1st set of scans this week.

BoondockSaint Member Posts: 242 Member

Thursday is our 1st set of scans after my wifes partial back in March. Scanxiety is there but for some reason we both feel really well about it.....cautiously optimistic. Let me back up a bit.......we are seeing our Oncologist Thursday who will be ordering the scans. It may be next week, not 100% sure yet but the sooner the better.

Anyway......I have a few questions to those who have "Been there and Done that"

I'm going to try to word my question where it makes sense. lol......She'll be having chest xray, CT and bloodwork.

Back in Sept of 16 she had her tubes tied and as standard procedure she had a chest x-ray. This year when she went to the ER which ended up leading us to the finding of the RCC in her left kidney, they did another chest xray. It was compared it back to the one from Sept of 16. I read the report on the patient portal that was from the radiologist and it stated something along the lines of "Compared to sept 16 xray....NOTHING REMARKABLE"

I take it that they compare xrays and CT's back to previous ones to establish a baseline of sorts.

The only CT that she has had thus far, were ones with the actual tumor which is no longer with us and now resides in the "Red Bucket Abyss of Hell" from which it came.

I"m going to assume that the new CT will show where it was and show some scar tissue. Does the scar tissue show up differently? How can they tell the difference between it and any possible new growth?

I'll also assume that the origional one with the tumor, or maybe this new one, with the scar tissue will be a new baseline for future scans.

She's been doing really well the last month or so. It was like something just kicked in and she took off. Very few pains and not feeling exhausted all the time. We are on a good path right now and intend to stay that way.

Anyone that has any input please chime in. KAT.....if you happen to read this please chime in. I know you will be able to answer if you don't mind. Besides.....we miss your wit and humor. Hope you are well....along with everyone of you all on this board.

Love you guys

Chad & Pam.


  • rhominator
    rhominator Member Posts: 233 Member

    Indeed, new scans are compared to previous scans.  The radiologist makes detailed notes of the changes between the last one and new one.

    I've been getting PET/CT scans every three months for the last year.  The PET/CT shows the "uptake" of radioactive glucose by the hungry cancer cells.  It's a "functional" type of scan if you will.  I'm sure your doctor can advise of what kind of CT scan she'll get, and you can ask for an explaination of the differences between the differernt scan types.

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    They do indeed compare to previous

    Only once has a reading radiologist made reference to scar tissue on mine, and otherwise "nothing remarkable".   The human body is quite wonderous in it's capaibilty to heal.

    Best wishes,


  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    They compare it.  I too had a partial and for giggles I asked to see the scan.  The doctor spent some time showing me frame by frame of certain kidney shots.  It's kind of weird seeing a piece of my kidney missing.  I can't recall the doctor mentioning  anything about scar tissue.  I read my report and it didn't say anything about it.  Honestly, the only thing that stuck with me is that the scans were unremarkable for metastic activity. 

    The best of luck to you and your wife, Boondock.  I look forward to hearing the good news!


  • BoondockSaint
    BoondockSaint Member Posts: 242 Member
    Step #1.....Blood work all

    Step #1.....Blood work all good. Oncologist happy with everything so far, weight stable, vitals all good etc....... CT/Chest x-ray scheduled for 23 Nov.

    A bit later than we would like but we have a date.Cool

  • Kat23502
    Kat23502 Member Posts: 179 Member
    HI! Sorry I missed this

    HI! Sorry I missed this before. The new scan will serve as a baseline going forward for future imaging. We can tell the difference in scar tissue and anything growing based on a few things but mostly contrast uptake as well as density on CT. Renal tissue will "blush" during certain pgases, scar tissue won't, and any regrowth would be brighter than normal tissue. Will November be her first baseline after surgery?

  • BoondockSaint
    BoondockSaint Member Posts: 242 Member
    Yes. The Nov. scan will be

    Yes. The Nov. scan will be the first scan since surgery. She had the one at the ER in Feb. of this year without contrast, then her surgeon ordered one with contrast about 2 weeks before surgery so he could as he stated "get a better look" at what we were dealing with.

  • BoondockSaint
    BoondockSaint Member Posts: 242 Member
    Found out today that her

    Found out today that her scans will be this Thurday 7 Sept. the Imaging Center at the hospital called to confirm appointment. She had her wires crossed......the Nov. 23 date will be meeting back up with the Oncologist.

    I guess the Radiologist will see the peice of her kidney, or actually won't see it lol.... that they took out, when comparing it to the one with the tumor present. All this is new to us, just trying to "Get in where we fit in".

    Send up a little Prayer if you will.

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    edited September 2017 #9
    Praying for ya's

    I'm going out on a limb and guessing you'll have a new guest joining you.....Uncle NED.  And I'm looking forward to you sharing that info with us too.

    God Bless,


  • Kat23502
    Kat23502 Member Posts: 179 Member

    Found out today that her

    Found out today that her scans will be this Thurday 7 Sept. the Imaging Center at the hospital called to confirm appointment. She had her wires crossed......the Nov. 23 date will be meeting back up with the Oncologist.

    I guess the Radiologist will see the peice of her kidney, or actually won't see it lol.... that they took out, when comparing it to the one with the tumor present. All this is new to us, just trying to "Get in where we fit in".

    Send up a little Prayer if you will.

    She will do great!

    She will do great!

  • BoondockSaint
    BoondockSaint Member Posts: 242 Member
    Thanks y'all. This place and

    Thanks y'all. This place and everyone here sure has been great!!


  • sandy23
    sandy23 Member Posts: 143 Member
    Thnking of You Guys

    We will be thinking of you on Thursday and sending a prayer.  Please let us know.

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    With Stage 1 and such a small

    With Stage 1 and such a small tumor I'm sure Uncle Ned is packing things to head your way, as Donn said :-)

    Good luck and let us know!


  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    edited September 2017 #14

    I'll be thinking of you two and praying for good results.  Keep us updated.

