For Fun



  • OO7
    OO7 Member Posts: 281
    edited September 2017 #22
    Perhaps not this week but YES!

    I'm quite guilty of this, especially now on this journey.  I can honestly say now more than ever before and thrilled to read you did this.  Bravo!  For me it's not so much my past experiences in my life but it did give me the added nudge to do such things rather than consider doing them.  I think it like living life to the absolute fullest, especially now while I feel great (minus a broken rib).  It's the better side of having you know what....

    Why not I say.  I go sledding in a blizzard in my backyard, all day long.  I'm 51 and make snow angles, using and wearing fancy everything.  Inviting people over when I don't feel well and the house is a mess.  I so never did that before!  A few weeks ago I was gardening, harvesting my lavender when the sky opened up.  I ran for my house then stopped.  Put my precious lavender away then sat on my hammock in the rain.  I have so many stories like this, no doubt my family thinks I lost it but some how I think I rediscovered the simple things in life I cherish so much.

    If an eleven am barbecue is your fancy, do it!

    Enjoy and hope sleeping again!

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member

    Brilliant, Shady

    Yes,it is all in the packaging. I never could figure out why 'grits' were reviled.  It is ground corn -- very natural, low tech, and healthy.  I eat bagels, why can't New Yorkers like grits ?

    What renaming can never cure is "chitlins." Chitlins are fried hog intestines. Never eaten them, never will.  In fairness, I do not know of chitlins having ever been a traditional Southern dish.

    The night sweats are concerning. Keep yourself checked out.




    I doubt night sweats in Alaska could freeze, but I know the question was meant in jest. We surfaced above Alaska once, way above the Arctic Circle. One lieutenant (an 0-3 in the Navy, same as an Army Captian) set up a photo op:  He stripped to swim trunks and tennis shoes, and grabbed a blanket.  Went topside and across the portable brow we had brought along, spread out the blanket, and laid down on his side and had his pic taken. Then jumped up and ran back aboard. The blanket and shoes were to prevent freezing to the ice.   Air temp then was 35 F below zero (-35F), unsure of the wind chill.  67 degrees F below freezing !  And this was in the middle of the Arctic "summer."

    Not recommended....  As the cook in the movie Apocalypse Now kept screaming after nearly being eaten by a tiger while searching for mangoes in the jungle, "Say on the boat ! Stay on the boat !"

    A warm lodge with a massive fireplace sounds about right,


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Rocquie said:


    Becky, I'm glad you are seeing the light on grits! 

    Smile Rocquie



    An Honorary Southern Eater Award to Miss Becky...comes with a gift card to Waffle House or Cracker Barrel.  

    (Note: When speakin' Southern, all women are 'Miss' or 'Missie', regardless of marital status.  Men are all addressed by waitresses as 'Hun' or 'Darlin', even when their wives are seated with them.  If a guy is first addressed as 'Darlin,' he can then reply with someting like, "Missie, is that thar sweet pertater pie as sweet as you ?"

    Waffle House, founded in Georgia, confers the southern greasy spoon breakfast ambiance. Largest seller of hash browns on earth.  FEMA actually uses whether or not Waffle Houses stay open after storms in predicing hurricane damage; I have read this several times on the mainstream news in the past. 

    Cracker Barrel is also southern (Tennessee founded and managed), but "fancy dinin'. "  Better for when you need a waitress, or have a hankerin (desire) for greens, or corn bread, or to shop for the latest Hee Haw DVDs in the gift shop.
