Thank you all but need your help
Thank you all so much have no idea what you have done for me in the past few days.
I have not felt right for the last two months with pains and heart palpitations and A slight pain in my side.. I went to Accident and Emergency twice who checked my bloods and heart and said I was fine...
then trips to Gp..
I have a Hiatial Hernia and we concluded it was that... I was petrified I would get Pancras or bowel was sent for blood and urine... clear... so eventually requested an gastro... I hate those and even sedated I could not do it... told me I would be recalled... disgusted with myself as I wanted the results...
Whilst waiting pain gets worse.. thought it was gallstones.... asked for urgent referral... no gallstones but 3.7 cm mass on top of right kidney... schock was off the scale...I lost my husband to cancer and have 2 children who we both worshipped and have no plans to leave yet.
Cant describes the fear and dread especially as my siblngs are not in the same country and I could not tell the children.
After reading this wonderful site feel a little bit calmer.
Seeing Consultant next week. However can I ask
a) I am getting flank pain... Hospital thinks unusual for the size.. pain is under rib and a constant reminder .is this worrying?
b)""" still have palpitations and have dizziness and feel weak...again hospital say not related...Did anyone have this
C) Emergency dr kept saying mass was round... why would he say that?
d) Had an liver ultrsound 4years ago... nothing there so would indicate fast growth
e) seem to have pains everywhere so Just imagining the worst.. is this normal
f) CT is clear except for tumour and I have yet to do chest scan.. they saw a very small nodule on bottom of right lung so we are waiting for scan...I did have pleurisy 12 months ago so hoping it is a left over from that.. what are the chances cells have travelled by blood to lungs.....
I have A 100 more but will leave it there... Please help and I love you all
My husband just diagnosed 2
My husband just diagnosed 2 weeks ago at the ER, also has almost nonstop pain. He also has a 1.5 cm kidney stone in same kidney as 7 cm x 3 cm mass. Dr isn't certain what is causing the pain but he said it could be from mass pressing against other organs/nerves or the kidney stone. He finally got some pain meds (percocet) to help deal with the pain. The Dr. didn't seem overly concerned about the pain. He is scheduled for robotic total nephrectomy on Sept 6. He hasn't been working the past 2 weeks, since the pain goes from a 2 to 10 without any rhyme or reason and employer does not want to chance anything happening at work. If pain is bothersome push for something to help you cope. Best of luck to you!
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Thank you... so Sorry that
Thank you... so Sorry that you are further along.... will be praying for you.
I also hope to get Robot as our local hospital has a very very good reputation for this. but yet to be decided... you seem to have done a lot in short space but no doubt you are very anxious that get going.
I will pray for you must be scared to death...I have been there
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Lung nodules are incredibly
Lung nodules are incredibly common and most are benign. Try not to worry about every ache and pain, though I know that's easier said than done. As for the liver ultrasound, I wouldn't say that is classified as fast growth. Average growth for a renal cell carcinoma is .5-1cm per year. Even if only a half centimeter per year that means it was very small then. On a dedicated liver ultrasound we would do limited views of the kidney so I wouldn't let that worry you that it's aggressive. Please don't hesitate to ask questions, that's what we are here for!
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I think I love you Icemanicemantoo said:I second what Kat says
At 3.7 cm your prognosis is excellent. As for the lung nodule, probably nothing but they will follow it up with a further sca. Small lung nodules are common even without Kidney Cancer.
thank you
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Kat23502Kat23502 said:Lung nodules are incredibly
Lung nodules are incredibly common and most are benign. Try not to worry about every ache and pain, though I know that's easier said than done. As for the liver ultrasound, I wouldn't say that is classified as fast growth. Average growth for a renal cell carcinoma is .5-1cm per year. Even if only a half centimeter per year that means it was very small then. On a dedicated liver ultrasound we would do limited views of the kidney so I wouldn't let that worry you that it's aggressive. Please don't hesitate to ask questions, that's what we are here for!
