Bleeding due to contipation/diarrhea issues

Bellen Member Posts: 281 Member

Hello -  I posted same question on the anal cancer site, as I thought they might be able to suggest something.  Every time I have chemo, I go through some days of constipation and then turns to diarrhea - seems to be a pattern.  Right now the skin around that area is actually open and bleeding.  I'm bathing daily and using an antibiotic ointment, but not sure if this is the best treatment for healing.  Have tried anusol, zinc cream, vaseline in the past.  If anyone has a suggestion, would really appreciate your help. Thanks and best to all.  Bellen


  • lizard44
    lizard44 Member Posts: 409 Member
    edited August 2017 #2
    Bellen, have you tried emu oil?

    I had the same problem during radiation therapy and used emu oil.  It helped tremendously.  It is a bit greasy, so  it will leave grease stains on your clothing and underwear if you don't shield them somehow. I'm not having quite as big a problem with the chemo, but  do still use the emu oil when I have a problem such as you describe. If you decide to try it,  buy the pure stuff- not  some of the products that have a little emu oil added to other ingredients. Also, I used baby wipes (with aloe and  no alcohol) to keep the area clean which also helped.


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    I would suggest using epsom

    I would suggest using epsom salts in your bath and using baby diaper rash cream. You mentioned using a zinc cream, is that what you meant? Anything that creates a barrier should help. You menioned vaseline, that should have at least helped make a barrier even if it's not soothing. I wonder if it works like putting butter on a burn, though, and just makes it basically cook.

    I used to sit in a warm bath with epsom salts to soothe my radiation burns. Which I must admit were almost non existant, it was more preventative, but soetimes the skin was quite warm and that helped. If you have a sitz bath that would be great! I find them awkward but some people love them.

    I'm sorry you're dealing with that, it must be really miserable.

    Sending healing vibes!


  • NHMike
    NHMike Member Posts: 213 Member
    edited August 2017 #4
    I mentioned lotions and

    I mentioned lotions and creams to the Radiologist and he said to make sure that they're approved by the nurse. I expect to run into this problem soon.

  • Tunadog
    Tunadog Member Posts: 235 Member
    edited August 2017 #5
    My Oncologist recommended Aquaphor..

    My Oncologist recommended Aquaphor And it's helped me. Generally available over the counter.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Each to his own

    Whenever I get diarrhoea (like now), I bleed like a stuck pig (oh, thats a horrible saying).  I leave it alone until it heals. 

    I had my CT scan yesterday, and the contrast gives me terrible diarrhoea, so I'm suffering the sore bum right now. I make sure I eat what I know works well for me, to firm up. 

    Now, if these are actual sores on the skin, then I used to use medicated wipes (Witch Haxel worked best for me). Oh, how they would weep and sting. That was after the radiation, and was caused by the burn, and I think its not what you are describing. 

    I think the key is keeping the area clean and dry. Go commando. Let some air get to it.

    All of the other posts are good too. You just have to find out what works best for you personally. 

    I wish you the best 


  • Bellen
    Bellen Member Posts: 281 Member
    Skin bleeding

    Hi all - Thank you for your posts - good suggestions.  I already have permanent damage to the skin in that area due to pelvic radiation about 12 yrs ago.  I did use gel from a natural aloe vera plant and aquaphor for the burns in the front area at that time, but wasn't sure if aquaphor was recommended for backside - lol.  Sure don't want to irritate it more.  I have been doing the baths and bought a sitz bath (better start using it!). I called my clinic and they mentioned tucks or witch hazel pads, so I will try this also and continue with the antibiotic gel on the cuts.  Boy, add this to all of the other crap.  Sure don't get many "good" days when more than half the time I am dealing with constipation and diarrhea issues, etc.  Thankfully, I am taking an extra week break - fingers crossd will enjoy that week - have taken three one-week breaks this summer, but felt I deserved it after having 14 two-week sessions in a row.  Thanks for your input - appreciate it.  Also hoping to use something that will prevent or help to subside the irritation caused by this - seems to be a definite pattern every time I have chemo.  Also had another blood transfusion due to low hemoglobin and being out of breath.  Thanks everyone.