Cannabis Oil to treat Advance Prostate Cancer
I was diagnosed with advance PCa back in May of 2016 and had the RALP done on August 18, 2016. My pathology report pre operative showed a Gleason score of 4+3 and PSA at 25.8 with seminal vesicle involvement. Also, pre operative, my bone and ct scan were negative. After surgery, my PSA was at 0.1, and with eight(8) lymph nodes dissected during surgery all were negative for microscopic cancer cells. My Urologist told me to have my PSA checked every three months for the first year. On June 3rd, 2017 my PSA was elevated from 0.1 to 0.3 indicating the cancer had returned. My next step is to under go Radiation Treatment with Hormonal Treatment (total of 39 treatments and 6 mos of hormonal therapy.) I have done extensive research with top facilities to see if there are other treatment options available for me based on my factors. From what I am seeing, this is the next step for treating a biochemical recurrence with advance PCa. Does anyone out there know if another option other than Hormonal Therapy? I'm really trying to avoid this. But if it's what has to be done, then let's do it!!!
Regarding using cannabis to treat my cancer, I am not sure at this point if it is working. Before my surgery, I used the oil THC:CBD 1:1 ratio for six weeks. Did it help with controlling the cancer and not spreading to the lymph nodes? I'm not sure. I am on it now with hopes that it will bring down my PSA back to non-detectable. I have been on it now for one month now and will have my PSA checked on Monday, Aug 21, 2017. I have been taking about 1 gram nightly. I started my research on cannabis oil for my cancer once I was diagnosed and have found numerous blogs, and articles on using cannabis oil for curing cancer. The most intriguing article I found is posted below:
But to keep me in check, I also read this article which makes sense not to forego treatment for the oil:
Any advice on going through radiation treatment and hormonal treatment (6 mos) regarding side effects would be much appreciated.
Happy Sunday and God Bless.
There is no medical research that documents that cannabis can be used for the treatment of prostate, or any cancer.
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Salvage radiation is the
Salvage radiation is the standard of care as your next step. The concurrent use of ADT for salvage cases is controversial but the most recent studies suggest that it helps as it does when used with primary radiation. I chose the 6 months of ADT (neo adjuvant) based on the latest data and I eat and live organic - don't even take aspirin, so it was a big decision. Its our last chance at cure and 85% of us will lose all of our ADT side effects so it's not a sure bet but I decided that it is a good one. Besides if SRT does not work, we will be right back here anyhow so I decided that it was worth the 6 months because I am shooting for cure.
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As per am earlier post of mine - if cannabis, fruitarianism, homeopathy or any other equally useless "alternative" medicine worked, big pharma would be all over it and locking everyone else out.
"Alternative" medicine that works is medicine. "Alternative" medicine is not medicine - it is refusal to be treated by medicine. Just ask Steve Jobs.
I'ver made a hobby of reading all the claims of such things from a behavioural modification perspective and they all bar none use fear and other strong emotions to put forward highly loaded but utterly unprovable claims (lies) in a way that will get desparate people to part with money. It makes me mad.
That being said, there is nothing wrong with doing stuff ON TOP of your existing regimens as long as it does not affect them or harm you - the placebo affect is real (but does not invalidate my points above).
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What is your real issue?
I intended to flag your thread for the title you used and the sales link provided but abstained for the sincere question on the radiation plus HT treatment. No doubts that the title will be the matter of discussions in here, and you may not fully benefit from answers on your real issue. It will be interesting to know about the PSA result this time.
Having RT solo is also standard in a salvage therapy. Without the added HT (unmasked PSA) one can verify the RT outcome earlier. In any case, the success of a treatment for recurrence after RP depends on the choice of the field of attack of the radiation. Without appropriate targets the treatment is base on guessing locations and one can only expect to be lucky in hitting the bandit. You do understand that it is not easy to hit the bull’s eyes throwing arrows in the dark.
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What is your real issueVascodaGama said:What is your real issue?
I intended to flag your thread for the title you used and the sales link provided but abstained for the sincere question on the radiation plus HT treatment. No doubts that the title will be the matter of discussions in here, and you may not fully benefit from answers on your real issue. It will be interesting to know about the PSA result this time.
