Positive i have anal cancer but no insurance

Jnv7594 Member Posts: 4

Hi, all. I'm just beside myself what to do.  I'm a single mother, 41, and I have no health insurance.  I cannot afford to go to the doctor, and I am quite certain I have anal cancer.  I have had hemorrhoids for years but this is different.  About 6 months ago I started having rectal bleeding...bright red blood.  It started after a bout of severe constipation so I assumed I had a fissure.  I had a burning pain in the side of the anus.  Well, my bleeding comes and goes, and I only get it on rare occasions now.  However, the tender spot near my anus is still there and not getting better.  Its not a lump, just a tender area that burns when touched.  I also have some itching, sometimes fairly severe, as well as occasional sharp pains in the anus.  I have ongoing diarrhea as well.  I keep just brushing it off since the bleeding is no longer frequent, but the tenderness that won't go away and the itching has me convinced it's cancer.  There is just no way for me to go to the doc.  I guess I am just curious if anyone else had their cancer start this way...with a flat tender/burning area near anus?  I just don't know what else it would be.


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    I was diagnosed in 2008 with anal cancer, after having symptoms of bleeding and fullness in my rectum, even after having a bowel movement.  I don't remember having itching so much.  All that said, please get yourself to a doctor.  I realize from your post that your finances are tight and you have no insurance, but you have a child or children.  For the sake of your family, please do not let your symptoms go unchecked.  I don't know where you live, but try to find a doctor who will work with you regarding the finance issues.  I can't think of anything worse than finding out too late that you have cancer and leaving your family behind.  Please find a doctor who will see you.

  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member
    edited July 2017 #3
    I agree

    You definately need to get checked out. Can you get on a medical card in your state? An emergency room has to see you reguardless of ability to pay I think. 

  • Jnv7594
    Jnv7594 Member Posts: 4
    Okay, now you all have me

    Okay, now you all have me terrified.lol.  I've checked docs in my area. They either require insurance or an upfront payment which I don't have.  And I know the er will just refer me and will be extremely expensive.  I've searched out other options.  Their just aren't any I can afford.  I don't know what to do.

  • Wisteria83
    Wisteria83 Member Posts: 160
    Jnv7594 said:

    Okay, now you all have me

    Okay, now you all have me terrified.lol.  I've checked docs in my area. They either require insurance or an upfront payment which I don't have.  And I know the er will just refer me and will be extremely expensive.  I've searched out other options.  Their just aren't any I can afford.  I don't know what to do.

    No Insurance

    Call up Social Services in your town.  If you are unable to afford insurance and dr. visits, you must be eligible for medicaid.  I hope for your sake that it isn't cancer, but you can't guess in this situation, you need to know for sure and deal with it.  For the sake of your kids and your life, please do this as soon as possible. If it turns out to be cancer, this group will be able to help you through whatever comes up.  Nothing is off limits to discuss, and no question is silly.  Take care, and please let us know how it turns out.


  • itsajourney
    itsajourney Member Posts: 15 Member

    Try this interactive map from the Department of Health and Human Resources to locate a Community Health Center close to you. They provide healthcare services based on your ability to pay. They should be able to refer you to specialists who will also provide similar financial considerations.


    They should also be able to assist you in signing up for Medicaid in your state.

    I hope this helps.


  • Jnv7594
    Jnv7594 Member Posts: 4
    Unfortunately, I don't

    Unfortunately, I don't qualify for Medicaid.  I make too much, but I make too little to afford regular health insurance.  I'm stuck in the middle.  Thank you so much for the advice and link though.

  • tanda
    tanda Member Posts: 174 Member

    Where (city,town,etc) are you located?  I assume you work pt-time, or are self-employed  Hospitals that receive gov funds are required to treat patients...Teaching hospitals are often able to negotiate financial arrangements.

    What is the nation's health care safety net?

    Health care safety net providers are those that have a legal mandate or mission to offer medical care to all patients, regardless of their ability to pay, and have a substantial number of patients who are uninsured or on Medicaid.

    • Health care safety net providers include emergency departments, community health centers, public hospitals, charitable clinics, and in some communities, teaching and community hospitals—organizations that people turn to when faced with barriers to obtaining medical care elsewhere.
    • Emergency departments have the only legal mandate to provide health care ??the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). This law ensures that anyone who comes to an emergency department, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay, must receive a medical screening exam and be stabilized. 

      I agree with everyone who has urged you to find a Dr or a facility as soon as possible who can begin a diagnostic process; it really is hard to self-diagnose as your symptoms could be a number of things, not necessarily cancer.  

