Nine Years

mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

Hi everyone.  I don't do a new post very often, as there really isn't much to report on a frequent basis.  However, today I saw my colorectal doctor for my yearly follow-up, which included DRE and anoscope.  I'm happy to say that there was nothing of concern felt or seen, so I remain NED.  On September 9th. I will celebrate 9 years post-treatment.  Needless to say, I am very happy.  My doctor said she'd see me in a year, at which time, she wants to schedule me for a colonoscopy.  I can hardly wait for that!

Regarding the need for a colonoscopy, I protested a bit.  However, she told me that people who have had pelvic radiation are at higher risk for colon cancer.  This was the first I had heard of this, but I guess it makes sense, since it's been known for decades that radiation can cause other types of cancer.  Anyway, I have a whole year to NOT worry about it!

Thank you to everyone who has continued to support me all these years.  It has meant so very much to me!




  • Wellzen
    Wellzen Member Posts: 42
    edited September 2017 #2
    Congratulations mp372

    Congratulations mp372

  • itsajourney
    itsajourney Member Posts: 15 Member
    Congratulations Martha

    Wishing you many, many years of good health and NED status!


  • Wisteria83
    Wisteria83 Member Posts: 160
    Passing the 9 year mark

    Congratulations, Martha!  Great news! Being cancer free for as long as you have been is an inspiration to the rest of us.  You have been a fixture here, and I hope that you continue to be, as you have been a source of encouragement and knowledge for all of us.  

    I couldn't be happier for you...and I'm glad to know that you are taking your doctor's advice re: colonoscopy in stride.  Thank you for all you have done and continue to do.



  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    Passing the 9 year mark

    Congratulations, Martha!  Great news! Being cancer free for as long as you have been is an inspiration to the rest of us.  You have been a fixture here, and I hope that you continue to be, as you have been a source of encouragement and knowledge for all of us.  

    I couldn't be happier for you...and I'm glad to know that you are taking your doctor's advice re: colonoscopy in stride.  Thank you for all you have done and continue to do.




    Thank you for your kind words, Wis.  I will most likely have that colonoscopy a year from now.  I intend to hang around here, as I have gotten so much support from people like you, which is so greatly appreciated!  Hugs!

  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member

    BIG congratulations on hitting this mark! You have been such a wealth of information and offered sincere and genuine support to so many of us over the years. It is so very encouraging to hear from people who continue to move ahead from this journey, but take the time to stay active sharing their experience and help to others...thank you for that!!

    Some people take an interest in the meaning of repeating numbers (999) 9th year, 9th day of 9th month. I looked it up just for fun and this signifies looking towards the future and getting ready to close a chapter of your life. Enjoy the energy of new, fresh beginnings and the unknowns that lie ahead. It represents closure, commitment, commitment to change, and the beginning of starting the cycle of life over for another ride.

    If this is true, I wish you complete closure to the negative effects of this disease, and nothing but goodness on that next ride in life!

    I feel like over time through sharing such personal information with others, many of us become like family. I am so proud to have you in that boat. Now go out and celebrate your life!


  • Lorikat
    Lorikat Member Posts: 681 Member
    edited September 2017 #7


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    eihtak said:


    BIG congratulations on hitting this mark! You have been such a wealth of information and offered sincere and genuine support to so many of us over the years. It is so very encouraging to hear from people who continue to move ahead from this journey, but take the time to stay active sharing their experience and help to others...thank you for that!!

    Some people take an interest in the meaning of repeating numbers (999) 9th year, 9th day of 9th month. I looked it up just for fun and this signifies looking towards the future and getting ready to close a chapter of your life. Enjoy the energy of new, fresh beginnings and the unknowns that lie ahead. It represents closure, commitment, commitment to change, and the beginning of starting the cycle of life over for another ride.

    If this is true, I wish you complete closure to the negative effects of this disease, and nothing but goodness on that next ride in life!

    I feel like over time through sharing such personal information with others, many of us become like family. I am so proud to have you in that boat. Now go out and celebrate your life!



    Thank you so much for the congrats and all of your kind words.  How kind of you!  I am quite humbled.  I might say the same about you, regarding continuing to come here to share knowledge, encourage, and support others, even though you have had so many issues of your own with which to deal.  I know you have made a difference for so many on this site!  

    Thank you for passing on the interesting thoughts about the repeating numbers.  I am hoping for another good year and making it to 10!  And like you, I do feel like the members on this site are one big family, helping each other.  I do plan to celebrate by going out for the evening tomorrow and probably having a margarita (something I drink seldomly).  

    I am so blessed by your friendship.  We may never meet in person, but you are a true friend.  Thank you for your support of me and so many others!


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    Thank you!  I hope you are doing well!

  • Kmessier
    Kmessier Member Posts: 79

    Congratulations Martha as I came in the board and saw your post it made me smile and so happy to see that you are NED for these years I am so very happy for you. You and Kathryn were the first two people I met and y'all helped me tremendously and. continue to be a inspiration by continuing to post. I wish you the very best.