Having RT solo is also standard in a salvage therapy. Without the added HT (unmasked PSA) one can verify the RT outcome earlier. In any case, the success of a treatment for recurrence after RP depends on the choice of the field of attack of the radiation. Without appropriate targets the treatment is base on guessing locations and one can only expect to be lucky in hitting the bandit. You do understand that it is not easy to hit the bull’s eyes throwing arrows in the dark.
Hello VascodaGama,
Not trying to make a pitch on using cannabis oil for treating cancer. Didn't even think about the link that I used about Dennis Hill and how he cured his stage 4 cancer using Cannabis Oil. I thought it was an interesting article and lead me onto researching numerous other topics regarding cannabis oil for cancer.
My RT will be targeting the prostate bed. As noted, my CT and bones scan was negative, so hopefully the cancer cells are contained within this area. I'll keep you posted on my PSA test once I receive the results.
Thank you for your input...
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Salvage radiation is theGeorgeG said:Salvage radiation is the
Salvage radiation is the standard of care as your next step. The concurrent use of ADT for salvage cases is controversial but the most recent studies suggest that it helps as it does when used with primary radiation. I chose the 6 months of ADT (neo adjuvant) based on the latest data and I eat and live organic - don't even take aspirin, so it was a big decision. Its our last chance at cure and 85% of us will lose all of our ADT side effects so it's not a sure bet but I decided that it is a good one. Besides if SRT does not work, we will be right back here anyhow so I decided that it was worth the 6 months because I am shooting for cure.
Thank you for our reply.
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The latest studies show thatcarrillor0529 said:What is your real issue
Hello VascodaGama,
Not trying to make a pitch on using cannabis oil for treating cancer. Didn't even think about the link that I used about Dennis Hill and how he cured his stage 4 cancer using Cannabis Oil. I thought it was an interesting article and lead me onto researching numerous other topics regarding cannabis oil for cancer.
My RT will be targeting the prostate bed. As noted, my CT and bones scan was negative, so hopefully the cancer cells are contained within this area. I'll keep you posted on my PSA test once I receive the results.
Thank you for your input...
The latest studies show that the addition of ADT to SRT improves outcomes. I decided that it does not matter if ADT masks the SRT results for a few months because its a one and done proceedure and during masking PC is suppressed so nothing is lost except a few months to find out if SRT worked. If you wait until your PSA goes into the double digits which is when most guys will get an image verification of the recurrence thane your survival numbers are much worse. They drop from over 50% to eventually single digits. Because of this I opted to shoot in the dark with SRT using the most common sites of recurrence.
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Salvage Radiation
Carrillo0520, I also had biochemical reoccurrence and the treatment protocol at MD Anderson was to have SRT and 6 months of ADT providing that they could NOT confirm spread beyond the pelvic region. if there was spread to other parts of the body I most likely would not have received radiation but would most likely have been given hormone shots and / or Chemo depending on the significance of the spread. If spread cannot be confirmed and therefore the Pca may be confined to the pelvic region SRT is the treatment protocol along with ADT . While it is true that without ADT you do get an earlier read on SRT outcome , I agreed to the hormone shots ( which can delay outcome ) because I was told that the hormones could shrink the tumors making it easier for the radiation to be effective.
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What contendo said. That is
What contendo said. That is basically the opinion of Mayo and Johns Hopkins as well Except that JH said six months min and up to two years on ADT. Another issue however os the total dose and where on radiation. I got three different opinions at three different places. It seems that a minimum of 66 gy in the core of the field is becoming the minimum But some places are pushing that beyond 70 and some trials are going to 80 for primary treatment.
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Yeshewhositsoncushions said:HI
As per am earlier post of mine - if cannabis, fruitarianism, homeopathy or any other equally useless "alternative" medicine worked, big pharma would be all over it and locking everyone else out.
"Alternative" medicine that works is medicine. "Alternative" medicine is not medicine - it is refusal to be treated by medicine. Just ask Steve Jobs.
I'ver made a hobby of reading all the claims of such things from a behavioural modification perspective and they all bar none use fear and other strong emotions to put forward highly loaded but utterly unprovable claims (lies) in a way that will get desparate people to part with money. It makes me mad.
