Female Age 23. Hemorrhoids, Colon Cancer or Something Else?

Alehoski Member Posts: 2

Hello All,


This message may be a little long because there is a lot of back story so I apologize but bear with me here. So, I noticed a few months ago that I had bright red blood on the toilet paper and in my stool (a long streak along one side of the stool) but didn't pay very much attention to it for whatever reason. Up until recently I had the attitude that I was invincible from being so young, I thought I wouldn't have to worry about any diseases until much later in life. Anyways, the anxiety all started when I noticed a small growth/mole that looked more like a scratch form on my breast. I went and got it biopsied by a dermatologist and it came back with mild to moderate atypical cells but it was all removed with the biopsy. You would think one would be happy with these results since it was caught early and the doc said that it is more common than most people think. But instead it has started a horrible snowball effect of stress, anxiety and hypochondria. Since then, I figured it would probably make sense to go get this rectal bleeding thing checked out by a doc. I went to my general doctor and he examined the area and said it was without a doubt hemorrhoids and anal fissures (he could see a skin tag from a resolved hemorrhoid poking out and a couple of cuts around the anus). This felt relieving at first but later on the stress and anxiety persisted because people that are close to me started mentioning that I am looking rather thin. They mentioned this before my worries started but I didn't pay it any mind. This could very well be from the fact that I have started a plant based diet where I have cut out all meats, poultry, junk food and I occasionally have fish but other than that mostly fruits, veggies, rice and potatoes. Before, I had a little habit of night snacking on ice cream, peanut butter and I drank more beer than I do now but have since stopped. Also, I have recently started an accounting job and maybe it was causing some added stress. I usually am very active but with this desk job that I'm adjusting to I have not been able to workout as much but I have started to go back to hot yoga and that has made me feel a lot better. What has really worried me is the fact that people are showing concern about my weight. I have fluctuated throughout my life but I'm just hoping that it's because I'm losing baby fat now that I'm in my 20's. I've read that can happen. But I have always been on the slimmer side, never overweight and always active (I ran my first marathon at age 16). I suppose recently I have been eating less with being so busy. But I don't know, it's hard for me to recall if I've actually experienced unexplained weight loss since I've always been on the slimmer side. Anyways, Over Labor Day weekend I was not able to keep anything down so my parents took me to the ER a couple of times and all my blood tests and CAT scans came back clear. Two different doctors both said that I was overall mostly just dehydrated and having panic attacks. I was having cramps but I started my period just before going into the ER so that explains that (the period was very light though, which I thought was due to stress and not eating). When I was younger and training a lot I stopped having my period all together so it's not that that was super abnormal for me. At that point I wouldn't doubt if I was overly freaking out to the point that I made myself sick from looking stuff up on he internet and constantly fixating on it. Being stuck in a cubicle all day long to stew on it does not help at all either. The only thing that makes me feel better is knowing that around the time I originally went to the first doctor I do remember being constipated one time, probably due to lack of fiber in my diet. But since I've taken on the plant based life style there has been very minimal blood in my stool (if at all) and I can pass stool a lot easier. But there are still small traces of blood sometimes. From what I've read it seems like people who experience  hemorrhoids have blood that comes and goes (like I appear to be having) but with colon or bowel cancer is seems to persist and the stools look pretty gnarly (which I wouldn't say mine does). Sometimes I feel like I have a grumbling tummy or slight abdominal pain but I honestly think it's phantom pains and I often have to think long and hard on whether it actually hurts or if it's all in my head. Lastly, when I went to the ER they told me that everything looks good but there were small traces of blood when doing a rectal exam so I would need to schedule a colonoscopy just to be sure, so I did. However, after receiving all these medical bills that I have accumulated over he last couple months, I cancelled the procedure because I was beginning to become in severe debt from all of this and the colonoscopy was going to add another $1,500 to that debt. I know, I know you all are going to say that was probably stupid and it's better off to just know what's going on but ya know what, I'm 23 years old and unfortunately sometimes with finances it is what it is. It's just the weight loss that I am still stuck on. I obviously have become a severe hypochondriac and I don't know how to manage it. I have emailed my general doctor to at least have him take a stool sample since I was unable to provide one at the ER from not being able to eat. I'm sure all that will tell me though is if I have parasites or blood in my stool. I guess I already know the answer, get the colonoscopy to be absolutely sure. But I think it would help to hear stories and advice from some of you guys. I wouldn't say I feel any fatigue and I highly doubt I would be able to do intense hot yoga classes all the way through and feel fine afterwards (if anything I feel better after) if I am sick with something serious like cancer or some autoimmune disease. I have also considered that maybe I have a hyperactive thyroid or maybe I'm depressed from not working out when my body is used to it and probably needs it. I'm tired of going to all these doctors and them telling me not to worry, I'm young, it'll be fine. No story online has a good outcome with those answers and all the news articles with these young people in their twenties being diagnosed with cancer all start the same way: the doctor said it was hemorrhoids and that they are too young to have colon cancer. Ughhh someone please help. I'm glad things like Reddit are out there to hear others stories. It makes you feel not so alone. <3 thanks guys! 