    ~ Kim

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    Kmessier said:


    Congratulations Martha as I came in the board and saw your post it made me smile and so happy to see that you are NED for these years I am so very happy for you. You and Kathryn were the first two people I met and y'all helped me tremendously and. continue to be a inspiration by continuing to post. I wish you the very best.


    ~ Kim


    Thank you so much for the congrats, your kind words, and well wishes!  Hugs! 

  • jcorum
    jcorum Member Posts: 54 Member

    Congrats on 9 years NED!!! I go for my 7 year check up this month & i am expecting the same diagnosis!!!

    Hip Hip Hoorah!!!

  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member

    Congratulations! I like the prediction that Katheryn had for you. I really admire both of you and your steady, informative, reassuring presence on this site.

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    jcorum said:


    Congrats on 9 years NED!!! I go for my 7 year check up this month & i am expecting the same diagnosis!!!

    Hip Hip Hoorah!!!


    Thank you so much for the congrats!  I appreciate it so much!  I hope that you will get the same good news on your check up as I did on mine and that we both can celebrate continuing NED!  Hugs!

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member


    Congratulations! I like the prediction that Katheryn had for you. I really admire both of you and your steady, informative, reassuring presence on this site.


    Thank you so much for the congrats and your kind words!  I am feeling good about being 9 years out, as you can well imagine!  I hope you are doing well and I thank you for all your support and information you provide on this site to help me and so many others.  Hugs!

  • Overfornow
    Overfornow Member Posts: 2 Member
    Martha, and the crew who kept me sane

    Hi Martha, I'm a stalker who has read your posts for 5 years, you will never know how much you have helped me in my darkest times, given me hope, understanding of the journey, and the strength to deal with this. i'm so happy to see another post NED. I hope you continue advising the newbies - I'm now 5 years post treatment and NED :) I returned to the board today because I was a bit down having had an 'accident' on the way home last night. Always throws me, but a small price to pay - I'm so thankful for the regulars who post - you all have never heard of me, but just think how many others like me read quietly in the night and take comfort from the family we all are. xx

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    Martha, and the crew who kept me sane

    Hi Martha, I'm a stalker who has read your posts for 5 years, you will never know how much you have helped me in my darkest times, given me hope, understanding of the journey, and the strength to deal with this. i'm so happy to see another post NED. I hope you continue advising the newbies - I'm now 5 years post treatment and NED :) I returned to the board today because I was a bit down having had an 'accident' on the way home last night. Always throws me, but a small price to pay - I'm so thankful for the regulars who post - you all have never heard of me, but just think how many others like me read quietly in the night and take comfort from the family we all are. xx


    How very kind of you to post on here after following me and the other members for 5 years.  I so appreciate your words of appreciation.  It's always good to know that somehow, something I've said along the way has helped others.  Thank you so much for letting me know that! 

    Congratulations for reaching the 5 year mark!  That is fantastic!  I am so happy for you!  I completely understand the frustrations and reminders that we get from time to time that we cannot let our guard down.  Life may be a little different in some ways, but isn't it wonderful to still be here! 

    As for being a stalker, that is perfectly okay with me.  Some people just prefer to stay behind the scenes, if you will.  I am just glad that you have gotten lots of good information, hope, and the strength to keep going.  We all handle our situations in different ways.  I am just glad that you are well and I hope you continue to be well.  Thank you again for your kinds words--they made my day!  Hugs!


  • pializ
    pializ Member Posts: 508 Member
    edited September 2017 #18

    My diagnosis was almost 5 years ago and shortly after I joined this site. i remember you giving me hope and encouragement as I began my journey. I wish you had that same support 9 years ago as you give to us all. Congratulations Martha, and a big thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

  • pializ
    pializ Member Posts: 508 Member

    Sorry! I duplicated my post.......oops! Still, you are worthy of another 'Congratulations' 


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    pializ said:


    My diagnosis was almost 5 years ago and shortly after I joined this site. i remember you giving me hope and encouragement as I began my journey. I wish you had that same support 9 years ago as you give to us all. Congratulations Martha, and a big thank you from the bottom of my heart. 


    Awwwwwwwwww, you are so sweet!  Thank you for your kind comments!   Nine years seems like such a long time ago sometimes, and other times like only yesterday.  I hope you are doing well, my friend!  I appreciate all of the support you have shown me and I send you big hugs!



  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    pializ said:


    I am still a member of the 'so far, so good' club!

    This year I have become a grandmother and shortly to become a mother in law! I still work full time and competed training in trauma therapy a year ago. So I am Busy Lizzy. 

    i understand about it seeming like yesterday! Yet it also seems surreal. 




    Congratulations on becoming a grandmother!  That is awesome!  I'm so glad you are doing well!  Hugs!