaint
    BoondockSaint Member Posts: 242 Member
    Slow down sister!! Haha

    Slow down sister!! Haha

    you sound just like my wife. Take it easy and listen to your body. It will let you know when to take it easy. Listen to it.

    you can't put a time table on the recover. Even 6 months post-op......my wife still has a day here and there, usually by weeks end that she has to "slow her roll"

    Be well and don't rush it.

  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154
    Thanks for making me laugh!

    Thanks for making me laugh!  I really feel like crying!  Before surgery everything was fine.  Except for this lil cancer tumor. :)  Now I feel like my body isn't mine. I tell it to do something and it says sorry... not sorry!  makes me want to have abunch of comfort food, movie night, a good cry and and a long nap all at once! 

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    You just had major abdominal surgery



    A partial involves a little more cutting. So don't let the words partial full you. Every thing you said is normal. Unless you push yourself too much the next 3 weeks should be easier. I think they still have the "operation game" in the toy  store.





  • BoondockSaint
    BoondockSaint Member Posts: 242 Member
    Haha....I can understand. I

    Haha, Angie...I can understand. I see the frustration on my wife's face at times even tho she tries to hide it. You sure ya'll aren't long lost sisters??? You'll get there though.

    Rome wasn't built in a day.

  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154
    So I am running a low grade

    So I am running a low grade fever.  This happened last week when I went in for half a day.  Felt like poop and felt really tired and rundown.  Ran a low grade fever all night last Monday as well.  

  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154

    Haha....I can understand. I

    Haha, Angie...I can understand. I see the frustration on my wife's face at times even tho she tries to hide it. You sure ya'll aren't long lost sisters??? You'll get there though.

    Rome wasn't built in a day.

    I hate needed to depend on

    I hate needed to depend on others or not being able to do for myself! 

  • Steve.Adam
    Steve.Adam Member Posts: 463 Member
    edited September 2017 #10

    Learning to take things easy for several weeks might save you from a lifetime of other problems.

    I guess that is overstating things, but we really are supposed to rest while healing.

    I don't remember exactly when I stopped having periods of tiredness but I was pretty much ok after two months.


  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    You just had a "major"

    You just had a "major" surgery, and it is so tramatic to your body, give your body a rest. Let your body tell you what to do, if you feel tire, simply seat down and relax. Overdriving your body is a bad idea, your immune system is already weaken and you are just trying to lower it further. Your body needs whatever is available to heal the wound and keeping the system running. So relax, give yourself a vacation!

  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154
    edited September 2017 #12
    I ran fever all night and

    I ran fever all night and have a sore throat and stuffy sinuses.  Going to see about a shot or something before it becomes worse.  Fever broke sometime in the night.  I stayed home today.  Thank y'all for being here!  

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Sorry for how you have been

    Sorry for how you have been feeling. Yes, you are in a culture-war with your own body. Pay attention to anytime you hear yourself say "should" and drop that word.

    Now what I am hearing when I read your post,  is something no doctor will probaby EVER say to us, the patient. You need added nutrients to assist in your healing. Your insides are healing. Nerve endings cut, insides re-arranged to do the surgery, so they may be swollen as part of that healing process with extra blood supply all for the process of healing.

    Whenever you have a LOT of chemicals used for Gen anesthesia, then the pain pump 1 day or so, THEN oral pain pills, all the while our insides are sore and tender, you are using a LOT Of energy just for healing. 

    So your body clearly needs NUTRIENTS to assist an already drained system. I happen to have an amazing nutritionist (not typical dietician from hospital) that can detect EXACTLY what nutrients you are deficient in, or how your liver/kidneys, may be more sluggish from all those added medications. 

    The body only has so much reserve and its most likely depleted. Any sometimes we are iron deficient from surgery. SLOW FE, over the counter can do the trick and build up your iron. 

    GET GOOD NUTRITION into your body, PACE yourself, by dropping ALL those "shoulds" and learn to be kind to your body as it heals. 

    Its MAJOR surgery after all.

    Keep us informed as to how you are doing. 

    Sending you calm, serenity and healing hugs,


  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154
    FOrtunately prior to even

    FOrtunately prior to even knowing I had a tumor I had changed my eating habits a great deal.  I try to eat clean or as clean as possible.  Eating good carbs only and no flour, sugar, rice, potatoes etc.. and was very physically active.  I have lost 49 pounds doing that.  I just got back from the GP and he gave me a shot and a zpak for a sinus infection.  Didn't want to wait to see if it got worse or assume it was just a cold since I had just had surgery.  I have my yearly on Thursday and they will do a full blood panel and I will ask about my iron.  Years ago I was anemic but had surgery 10 years ago and that is no longer an issue.   I guess  I needed to be slapped in the face for me to realize I am not invincible!  

  • Steve.Adam
    Steve.Adam Member Posts: 463 Member

    I had internal bleeding after surgery. I was told "Don't walk up hill for two months".

    Overdoing exercise might have killed me.

    I was very careful.

    By the way, I am also on a very low carb diet. It has been very, very good for me.


  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154
    Oh Man!  I have not gone to

    Oh Man!  I have not gone to the gym since two days before surgery.  All I do is cardio.  My doc has approved going back but I havent tried yet.  I want to get back to work on a normal basis first.  I do love working at home but I also need to have a presence on site as well! I imagine once I get back on the elliptical it will be like the first time all over again!  I won't go back to "regular" eating.  Low carb has improved everything about my physical being.  Whenever I do "splurge" and eat something I used to love I pay for it with severe stomach pain etc... totally not worth it!  I have been eating this way for almost 2 years now.  

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Angie1496 said:

    FOrtunately prior to even

    FOrtunately prior to even knowing I had a tumor I had changed my eating habits a great deal.  I try to eat clean or as clean as possible.  Eating good carbs only and no flour, sugar, rice, potatoes etc.. and was very physically active.  I have lost 49 pounds doing that.  I just got back from the GP and he gave me a shot and a zpak for a sinus infection.  Didn't want to wait to see if it got worse or assume it was just a cold since I had just had surgery.  I have my yearly on Thursday and they will do a full blood panel and I will ask about my iron.  Years ago I was anemic but had surgery 10 years ago and that is no longer an issue.   I guess  I needed to be slapped in the face for me to realize I am not invincible!  

    Do you take Probiotics? Keeps

    Do you take Probiotics? Keeps that immune system healthy. 

    And if you can find a practitioner, who does NRT (Nutritional response testing) get a good evaluation. 

    Trust me, these deficiencies will not show up on labs. B 12, Vit D etc can be checked by your MD. but with NRT they are more specific AND they are WhOLE FOODS so no side effects with medications. Its not the kind of supplements you have to be concerned about. 

    Again, you are healing!

    Hugs, Jan

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    edited September 2017 #18
    Don't push yourself so hard.

    Don't push yourself so hard. Your body has dealt with such a major surgery, some parts s of your kidney is gone, you've lost blood. Let your body hels both inside and out. It takes longer for inner organs to get healed. It's normal to feel exhausted at few weeks post surgery. Don't worry and get some rest

  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154
    Promptly got a sinus

    Promptly got a sinus infection!  and a shot! Still at home working in my jammies. Today is 3 weeks since surgery.