thank you so much... hopefully sleep tonight. ❤️❤️
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Although I did not have pain perse, I did have what I describe as discomfort. I would feel this sensation of rolling onto a tennis ball whenever I rolled to my left side during sleep & it would wake me. The first doctor I saw poo-poo'd it. I got a second opinion and that doctor told it's not unusual to have pain, etc but that is typically felt during the "growth phase". Most people blow it off and do nothing and from what he said, the growth phase is usually approximately 2 months long and then the sensation dissipates. He said it was a good thing that I was so attuned to my body. (I went for exam at about the 6 week mark because it was so annoying) Palpitations on the other hand, I frequently have those but not related to the kidney cancer, so I have nothing to offer you on that topic. I've had a cardiac work-up and was told mine are estrogen related. It's unnerving regardless. As far as the dizziness and weakness, could it be due to anxiety? I suffer from anxiety attacks occasionally and commonly have all of those symptoms in the midst of that torture. Xanax is my wonder drug, but I only take it as needed cause I'm scared to death of dependance. Regarding the lung nodule, I would refer you back to our resident radiology expert (Kat). But having work in the medical field for many, many years myself, I know they aren't all that unusual and not necessarily anything to be concerned about.
Wishing you the best and I'll be praying for you,
P.S. What part of Ireland? My husband and I visited your lovely country about 11 years ago. Flew to Shannon, rented a car and drove up the western coast up to the Giant's Causeway, the Carrickarade Rope Bridge (scariest thing I've EVER done in my life) and down the eastern coast to Dublin and flew back home. Some of the most beautiful things I've ever laid eyes on.
0 - husband just had a husband just had a robotic, laparoscopic nephrectomy (right kidney) for a tumor that was the size of your tumor. My husband had flank pain. It was related because that pain is gone now. Your tumor is very small and very treatable. "Round" masses tend to be more benign. Lung nodules are very common.....many people have lung nodules and they're not cancerous. All the best to you!
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Thank you. You are good and kind..hardo718 said:Welcome!!
Although I did not have pain perse, I did have what I describe as discomfort. I would feel this sensation of rolling onto a tennis ball whenever I rolled to my left side during sleep & it would wake me. The first doctor I saw poo-poo'd it. I got a second opinion and that doctor told it's not unusual to have pain, etc but that is typically felt during the "growth phase". Most people blow it off and do nothing and from what he said, the growth phase is usually approximately 2 months long and then the sensation dissipates. He said it was a good thing that I was so attuned to my body. (I went for exam at about the 6 week mark because it was so annoying) Palpitations on the other hand, I frequently have those but not related to the kidney cancer, so I have nothing to offer you on that topic. I've had a cardiac work-up and was told mine are estrogen related. It's unnerving regardless. As far as the dizziness and weakness, could it be due to anxiety? I suffer from anxiety attacks occasionally and commonly have all of those symptoms in the midst of that torture. Xanax is my wonder drug, but I only take it as needed cause I'm scared to death of dependance. Regarding the lung nodule, I would refer you back to our resident radiology expert (Kat). But having work in the medical field for many, many years myself, I know they aren't all that unusual and not necessarily anything to be concerned about.
Wishing you the best and I'll be praying for you,
P.S. What part of Ireland? My husband and I visited your lovely country about 11 years ago. Flew to Shannon, rented a car and drove up the western coast up to the Giant's Causeway, the Carrickarade Rope Bridge (scariest thing I've EVER done in my life) and down the eastern coast to Dublin and flew back home. Some of the most beautiful things I've ever laid eyes on.
what size was your friend?
this is constant pain... not more than 3 But there...msometimes I also think I can feel something in my right breast and under arm
so annoying when doctors dismiss something... that is what happened to my husband with lung cancer
plus stupidly I had felt something a month ago... googled it and loads of people had this but said it was fine... If I had had googled pain and cancer I would have got a different story.. furious with my self as well as some of the emergency drs who said they couldnt see anything.. well obviously as they don't have x ray vision.
