Liver appearance and function after Y90 Theraspheres

Joan M
Joan M Member Posts: 409 Member

Hi everyone, 

I am interested in learning from anyone who had the Y90 procedure what your outcome was and how the tumors and liver looked after the procedure. 

I just saw results from the first CT scan since I had the Theraspheres injected into my liver.  I must say my liver looks terrible.  There are white spots and lines all over the outside of my liver and there are more spots in it than before.  The doctor said the white is most likely from the radioactive beads that may have escaped from the liver,  and the areas that look like tumors cannot be tumors because there is no way they could have developed that fast.  Aslo that my CEA would be alot higher if there were that many new tumors developing.  Prior to the procedure it looks like a normal liver with spots in it.  Will my liver regenerate and get back to normal? 

I have also had elevated numbers in blood work concerning liver function.  It's been almost 4 months.  Will this improve over time?

Your input is greatly appreciated.  

Thank you,




  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Half advice

    I had an ablation, so I can't really advise on your Y90.  

    I can only imagine that like most body parts, the liver takes time to heal. It has undergone some serious treatment, and its got to look rather pickled.  

    This is how I would 'try' to handle it.  Tell yourslef that your liver is healing from the trauma of Y90, and try (easily said than done, I know) not to worry. Do all you can to help that live heal, and be positive as you move forward. 

    My liver panel was also elevated after my ablation. Again, I believe (which means I don't have exact knowledge) its part of the process as the liver heals. 

    Chin up, and move forward and believe that all is well until you know different. 



  • Joan M
    Joan M Member Posts: 409 Member
    Thanks Tru,  you are right

    Thanks Tru,  you are right about that.  I hope the tumors are all dead and don't come back.  I'm not sure if my liver would recover from more radiation. 



  • PamRav
    PamRav Member Posts: 348 Member
    Hi Joan

    not sure about the Y90 but my CT scan done 6 weeks post liver abalation looked so nasty, and scared everyone so badly that I ended up having another liver abalation for these "new" lesions.   In retrospect don't know if they were new or not. Thankfully all biopsies came back negative.   So I would imagine that the Y90 would cause the same affect.   given time I bet your liver will heal nicely and you blood levels will return to normal.  

    All the best


  • Joan M
    Joan M Member Posts: 409 Member
    Great to hear the biopsies were negative!

    My doctor said he doesn't believe the spots are new tumors because my CEA levels are really low. I'm having a cryo-ablation on a lung tumore next month.  I had a microwave ablation on a liver tumor in January and that side of my liver is clear of tumors or anything resembling tumors.  The area that was ablated looks like a piece of charcoal on my liver.  I'd really like to see my liver heal.  I don't want to deal with new liver ablations just yet. 

  • Joan M
    Joan M Member Posts: 409 Member
    Thank your for sharing your experience!


    I am sorry to hear that the Y90 didnt work as it was supposed to.  I am concerned about the state of my liver now too since there appear to be more lesions in there than before.  The radiologist stated "inumerable" tumors in the last CT scan.  Before that I had 20 in both sides of the liver, now he didnt even count them in the left lobe.  The right lobe is clear from an ablation on the tumors that were in that lobe.  

    Glad to hear you have survived for 5 years in spite of the metastized cancer.  The first oncologist told me I had 6 to 18 months.  I am at that 18 month mark now so am very happy to be alive!

    Thanks again for responding!


  • Walter4268
    Walter4268 Member Posts: 4
    Y90 pellets

    I had the procedure done about 2 years ago. everything looked fine for about 8 months, and it came back. My onc sent me back for a repeat and they could not find a viable vessel back into the liver. Went to cyberknife radiation through Hopkins. Did 4 weeks to get rid of the large masses, then the doctor determined my liver was too beat up to go after the smaller ones. So now I'm fighting it with chemo alone. I was originally diagnosed Sept 2012 and given about two months, so I'm feeling kind of lucky overall to still be here.