That being said, there is nothing wrong with doing stuff ON TOP of your existing regimens as long as it does not affect them or harm you - the placebo affect is real (but does not invalidate my points above).
Yours is a precise and correct summation of all things "alternative." I have no objection to oil being used for pallative effect, just don't pretend that it is doing more than that. And nothing even supports the notion that these oils are more soothing or effective in symptom mitigation than mainstream drugs.
The writer mentions his clinical progress, and speculates what role the oil has had. The most honest evidence-based answer is "none."
These salsemen fish our waters periodically. I am not suggesting he is an acutal "employee" of these agencies, but clearly there is an agenda. Most of the oil sites I have gone to were utterly ridiculous, run by people with no medical training at all, making the most ridiculous, and wholly unverified, claims imaginable.
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Salvage Radiation
Yes GeorgeG, IHad received 35 radiation treatments for a total of 70 Gy.
If I remember correctly I received 54 Gy to the prostate and seminal vesicle area and then 16 Gy focused on the exact location where they imaged a small tumor in the prostate bed.
That was 2 years ago and so far at least my psa is still not detectable.
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Salvage Radiationcontento said:Salvage Radiation
Yes GeorgeG, IHad received 35 radiation treatments for a total of 70 Gy.
If I remember correctly I received 54 Gy to the prostate and seminal vesicle area and then 16 Gy focused on the exact location where they imaged a small tumor in the prostate bed.
That was 2 years ago and so far at least my psa is still not detectable.
I will be receiving radiation to the prostate bed and the pelvic area. I think a total of 39 treatments.
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Well my PSA is still at 0.3. My PSA undetectable until June 3, 2017. I have been on Cannabis Oil for one month now. I will continue to use the oil on a nightly basis throughout my radiation treatment. I have to admit that I was kind of concerned that my PSA might have risen since June 3rd. But it remains the same at 0.3. So I will take this as a positive note and thank God for this.
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Getting high
When we smoked weed in college some 40 years ago, it interfered with our immune system, not enhanced it. If the flu was going around, you either abstained for a bit or suffered the consequences. If you were still smoking weed or hashish, you were more likely to get sick, and the symptoms were WAY worse, and the duration of the illness lasted longer.
Even though cannabis oil is sold as THC free, what ingredient in hemp could contribute to killing runaway cells or reprogramming cancer cells with cell death?
Or most importantly, how does it enhance the immune system? I doubt very much that it does. I am guessing a double blind study with cannabis oil and lard probably would show no significant correlation between hemp and the immune system, as opposed to any other oil or fat.
I don't know who came up with the idea that cannabis oil cures cancer, but I am betting they were high when they said it.
Or greedy.
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Salvage Radiation
Carrillor0529, I can't comment on the cannabis oil as i simply don't know enough about it.
I am pleased your getting treatment while your psa is still low ie .3 ng/ml. Did they find the Pca in your prostate bed ? with an MRI w/ endorectal coil ? Hopefully this is the case as your odds of success will be higher. If they can't locate it , it doesn't mean that it's not still in the area it might just be too small to see. Again hopefully it's still in the prostate area. Good luck with the treatments ! Don't forget to hold that water !!
PS - my side effects were not that bad at all. i experienced some fatigue from the radiation and had some hot flashes and a big appetite from the hormone shots. once the hormone shots wore off I did have to lose some weight , but doable. -- Again Good Luck...
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Getting HighGrinder said:Getting high
When we smoked weed in college some 40 years ago, it interfered with our immune system, not enhanced it. If the flu was going around, you either abstained for a bit or suffered the consequences. If you were still smoking weed or hashish, you were more likely to get sick, and the symptoms were WAY worse, and the duration of the illness lasted longer.
Even though cannabis oil is sold as THC free, what ingredient in hemp could contribute to killing runaway cells or reprogramming cancer cells with cell death?
Or most importantly, how does it enhance the immune system? I doubt very much that it does. I am guessing a double blind study with cannabis oil and lard probably would show no significant correlation between hemp and the immune system, as opposed to any other oil or fat.
I don't know who came up with the idea that cannabis oil cures cancer, but I am betting they were high when they said it.
Or greedy.
Research the Dennis Hill. He breaks down how THC and CBD attacks cancer cells.
