Recovery time from surgery


Hello!  I am 4 weeks post rectal surgery where the rectum was closed off and I was given a colostomy.  My question is....when will I be able to sit comfortably again?  


  • betula
    betula Member Posts: 86
    edited August 2017 #2
    pain in the a**

    My husband had his surgery April 26th and has a colostomy now too.  He has some good days where his rear does not hurt as much and than others that do.  It was bothering him a lot today and we were just talking about how great it will be when that is all healed and not causing pain.  He also still has some drainage from his bottom.  It has recently gotten considerably less.  A couple of weeks ago he did call the surgeon's office to inquire if the drainage was normal.  Basically they did not feel the need to see him prior to his already scheduled appointment on Aug 14th and said that some people take longer for that to heal than others.  I do  remember his home health nurse indicating it can take quite a while to completely heal.  I know she mentioned not sitting on the toilet when dealing the the bag because that will make things spread and not to use the inflatable donuts for the same reason. 

    Best of luck to you.


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    edited August 2017 #3

    Wow that is a hard question to answer because everyone is different.  Mine was rectal cancer also.  Sitting was so hard for me months before even knowing my cancer fate and after having radiation to that area it was about 2 years that sitting comfortably was possible.  I'd never be able to go out to a restaurant and sit because it hurt so bad.  Everything was standing up.  It was hard for me to travel but everyone is different.  My rectal cancer was removed by removing the rectum and then giving me a temporary ileostomy and then making a new rectum out of the colon.  My reversal was done about 7 months later after another round of chemo.  Hoping that you heal up soon because not sitting is hard.  Try a sitz bath and use a cushion whenever possible. 