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  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    edited September 2017 #2

    Hi, I just wish I could give you a big hug and say "relax", but I also know that once worry and anxiety take over it is very difficult to just flip the switch.

    We are not doctors here, but we do have a combined wealth of true life experience! Your symptoms do not seem really all that much like mine. I was diagnosed in 2011 with Stage 3 anal cancer. The tumor on my anus caused severe pain and it was a real struggle to move my bowels no matter what I ate or didn't eat. I never felt as though I had had a complete bowel movement. My fatigue was extreme...I would be half way home from work (a twenty minute drive) and have to pull into a parking lot to take a nap before I could continue on my way, hot yoga would have done me in! My appetite was pretty good, but I did lose unexplained weight. I had much swelling in my legs, especially my ankles and sometimes the only shoes I could wear were big 'ol Crocs! I didn't have just a little blood in my stool, but rather occasional gushes and clots!

    I'm not sure of more common symptoms of colon cancer and even then, we all react differently to the same disease.

    I have had years of ups and downs since that initial dx in 2011, but overall, I feel healthier today than I did most of my adult life. (I am 58 years old) I am active with my kids and grandkids and have more energy than ever! Because of my history I am followed and checked every 6 months. While there are usually several things that factor into a cancer dx, key indicators of a problem are often found through blood work and CT scan when combined with physical symptoms. You mentioned having good labs and scan so that is reassuring.

    It is sad that often the financial aspect involved keeps people from doing what should be seen as preventative screenings and in the long run could save much more money as well as offer relief to that anxiety you feel or if needed lead to early treatment that could be easier too. Does your doctor, clinic, or local hospital offer any type of financial assistance that you could apply for? You (we all) deserve to feel like we have answers to our questions, so until you are satisfied continue to ask. Try to spend a little extra time being mindful of the things going on with your body that are going well and make you feel healthy and strong. Don't ignore the other thoughts, just give the positive stuff more space for now. Please stay in touch here and keep us posted as to how you are doing, and know that where ever this leads, you are definitely not alone. I will pray that you find peace and health as you move forward.


  • Jane s
    Jane s Member Posts: 77 Member
    Stop spinning!

    Is so easy to spin out of control with health worries,  especially around cancer.   The only way to settle them down is by having the tests done.  Kathryn is right,  your doctor,  hospital,  or health plan must offer some sort of financial assistance,  or at least a payment plan.   Look into that,  and Get the colonoscopy done, your health is much more important than having some more debt.  Personally I doubt you have cancer,  but find out for sure.   Your weight loss can easily be due to your new diet and change in habits. Andworry?  But find out,  and then let us know.  We will be so happy to hear it was a false alarm and hypochondria. 


  • tanda
    tanda Member Posts: 174 Member

    Take some very deep breaths amd stay away from Dr Google for awhile!  You probably do not have cancer, but if want complete piece of mind, schedule the colonoscopy.  In the meantime, you might keep a food log/journal, noting EVERYTHING you are eating--keep it for a few weeks; that might shed some light on the weight loss concern.  If possible, consider some counseling to help with the stress and anxiety.

     Does your  accounting job offer healthcare insurance?  If your parents have insurance, can you stay on their policy until you reach a certain age(I forget the limit,) 

    Please stay in touch and let us know how you are doing.

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited September 2017 #5

    We cannot possibly answer your questions about what is causing the blood in your stool, so find a way to get that colonoscopy.  Check your benefits through your health insurance and make sure the hospital and doctor do not bill their services for the colonoscopy as "routine."  Rather, they must indicate on the claim a diagnosis of "Rectal bleeding."  You mentioned your parents took you to the ER.  Perhaps they can help you out in the form of a loan with any portion of the charges you may owe.  Also, hospitals have financial counsellors who may be able to help you work out a payment plan.  Do not put this off.  Find out what is going on and get yourself some peace of mind.

  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member
    I agree

    i agree with the other posts, it doesn't sound like cancer but best to get checked out. After that, your anxiety may need to be addressed by a professional- therapy, meds, or biofeedback. Half the battle is having the insight that your degree of anxiety is excessive (which do realize). It's miserable to be that anxious and it takes all your energy. Please let us know how things turn out. You can find sliding scale mental health care based on your ability to pay. Also ask family members what has worked for their anxiety, I bet some of them have anxiety too. Best of luck!


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