I am sure the palpitations are connected as I have full checks on heart and all fine... but the estrogen interesting So I will follow up
yes agreed on the lung but that doesnt stop me imagining that they will find a host of things until. I get the scan... also worry about pain om my shoulder and elbow but hospital said unlikely.
Northern Ireland but as it is so small. I know most of it,..have done the same trip you done but in reverse... West Ireland. Is wonderful... wild and friendly... causeway is great but agree on the bridge... first time as a 13 Year old is etched on my Brain
we love to see the yanks coming... such. Nice. Friendly respectful people: Where in USA are you.
thank you so so much... this is so hard and I am grateful to you
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grateful to you and your man
Oh thank you
i will see the consultant on Friday... round I will take but i understand that they can mostly tell from the scan...when they have their team discussions..
how is your husband now.. did you get a grading at all
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Have they checked your iron
Have they checked your iron levels when they did the blood tests? I also had periodic rapid heart beat and dizziness and it turned out to be iron deficiency. As for the kidney tumor, it's small and most likely surgery will be the end of it. Mine was about the same size. I did not have pain but it's possible that yours is pressing on a nerve. All the best to you!
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Oh yes they did but i willAPny said:Have they checked your iron
Have they checked your iron levels when they did the blood tests? I also had periodic rapid heart beat and dizziness and it turned out to be iron deficiency. As for the kidney tumor, it's small and most likely surgery will be the end of it. Mine was about the same size. I did not have pain but it's possible that yours is pressing on a nerve. All the best to you!
Oh yes they did but i will ask again
thank you
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Sorry for all you are going
Sorry for all you are going through. To me, it proves how POWERFUL the mind is and how the body reacts! With that said, I remember having a pain that the Urologist/Surgeon said was not related to my tumor. Another specialist said it wasn't related to condition she ws treating me for and blamed it on the Kidney tumor. What? My primary said, "Let's wait and see if you have it after surgery."
Well it left AFTER surgery.
Know that INFLAMMATION is painful. Perhaps your body is reacting to this foreign tumor and builds up this inflammation. Anti-inflammatory medication, like Ibruprofin, Motrin type helpeful. Relaxing area with stretching (even if it hurts) and ICE! ICE is the natural pain reliever. Remember to use ice packs after surgery and you'll need less opiates for pain relief.
We're here for you. Again, only YOU are in control of how and what you think. If you think it, obsess over it, your body reacts as in "fight or flight" and goes into emergency mode causing symptoms, like heart distress, when there is nothing wrong with your heart.
I too have hiatal hernia. I dont get pain from it, but from acid reflux as a result of it. Get that treated if your Gastro doc thinks it will help. AND I use PROBIOTICS whih for the most part keep the acid reflux at bay.
Sending you healing hugs and these words: (God) Grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change, the COURAGE to change the things I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference.
Sending you healing, calming vibes. Learn some meditation and watch your body relax and recovery for you. Work WITH your body, not against it.
You'll get through this as WE'll be here for you all the way!
Hugs, Jan
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Oh Jan.. you must special
Oh Jan.. you must special powers..I just have an mini meltdown as I still feel terrible and am imagining all sorts of things
yes I am sure that they are all connected
I have told my eldest son (23) who is devasted but confused and of course helpless
I just can't put the children through this again
I will take your tips and try thank you
Ice Packs???? On wounds ... are you sure
i won't see Consultant until Friday It seems like a life time away and scan probably not until week after
I am mainly smoking and occasional drink... slightly over weight so not fighting fit.... but I will be If I get through this
Thank you SO SO MUCH
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The "wounds" are little, tiny
The "wounds" are little, tiny (about an inch at the most, and about 3.5 or 4inches if kidney is removed). They are glued, then a little surgical tape over them. I put the dry ice packs (no mess) over my underwear and whalla...reduced the swelling and soreness right away. The lumbar wrap has been a life saver. I had 2 laproscopic/robatic surgeries, one huge incision for my C section and one smaller one for tubal ligation.
