Opinions would be greatly appreacited

DonMiller Member Posts: 109

Hi Everyone

On October 5, 2012 I had surgery to remove my left kidney.  11CM Stage 3 Grade 3.  The tumor had invaded the renal sinus and muscular veins,  I was then 50 years old

I had scan every three months for a year, then every six months and after 3 years once a year.   In October of 2016  the scan disclosed three nodules in my kidney and I had an MRI with subtractive imaging and the pathologist concluded they were cysts.

I have been losing weight all year and decided to do the scan a bit early.  It disclosed a 5 CM tumor on my pancerious.  I have seen a number of Doctors in the last 3 days all of whom believe it is primary pancartic cancer.  The scan was done without contract.

I am having an MRI tomrrow to determine if it is operable.  It sounds unbelievable that something could growp 5 CM's since last fall.  It wasn't missed.  I have lost 40 pounds ansd my bllod sugar has increased from borderline ( about 110 fasting) to about 250.

I would sincerely aprecaite everyone's thoughts




  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    No opinions just my wishes

    No opinions just my wishes that if it is indeed pancreatic cancer it's operable. My thoughts and prayers are with you. So sorry that after what you went through with the kidney you could now be facing this. Not fair.

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    SO Sorry

    re your news. It's cruddy!

    Do you want scientific experience or opinion.  We're here to offer either. 

    Cancer can grow so rapidly when it gets going.  A friend went thru all the pre-op tests for a shoulder joint replacement in late October a few years ago.  In April she was Dx'd with Stage 4 Lymphoma.  Go figure.

    My first reaction is-can they resect what's in the pancreas and give you a more correct diagnosis?  And if not, can they do the Von Hipple re-route after removing the pancreas?  I can understand the diabetes, as the Islets on Langerhans sprinkled within the pancreas are what produce insulin.  They are being crowded out or caused to shut down.  And the rest of the pancreas produces enzymes to help you digest and absorb food. Owie, owie.

    There are so many if/ands that you need more info to work with before you make any decisions.

    I do hope there is no delay in getting further info and a confirmed Dx, along with alternative procedures for care and treatment.

    All good wishes and hugs from Oregon.


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    First things first

    Don, it is of no use speculating. Finish your testing and treatment if indicated. You already know there is ample time to collect the facts after confirmed dx. Regardless, good luck.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hey, Don, I am sending you

    Hey, Don, I am sending you healing hugs, calm and abilty to stay in the moment, best you can. I know, its easier said than done.

    Sorry for what you are going through, but remember WE'LL be here for you all the way!

    Caring hugs, Jan

  • Don, what foxhd said.  Get

    Don, what foxhd said.  Get the facts.  Best of luck.

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Best wishes Don

    Please let us know how things come out.

    I'll be praying for you,


  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member
    Prayers for you

    Hope it turns out better than expected...

  • Manufred
    Manufred Member Posts: 241 Member
    Pancreatic Tumour


    How did the MRI go?  For the record, I have mRCC and they first found two Mets on my pancreas, more than two years ago.  It seems the pancreas is not an uncommon place for mRCC to lodge, but it can be hard to detect until they get to a good size.  Mine was then treated using Ipi and Nivo (look them up). 

    Best Wishes.


  • Rockspin
    Rockspin Member Posts: 77
    Newly diagnosed

    I had back pain and fatigue. After MRI and scan found 3.777 tumor on my right kidney. Meeting with urologist surgeon tomorrow. I am scared and anxious. Any thoughts as to the best type of dr to deal with this? Also would like to hear from long time survivors. I have a new grandbaby coming in April I so want to be around. Thank you

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    edited August 2017 #11
    Rockspin, so sorry you have

    Rockspin, so sorry you have to be here but you'll get tons of info and support. Why don't you start your own thread and that way your post won't be "lost" in the midst of Don's thread. Best doctor would be someone with extensive experience with kidney cancer if indeed what your tumor is. But do start a new thread so we can all chip in and address your concerns.

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Don, so sorry to hear this

    Don, so sorry to hear this news. Hoping for the best possible outcome for you. 

    Sending good thoughts and big hugs your way!
