I Am Scared

curious29 Member Posts: 2
edited July 2017 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Hello all. First of all, if you were diagnosed with Colon Caner, I'd like to extend my best wishes to you in hopes that you will get better, no matter what the doctors say. I wish this for your dearest friends and family. I also want to put a disclaimer that I have not been diagnosed with Cancer but I'm scared I may have it. If these kind of posts bother you, feel free to skip over it. I understand a lot of people come to these forums the way I am doing now and I understand how annoying it might be for some.. <3

My post here today will be due to lack of support and feeling alone in what I am going through. For years, I've always had issues with my bowels and Acid Reflux but this year, things got worse. My bowels started switching rapidly from diarrhea to extreme constipation. I started having to use enemas to help me use the bathroom and etc.. I was rushed to the ER due to chest pains and inability to breath correctly. and was diagnosed with Bronchitis. My Lymph Nodes were swollen for about a few weeks prior to me getting to the ER and when I got to the ER, the nurse told me they were still swollen. Anyways, I was put on Antibiotics for that, and then again for my teeth. I noticed a drop in my white blood cell and red blood cell count but obviously, the ER didn't think it was serious. Speed it up to recently.. say, a few months ago: I started feeling nauseous as if I had a stomach virus, every morning when I woke up. My bowels were still messed up but I just assumed it was IBS. I got another infection and was told it was upper respiratory. The doctors also told me that I had Thoracic Scoliosis, so that's something new I just learned. I looked at my blood work and my white blood cell count is too low but the Monocytes and Lymphocytes are a little on the higher side.. and some of my red blood cells are said to be too low on the report from the ER... This was taken on the 30h of June. My RBC is normal, it says. 

To be specific:

WBC: 3.8 th/uL

Mono: 11.5

Segs: 39%

Lymph: 47%

HGB: 11.9%

HCT: 36%

..A few weeks ago, I noticed blood in my stool, mixed in with mucus and for awhile I've had on and off green bowel movements.. alternating between diarrhea and pebbles due to constipation. I dismissed the blood in my stool at the time because I assumed it was due to my period being on, even though I was on my last day. Speed it up to a few days ago, I noticed blood mixed in with the stool... red streaks so far to be literal... Yesterday, I was able to use the bathroom after I ate, finally like normal. but the issue is that the red streaks became more apparent and again, mixed in with the stool.. which tells me there's some intestinal bleeding going on, all of a sudden.

I've had hemorrhoids before and I saw blood on the toilet paper when I had those issues but this blood is not as bright and is mixed in with the lacing of the stool. This was the final straw for me to actually take my issues seriously. Also, I just started having extreme abdominal pain, which I attributed to my Scoliosis... Now, I'm starting to think otherwise.

I am only 27 years old and I have goals. I don't want to have Cancer because if I do have Cancer, I know I will die. I'm underweight .. I've always had trouble gaining weight... and I am too poor to get proper treatment. I have no insurance, have had a hard time getting hired .. and.. My doctor is a free health care provider, who treats the homeless. So, I'm not sure how far they will go in providing me with a colonoscopy but this is the scariest thing I've ever had to deal with in my life.. or at least one of them. I've been trying to be optimistic for the sake of those around me but at the same time, there's this feeling in my gut and has been all along that I have some form of Cancer.. and I'm getting worse and worse as the days go on.. not to mention that I need to have oral surgery and will need to be put on, even more, antibiotics, which I believe helped in terminating my immune system. I cannot survive another round of antibiotics, I will catch way more infections and etc..

I am sorry if I was annoying but I'm just feeling alone. I don't know what to do as far as emotional support goes. It seems as though all of your friends and family pass off Cancer as if thousands of people don't get diagnosed with it. I'm hoping it is something as simple as Diverticulitis but my entire body is suffering at this point.

I'd like to know some of your symtoms before early diagnosis if you don't mind. I also want to know if narrow stool is essential with this kind of Cancer. I don't have a narrow stool at the moment. 


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,428 Member
    I Had Not One Symptom

    Was perfectly fine, caught by sheer luck.  Try not to get too worried, sounds like you have many things going on which is stressful.  You can try one of the newer tests out there, like the one you mail in.  Scans and CEA blood test can be things to also look into in addition to colonoscopy.  And do not think you will die if it turns out you have cancer.  I am Stage IV B, twice your age and still here 2-1/2 years since I was diagnosed.

    Look into other local resources that can help you if needed.  Social services, etc.  There is going to be more support than you may realize.  And of course, post here - great people and support.

  • EissetB
    EissetB Member Posts: 133
    I had stomach pain, the BM

    I had stomach pain, the BM became from bad to worse. I had bloodied stool and look like red Jello cut in small pieces, water on the stall was red!! I mean all bloody!! I freaked out, of course. Made an appointment with my doctor but the doctor was on vacation so I was seen by his nurse. She had me examined, and told me I had an internal hemorrhoids and that it burst that causes the bleeding. I was relieved. But the pain continued for weeks! And I was still bleeding!! I finally seen the GI doctor, and scheduled me for colonoscopy test. Sure enough, I was diagnosed with cancer stage IIIc!! My advice for you is to see a GI doctor. He will tell you what's best for you. Hope you feel better.

