Has Anyone used essential oils from Young Living Company

kyolcu Member Posts: 111

I wonder has anybody used essential oils to improve immune system. Some research indicates they are beneficial but I want to hear from someone who actually used it If there is any.


  • lizard44
    lizard44 Member Posts: 409 Member
    edited August 2017 #2
    I would steer clear of them

    Young Living has  been sent warning letters by the FDA for the medical claims being made on their websites and by their sales consultants. Generally speaking it is NOT safe to ingest  essential oils or to use them undiluted on  your skin. The fact that something is advertised as being "natural" does not make it safe- poison ivy is "natural"  as is snake venon. I don't know if this link will take here on the forum, but it's worth reading and there are several websites by certified aromatherapists trained in the safe use of essential oils that advise against the very usages that Young Living recommends. I am very fond of essential oils and used them frequently when  I was making soap and formulating body care products, but only after thoroughly studying their properties, proper use, and what were safe ratios.  At any rate, I would definitely discuss  this with your oncologist before making any decision.  https://www.fda.gov/ICECI/EnforcementActions/WarningLetters/ucm416023.htm


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Same goes for me

    I have read up on several companies and their essential oil, including Young Living, and confess, they do not get good feedback. Do Terra also make claims of healing that are misleading.

    I do use essential oils from Do Terra (I diffuse DDR Prime, but do not take it internally) I use essential oils from Now (Foods). Aura Cacia. Mountain Rose Herb (many of which are Organic).

    Its worth reading up on this subject as Lizzard said. Even though many natural plants have healing properties, they should be used with caution and knowledge. 


  • kyolcu
    kyolcu Member Posts: 111
    edited August 2017 #4
    Thank you for Lizard44 and Trubrit

    Thank you all for good feedback and the article.