Last year at this time.....

stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
edited July 2017 in Kidney Cancer #1


I was an emotional wreck.  My wife and I had just been told by my kidney doctor that I had a mass on the lower pole of my right kidney that appeared to be cancer.  He told us that he'd make an appointment request with our local Urologist for follow-up and to expect a call from them in the next week or two.  I was devastated.  No warnings--I felt great, was training for a half marathon and, by all appearances, was a 47-year-old healthy male.  I just couldn't sit around and wait for the phone to ring from the local hospital, so I sent an electronic appointment request to the Mayo Clinic.  The next business day Mayo called and set up an appointment for me.  Within a week I was at Mayo completing a series of scans and met with Dr. Chow and members of his team later in the afternoon.  He reviewed the scans with us and confirmed that it appeared to be cancer.  He told me that we needed to schedule surgery and went into detail about the procedure.  Dr. Chow and his team were compassionate and professional--answering all our questions.  My wife and I walked in to his office full of fear and uncertainty about our future.  We left with renewed hope and a strong sense of optimism.  In a few weeks I'll hit the official 1-year anniversary of my surgery.  What a year it’s been.


I've learned to celebrate life--take nothing for granted.  I'm better at showing my love and appreciation for family and friends.  We've taken trips, not put things off, and started planning for the future again.  I've celebrated birthdays, weddings, our daughter’s high school graduation (she was valedictorian), and most recently our 24th wedding anniversary.  I've grown in my faith and now put my trust in God.  Scan time is still unsettling, but I understand the importance of it.  So far, I'm NED with two scans under my belt.  


I'll be honest; you all are such an important part of my journey.  I can't tell you how important you are to me.  I check in almost daily and chime in to a few posts.  Without you and your support, encouragement, and compassion, I'm not sure how this year would have gone--especially those first few months.  Thank you so much for all you do!








  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    edited July 2017 #2
    Back atcha Stub!

    You do as much for people on this forum, as the rest of us do for you.  It's been quite the roller coaster ride hasn't it?  The good news in all of it, is the enlightenment we gain as we progress thru this challenging lesson.  I know it's been so life altering for me.

    God Bless you and keep the celebration alive,


  • rhominator
    rhominator Member Posts: 233 Member
    That's Great!

    Thanks for the uplifting post, Stub!

    I couldn't maintain my joy without the help of God and Christ.  My faith, too, has grown stronger in this ordeal--as has my relationship with my wife.  In spite of the hardships, it's been a GREAT three and a half years since diagnosis.

  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    Time flies when...

    Time flies when you're not waiting for scan results. I can think, "Wow, only a year?" as well as, "Wow, a whole year already!"

    BTW, when you told us you'd just made an electronic request for an appointment with Mayo AND GOTTEN IT, I was more than just a little envious and in awe of your ability to self-refer. 

    So glad it's been a good year -- !

  • Pandabear1011
    Pandabear1011 Member Posts: 123 Member
    Congratulations Stub!! So

    Congratulations Stub!! So happy for you!!...:)