Cat Safety



I just had my second chemo.  The side effects are worse this time, but mostly just the aches, especially my arms and the nausea, so I feel lucky.  They upped the taxotere so I was braced for this.  I just wanted to double check and make sure it's okay for my cat to lay on me and knead me with her paws.  Will she absorb poison?  I'm pretty sweaty, so I'm surprised she even does it.  I didn't do a search because I'm having a hard time typing and shaking.  So if anyone knows the answer to this, thank you for you time.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,531 Member
    Amatullah, I think your cat

    Amatullah, I think your cat is safe.  It is probably like you hugging another person when you are sweaty - you are not giving any of the chemo to that person.  I think they would have probably advised that you be careful what you touch since your immune system is lowered.  For example, I was told not to do any work in the garden or flower beds when I was on chemo.  I would think handling cat litter or dog feces would be the same.  Maybe my doctor's office was been abundantly cautious as I have never heard anyone else here be told about working in the yard like this.  I think it is why I was probably told mushrooms were off the list of items to eat during chemo and any fruit or veggie that had an edible skin - green peppers were out, just can't get them clean and expose yourself to something from the earth being left on them.  I know I had neighbors who rudely used my flower beds as their dogs potty.

    I am sure one of the other ladies will be along soon.

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member


    I have two very small dogs and they are glued to me. They slept with me and on me while I was going through chemo and they are fine 1.75 years later. The only caution I can offer us is to not let your cat in the bathroom for the first 3 days after chemo. I was told to use a separate bathroom from my family until I had processed most of the chemo from my body. Other than that, no restrictions except the same that NoTime mentioned above.

    Glad you are tolerating the treatments well.

    Love and Hugs,


  • Nellasing
    Nellasing Member Posts: 528 Member
    edited August 2017 #4

    I have 2 cats and 2 dogs- they are all fine at almost a year.  I didn't handle their litter and I was super cautious about them scratching or licking me.

    I'm sorry you are feeling bad- glad you were ready for it.  I hope they can make you comfortable.  (((HUGS)))

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    edited August 2017 #5
    Interesting differences in

    Interesting differences in advice. I just knew not to deal with the cat litter and that was about it except not to get food from a salad bar. I had a friend who was advised not to drink suntea. Hmm my daughter had a kidney transplant 10 years ago and has never been told that.

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    My husband just recently

    My husband just recently finsihed chemo.  They told him not to let our dogs drink out of the toilet.  Even if it was flushed.   I know some cats my also try to drink out of the "bowl".   Also, as Soup and others have said, stay away from salad bars and don't do the litter box.

  • Kinableu
    Kinableu Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited August 2017 #7
    Please be careful with your pets while on chemo

    Your immune system is affected by chemo and so is your skin. if he bites or scratches and draws blood you can get cellulitis Or other infections.

    The saliva and paws of a cat are full of germs that are not your friends right now. If possible have someone else feed him and take care of the litter box and if you have to do it yourself use rubber gloves, then wash your hands. Be sure to keep his food and litter areas clean and practice good hygiene all over your home.

    The cat I have sometimes tries to drink from the toilet, a behavior some city cats have. If I were not very sure to keep the door clloses he might drink from it and possibly ingest some drugs from any trace of urine on the bowl. He doesn't belong there anyway.

    You should wash your hands a lot and practice extra good hygiene in your home during this time. 

  • pinky104
    pinky104 Member Posts: 574 Member
    edited August 2017 #8
    Cats andChemo

    I have two cats and have been through chemo twice.  One cat is now 20, the other is 9, and both have been through chemo with me twice without any apparent ill effects. The oldest regularly pokes and prods at me at bedtime, but he never punctures the skin.  He is experiencing kidney failure and an abnormal heart rhythm, but those are to be expected at his age, I would think.  My vet says she has never treated a cat older than 21.  I was told to flush the toilet twice while I'm on chemo so that if the cats drink out of the bowl, they won't be affected.  The old one used to do that regularly, but doesn't do it any more since the vet advised me to put water bowls out in various places around the house so that he can drink more often because he will be putting out more urine with his kidney failure.  I haven't been flushing twice because he no longer drinks out of the john, and I'm not sure if he could even stand up on it any more if he wanted to do that (he has arthritis).  If he gets any table scraps, he is to have only chicken and turkey, and nothing with spices like garlic or onion.  I don't think you need to worry about the chemo affecting your cat.  One thing I hadn't thought about was the radiation from my PET scans.  I was told to avoid small children and babies for several hours after my scans, but I wasn't told to avoid my pets.  However, I usually go to bed fairly late, and they mostly hang out in other rooms when I'm up, so they probably didn't get much radiation until I was past the dangerous stage for them. 

  • Amatullah
    Amatullah Member Posts: 36
    Thanks everyone.  I don't

    Thanks everyone.  I don't have much choice about the kitty litty litter and stuff.  I just don't want to be that dependent on others.  It's bad enough I need rides.  I realized when I was driving myself, I wasn't able to concentrate enough and I can't put others at risk, so I'm getting rides.  I do wash well.  I did notice that my white blood cell count was still barely in the normal rage.  That would be great except of courst that worries me, since I wonder if the chemo is working.  I don''t know what kind of correllation there is between the treatment working and the blood tests and side effects.  I did notice my toilet got an almost metallic ring around it, but I'm flushing more and my cat doesn't seem to want to drink it.  She likes to watch it, but that's it.  I've been too exhausted to eat and my daughter brought me a cotton candy from the mall today.  It was like a little piece of heaven and bumped my blood sugar up and I had the energy to eat a half hamburger.  I know we're supposed to eat healthy, but the cotton candy was wonderful!!  Thanks again.  

  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member
    Hi, Amatullah, interesting post and

    one that touched my own personal life. When I learned that I had been diagnosed with UPSC stage 3a almost 4 years ago, all that I could think about was who would care for my partner of 28 years at that time and my 3 kitties when I died?  Since my cats were more dependent on my care, I felt particularly worried about their welfare. Who would love and care for them in the way that I did? My oldest kitty, Mew Mews, who adores me would be most vulnerable. I told myself that I MUST live; nothing less was exceptable.  I think if you have reasons to live perhaps that makes a difference- or maybe not. I don't know. But I am still here alive and NED and working in Florida. I don't post much anymore but think about all of you and pray for your good health.

    Warm and Loving Wishes, My Friends,


  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    Glad to hear you continue to do well. 

  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member
    edited August 2017 #12
    Thanks, Connie, I am happy


    to say that I am still here and well. I am very grateful as I know, as you do, too, that there are no guarantees that the cancer won't return. I have at this point put my cancer diagnosis on the back burner, only thinking about it occasionally or when I see yet another cancer related tv commercial. I do frequently, however, think about my fellow sisters on this Board with warm regard and with hope for a brighter tomorrow. 