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Salvage Radiationcontento said:Salvage Radiation
Carrillor0529, I can't comment on the cannabis oil as i simply don't know enough about it.
I am pleased your getting treatment while your psa is still low ie .3 ng/ml. Did they find the Pca in your prostate bed ? with an MRI w/ endorectal coil ? Hopefully this is the case as your odds of success will be higher. If they can't locate it , it doesn't mean that it's not still in the area it might just be too small to see. Again hopefully it's still in the prostate area. Good luck with the treatments ! Don't forget to hold that water !!
PS - my side effects were not that bad at all. i experienced some fatigue from the radiation and had some hot flashes and a big appetite from the hormone shots. once the hormone shots wore off I did have to lose some weight , but doable. -- Again Good Luck...
Thank you for the input regarding your treatment and side effects. I should be starting my treatments next week. The oncologist is going to give the hormonal shots once a month instead of one six month shot.
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Search Cannabis & Israelhewhositsoncushions said:HI
As per am earlier post of mine - if cannabis, fruitarianism, homeopathy or any other equally useless "alternative" medicine worked, big pharma would be all over it and locking everyone else out.
"Alternative" medicine that works is medicine. "Alternative" medicine is not medicine - it is refusal to be treated by medicine. Just ask Steve Jobs.
I'ver made a hobby of reading all the claims of such things from a behavioural modification perspective and they all bar none use fear and other strong emotions to put forward highly loaded but utterly unprovable claims (lies) in a way that will get desparate people to part with money. It makes me mad.
That being said, there is nothing wrong with doing stuff ON TOP of your existing regimens as long as it does not affect them or harm you - the placebo affect is real (but does not invalidate my points above).
Search Cannabis & Israel,hundreds of studys going on now.
Giving children a chance to live siesure free, search Sanjay Gupta CNN reporter
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Pubmed lists 521 papershopeful and optimistic said:cannabis
There is no medical research that documents that cannabis can be used for the treatment of prostate, or any cancer.
Using the search term "cannabis cancer" Here are a few from the FIRST PAGE (most recent) of results
A Review of the Therapeutic Antitumor Potential of Cannabinoids.
The aim of this review is to discuss cannabinoids from a preclinical and clinical oncological perspective and provide the audience with a concise, retrospective overview of the most significant findings concerning the potential use of cannabinoids in cancer treatment.
A literature survey of medical and scientific databases was conducted with a focus on the biological and medical potential of cannabinoids in cancer treatment.
Cannabis sativa is a plant rich in more than 100 types of cannabinoids. Besides exogenous plant cannabinoids, mammalian endocannabinoids and synthetic cannabinoid analogues have been identified. Cannabinoid receptors type 1 (CB1) and type 2 (CB2) have been isolated and characterized from mammalian cells. Through cannabinoid receptor and non-receptor signaling pathways, cannabinoids show specific cytotoxicity against tumor cells, while protecting healthy tissue from apoptosis. The dual antiproliferative and proapoptotic effects of cannabinoids and associated signaling pathways have been investigated on a large panel of cancer cell lines. Cannabinoids also display potent anticancer activity against tumor xenografts, including tumors that express high resistance to standard chemotherapeutics. Few studies have investigated the possible synergistic effects of cannabinoids with standard oncology therapies, and are based on the preclinically confirmed concept of "cannabinoid sensitizers." Also, clinical trials aimed to confirm the antineoplastic activity of cannabinoids have only been evaluated on a small number of subjects, with no consensus conclusions regarding their effectiveness.
A large number of cannabinoid compounds have been discovered, developed, and used to study the effects of cannabinoids on cancers in model systems. However, few clinical trials have been conducted on the use of cannabinoids in the treatment of cancers in humans. Further studies require extensive monitoring of the effects of cannabinoids alone or in combination with standard anticancer strategies. With such knowledge, cannabinoids could become a therapy of choice in contemporary oncology.
Targeting cannabinoid receptors in gastrointestinal cancers for therapeutic uses: current status and future perspectives.
An efficient new cannabinoid antiemetic in pediatric oncology.
Cannabis extract treatment for terminal acute lymphoblastic leukemia with a Philadelphia chromosome mutation.
Medical marijuana use in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients treated with radiotherapy.
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