  • ClaCla
    ClaCla Member Posts: 136 Member

    In addition to all the info provided by others above, there is also some information on the American Cancer Society website at:  https://www.cancer.org/treatment/finding-and-paying-for-treatment/understanding-health-insurance/if-you-have-trouble-paying-a-bill.html

    Good luck.


  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member

    Like others have said the emergency room has an obligation to treat you. Next time you get rectal bleeding go in when you have it, or report to them that's what you have. If you are examined in ER and found to have cancer (or exam highly suspicious for cancer) that is probably the best place to get you set up for a program to help you. 

  • Jnv7594
    Jnv7594 Member Posts: 4
    I appreciate all the advice,

    I appreciate all the advice, but I'm just going to have to keep an eye on things for now and hope they clear up and that it's not cancer.  I simply can't afford to go to the ER.  Yes, they have an obligation to treat me, but then after that, they will refer me on to a doctor I can't afford.  I had cancer of a different kind about 10 years ago.  I know how expensive all the testing is along with the referrals to specialists, treatments, surgeries, etc.  And ER bills are usually very high.  Even if I go how can I pay them?  And then how can I pay for the referral doctor they send me to?  Yes, there are community resources, but they will also likely send me on to a specialist.  I tried to go through the community resources about a year ago when I came down with an ear infection.  It was a nightmare. So it's not much good being diagnosed if I can't afford any treatment.  I literally have no extra money, and I do work full time.  I have bills and food that I need to pay for.  I have a daughter to take care of.  I simply can't afford it.  Thank you all so much for your time.  I wish you all the best.

  • TraceyUSA
    TraceyUSA Member Posts: 316
    This makes me an angry

    It is so upsetting to see you stuck in the middle like this & I know there are many more in the same boat.   Is there a free clinic in your town or close to you?

  • jajmom
    jajmom Member Posts: 33 Member
    edited August 2017 #13
    ClaCla said:


    Am deleting my post as not being helpful.


    We share our lives and our struggles here on this forum, and I appreciate that your advice to Jnv is well intended. But we shouldn't make assumptions regarding others financial woes "So downsize your living standard...". For many years my family and I barely existed on the brink of finacial collapse. No spending on non-essentials....none. The Affordable Care Act was the last straw. My basic affordable minimal insurance that I carried for 13 years was deemed unacceptable. My insurance was dropped. For many of us there is no "downsizing" available. Please consider that we really have no window into Jnv's situation and placing the burden of making her feel she is doing something wrong is inappropriate, especially when she may be facing the same ordeal we are all going through. Let's share our love and concern and leave our judgement behind. Please accept this in the manner in which it was intended...not to criticize, but to be help us be aware of how our words may affect others here in our special sharing place.




  • ClaCla
    ClaCla Member Posts: 136 Member

    Am deleting my post as not being helpful.

  • ClaCla
    ClaCla Member Posts: 136 Member
    edited August 2017 #15
    Sorry for Sounding Judgmental

    jajmom & Jnv7594 - My apologies ig my words were too harsh; that wasn't my intention.  It was a very positive action for her to ask for support and information on this site. Lots of people are caught in her situation of having to worsen their lives to be eligible for the aid they need and having to put up with very trying circumstances to get the compromised medical care offered.  I have no idea what downsizing would look like in her situation.  But as a single mom who's had cancer before, doing nothing is not an option.  God bless you both.  (jajmom, I truly understand how that the Affordable Care Act is the last straw.)




  • jajmom
    jajmom Member Posts: 33 Member

    No apologies necessary. I know there was no bad intent in your post. I just may be overly sensitive when it comes to matters like this because it hits very close to home. My advice too to Jnv would be to go to the ER next time she is bleeding, at least she will get enough tests to know what is going on. Then, whatever comes after that can be dealt with. She needs to speak with a patient advocate to see whats her options are. Also, it is good to remember that you can't get blood from a stone and that a person can not be denied medical care regardless of their financial situation.

    Jnv...please go find out if something is wrong, your kid(s) need you.

  • mxperry220
    mxperry220 Member Posts: 494 Member
    Can You Afford to Leave Your Child Behind?

    It is crtical that you see a colon rectal surgeon to get a proper diagnosis.  Hopefully it will not be anal cancer as you suspect.  I am sure the doctor can work out a repayment plan with you.


  • JaciDivs
    JaciDivs Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2021 #18
    You definitely need to see a

    You definitely need to see a doctor, you can't diagnose cancer yourself.