MRI Adventure

rhominator Member Posts: 233 Member
edited August 2017 in Kidney Cancer #1

I needed a MRI recently. During the MRI, while in the "tube", I was daydreaming about sci-fi and space travel -- influenced by the sounds and pulse of the MRI machine.  Then the power went out. Blackness and quiet -- it was like it got teleported into space!!

Kinda cool.


  • Tesla1
    Tesla1 Member Posts: 46
    I'm a MRI Technologist that

    I'm a MRI Technologist that primarily works with claustrophobic patients. If that had happened to one of my patients it would have looked like something out of The Ring.

  • Mighty Frog
    Mighty Frog Member Posts: 152 Member
    MRI vs CT scan

    Is there any difference of result of these both scanning? As i understand MRI are relative more safer then CT scan which using radiation (which might or not cause cancer). Based on the forum here most of them went through CT scan than MRI.  Evaluating the risk i will definitely prefer MRI scan. 

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    edited August 2017 #4
    You would have to drag me in

    You would have to drag me in there kicking and screaming. No way could I lie in a tube like that unless you drugged me senseless.

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    APny said:

    You would have to drag me in

    You would have to drag me in there kicking and screaming. No way could I lie in a tube like that unless you drugged me senseless.

    Amen to That

    I had to get a head MRI to see if there was anything wrong inside of my head that was contributing to hearing loss.  I told the doc there was no way on earth I could tolerate an MRI.  I have enough trouble with the little donut on the CT?  He got my insurance to approve an open MRI.  It still ain't the greatest feeling ever, but with a Xanax, I got through it with no issues.  The results were negative.  And before anyone makes a snide comment, yes, I asked if negative meant I didn't have a brain at all.  LOL.  There were no issues in the meager brain matter I still have.  Hearing loss was due to a virus for which, unfortunately, there's no cure.

  • rhominator
    rhominator Member Posts: 233 Member
    edited August 2017 #6

    MRI vs CT scan

    Is there any difference of result of these both scanning? As i understand MRI are relative more safer then CT scan which using radiation (which might or not cause cancer). Based on the forum here most of them went through CT scan than MRI.  Evaluating the risk i will definitely prefer MRI scan. 

    MRI w/Contrast Hard on Kidney

    As I understand it, the contrast used in the MRI is hard on the (remaining) kidney.  My last MRI on the spine was without contrast, and imaging was used in preparatation for steriotactic radiosurgery (SRS/SBRT), i.e., radiation therapy.  My three month scans have all been PET/CT.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    edited August 2017 #7
    Yes, the anxiety and fear

    Yes, the anxiety and fear with MRIs is real, but CAN be overcome. I have had soooo many of all areas of my body, mostly brain for another disease I have. I learned NOT to open my eyes. Go in very tired and do my centered, relaxing breathing. One of the places I go to has a mirror so you can SEE the technician and that helps psychologically, but i don't need to any longer. 

    They also can do IV meds to knock you out, like you get for a colonoscopy. But with earbuds with my favorite music (provided by the facility), centered, slow breathing, I relax and take a nap.

    Oh, I do ask the tech to tell me when they are going to do the next sequence and for how long. LIke this will be 3 mins. They will tell you when you are half way done, when you are coming out and all that communication helps me.

    You'll live. You CAN control your psychological attitude and then use meds if necessary.


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Thanks, Jan. That's great to

    Thanks, Jan. That's great to know about the IV meds! And keeping your eyes is a good idea too but I think I'd rather be knocked out if there's that option.