I wore the wrap on last two lap surgeries, even to bed, and it made a huge difference in my ability to get uP. LOL I had to beg for ice in the hospital, but it took the PT therapist to just go and get it for me. She used a latex glove and filled it with ice! LOL
You'll get through this and start to feel much better soon than you know!
Sending you calm and serenity~
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dry ice... I am in England... do you mean like those freezer packs you put in your picnics
an lumbar wrap... on order
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The ice can beWehavenotimeatall said:Hmmm
dry ice... I am in England... do you mean like those freezer packs you put in your picnics
an lumbar wrap... on order
Just a bit from the tray in your freezer, in a zip lock bag, wrapped in a tea towel. Or you could use a hot water bottle for the ice, except you'll have to rename it a FROZEN water bottle.
Definitely NOT what we in the US call "dry ice" (That stuff burns, but is Handy for making fog or getting ice cream home from the store when it's 40°C or 105°F). But maybe the wee blue ice things from lunch packets. You probably won't want the weight of a large picnic blue ice container resting on you post-surgery.
I didn't use ice (part of it was probably the extra walk to the kitchen when I just didn't really feel like it, meh). I was able to sleep on my side the first night home, and having my little dog snuggle, stretched out against my lower back was wonderful. A hot water bottle would've done the trick, as well. If that's the case, I hope you've got two.
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My "friend"???Wehavenotimeatall said:Thank you. You are good and kind..
what size was your friend?
this is constant pain... not more than 3 But there...msometimes I also think I can feel something in my right breast and under arm
so annoying when doctors dismiss something... that is what happened to my husband with lung cancer
plus stupidly I had felt something a month ago... googled it and loads of people had this but said it was fine... If I had had googled pain and cancer I would have got a different story.. furious with my self as well as some of the emergency drs who said they couldnt see anything.. well obviously as they don't have x ray vision.
I am sure the palpitations are connected as I have full checks on heart and all fine... but the estrogen interesting So I will follow up
yes agreed on the lung but that doesnt stop me imagining that they will find a host of things until. I get the scan... also worry about pain om my shoulder and elbow but hospital said unlikely.
Northern Ireland but as it is so small. I know most of it,..have done the same trip you done but in reverse... West Ireland. Is wonderful... wild and friendly... causeway is great but agree on the bridge... first time as a 13 Year old is etched on my Brain
we love to see the yanks coming... such. Nice. Friendly respectful people: Where in USA are you.
thank you so so much... this is so hard and I am grateful to you
Not exactly a friend. More like an enemy and I had "Bob the Blob" excised! haha He was 3.2cm. On the small side, but big enough that I felt it.
After your husband's experience, I am not surprised that you would have those frightening thoughts of it being everywhere. It's horrible. Try to keep in mind that YOU have control over your mind. IT does NOT control you. Easier said than done, I know, and I admit it takes a lot of practice and I'm still not an expert. Personally, I find that when I'm not busy I focus too much inwardly, therefore I try to keep my mind busy on other tasks, etc so I can't let those dark thoughts creep in. Again, I understand it isn't easy. Maybe as you are tested for everything it"ll ease your concerns. Make sure you verbalize these concerns to the doctors though, so they hopefully will order the necessary tests to rule things out. And push them for orders if you must. That may be the only way you will have some peace of mind.
I live in Illinois. Not my favorite place to live but happy I'm here right now and not in Texas. Although I have family down there, as far as we know they are all accounted for.
I wish you well Annie and will keep you in my prayers,
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Ahh. Have ice dispenser in
Ahh. Have ice dispenser in Fridge..
No cute doggie though
Great thank you... wish I was on the other side ...
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Yes, exactly like thoseWehavenotimeatall said:Hmmm
dry ice... I am in England... do you mean like those freezer packs you put in your picnics
an lumbar wrap... on order
Yes, exactly like those freezer packs. OR they sell hot/cold packs to use from freezer or from microwave.
Lumbar wrap is sold in most drug stores.
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