  • plsletitrain
    plsletitrain Member Posts: 252 Member
    At first, the changes-in

    At first, the changes-in-bowel-movement thing.  I thought it was just usual gas because of my hyperacidity/ulcer.  Then when I had an unbearable stomach pain that can't be dealed by pain relievers (I'm used to talking antacids and all that and before, they seem to to go away), I decided to check in the ER.  They've given me all meds but nothing changed, my stomach still felt pain.  They conducted a CT scan and they found a large mass that was already about to erupt (they say if I've delayed for another day it might have erupted already) so I was scheduled for emergency operation.  I'd suggest you take the necessary tests, like the colonoscopy.  Better spotted early if its *knock on wood* cancer than regret later.  Months before, I was already advised to take colonoscopy but I forgot about it because I was too busy, that's why my cancer was discovered late.  I was diagnosed Stage 3B already.  

  • brendacardwell
    brendacardwell Member Posts: 1
    You are fully aware you have

    You are fully aware you have a problem and you are taking steps to gather more info. A colonoscopy will help you get answers, you will proceed from there. Empower yourself with the knowledge you have and trust your instinct, even if the answers are slow or may change, stay in faith that you are taking action. Many people live a long time with cancer, overcome it even, it's not a death sentence but a major wake up call to make changes. Yes, your symptoms can indicate disfunction. In the meantime, a quality probiotic may help while you get answers. Learn to breathe properly to relieve stress, a major contributor to disease. You are not alone at all.

  • darcher
    darcher Member Posts: 304 Member
     I went to the ER because of

     I went to the ER because of the blood. I didn't have pain and not much else beyond thin stools and some constipation.  I read a little bit about it before going and there are quite a few things it can be.  In my case, the ER visit ruled out the usual suspects and they told me to get a colonoscopy.  I can't speak to the blood test numbers you have.  They checked me for hemmoroids, drew blood,  and did an ekg etc.  They told me all my vitals were excellent and the blood work was great. Nothing was found.  Fine, that means there were only a couple things left with cancer being one of them. 

     My journey started June 14th this year.  I still don't know what stage it is but it is colon cancer.  I'll know more on Thursday when I get the endoscopic ultrasound done.   From what I understand, thin stools aren't required.  It may depend on where the tumor is and it's thickness inside the colon wall.  That's a guess since I'm assuming the tumor is what narrows the stool as it passes.

      I suspect you know it is and need a nudge.   Your gut instinct is probably right, those usually are.   Get checked.  At your age you've got the best chance of all and being under weight is by far better than being obese. I can't imagine being fat is a plus, especially for this.    


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    I had regular bowel movments,

    I had regular bowel movments, normal size, no pain, but as I got close to my scope appointment, I noticed a darker red blood laced aroung my stool and a peculiar thing that looked like shed, clear tissue, which was likely coming off the tumor...........................................Dave

  • curious29
    curious29 Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2017 #8
    Hello to all of your brave

    Hello to all of your brave souls and thank you so much for your responses. All of them seem to have a few things in common but especially the change in bowels. I had to go to the ER today due to severe lower back/abdomen pain and the x-rays shows there is liquid in my abdomen and a cyst on my ovaries. I have to wait to view the radiology report because the ER won't tell you other things. The good news is that my Monocyte level came back down to normal but the bad news is that my Lymphocyte level went from 47% to 52% . My sister suggested that this could be due to the cysts but I don't know much about that at all, though I'm trying to look into it. I don't get where my rectal bleeding is coming from unless I had a cyst that burst and caused internal bleeding. So, that's still in the air.. 

    They referred to me a GI Specialist and a Gynecologist. I am going to the doctor soon, so I will tell him or her about these things. However, I'm not sure how much help I'm going to get from here on out with a free healthcare provider. 

    Anyhow, thank you for reading my paragraphs and I hope I didn't get too annyoing.

  • NHMike
    NHMike Member Posts: 213 Member
    Early symptoms

    I had more trouble passing stools and they got thinner and sometimes a little blood. Then, one day, a ton of blood in the toilet and I went to the ER. I also thought that it was diverticulitis but the actual diagnosis was worse.

    I understand where you feel the lack of support. I actually complained about this to my wife but she told me that my problem has her stressed out as well and I do need to appreciate that. It feels like the doctors don't understand what you're going through or what your concerns are - I imagine that they have to have some level of detachment, procedure and protocol to get through dealing with a lot of sick people every day. I try not to be the annoying patient but this thing does have me freaked out.

    27 is too young for cancer.


  • Lily Flower
    Lily Flower Member Posts: 260 Member
    My symptoms were stomach

    My symptoms were stomach cramps, change of BM and gassy. Of course reading WebMD scared the crap out of me. never read that again! I thought I was gonna have a heart attack too.

    I went to see my prime care doctor and she pushed me for a colonoscopy. Lo and behold, they found a malignant tumor in my colon. Fortunately it did not spread. I'm so glad and relieved it was caught on time. I hope you'll be able to get a colonoscopy done somehow. Best to you!

  • Kay1982
    Kay1982 Member Posts: 3

    At first, the changes-in

    At first, the changes-in-bowel-movement thing.  I thought it was just usual gas because of my hyperacidity/ulcer.  Then when I had an unbearable stomach pain that can't be dealed by pain relievers (I'm used to talking antacids and all that and before, they seem to to go away), I decided to check in the ER.  They've given me all meds but nothing changed, my stomach still felt pain.  They conducted a CT scan and they found a large mass that was already about to erupt (they say if I've delayed for another day it might have erupted already) so I was scheduled for emergency operation.  I'd suggest you take the necessary tests, like the colonoscopy.  Better spotted early if its *knock on wood* cancer than regret later.  Months before, I was already advised to take colonoscopy but I forgot about it because I was too busy, that's why my cancer was discovered late.  I was diagnosed Stage 3B already.  

    The CT the ER performed was

    The CT the ER performed was that done with contrast or without?