New to board: stage 1B vulvar cancer



  • JanuaryDaybreak
    JanuaryDaybreak Member Posts: 21 Member
    edited March 2017 #22
    Done with radiation therapy!

    Monday was the last day of my radiation therapy.  Innocent  The therapists, receptionists, valets, and greeters all congratulated me, and I even got a certificate of completion.  My brother took me to Sonic for a slush as his way of celebrating.  Then an aunt surprised me by bringing Popeyes fried chicken over for dinner.

    rad onc certificate

    The fatigue and sunburn/tanning are catching up to me, so I'm spending a lot of time resting or bandaging the affected area.  One area is white and raw, as if it sustained a second-degree burn.  Dr. A, the radiation oncologist, prescribed Bacitracin and Silvadene to put on that, and it seems to be helping.  He told me that the only thing left on my cancer journey is to keep following up with him and the gynecology clinic.

    A late college friend saw his own cancer as a blessing.  I'm not to that point yet.  But so many people have been so good to me.  The care and support from my friends, family, cancer sisters (including all of you), and medical team ARE blessings that I'm grateful for.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,535 Member
    Congratulations, January!!!  

    Congratulations, January!!!  

    I don't know if I see my cancer as a blessing either.  I look at things differently - that's for sure - but I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.  I would rather they find a CURE for all cancers and that would be a blessing to me.  

    I am SO happy for you!  I am so glad your brother and aunt recognized how big a day it was as well.  It is the love and support of family and friends that help us through this journey.


    BTW, did they tell you that radiation continues to work for up the six weeks?  Keep that in mind if you are still tired.  

  • JanuaryDaybreak
    JanuaryDaybreak Member Posts: 21 Member

    I got a phone call from Social Security a few days ago, and my disability application was approved.  I'm not sure how much of it was because of the cancer, how much was because of depression, and how much was because of fatigue.  I think all three factors, plus all the doctor appointments, influenced the decision.  I'm just grateful that I didn't need a lawyer and I was approved on the first try.

    My last visit with Dr. A went well.  He was pleased with my progress, but he wouldn't go so far as to say that I'm free of cancer.  He just told me to keep taking care of myself.  The women's clinic, however, did say that I seem to have no cancer risk.  Still, I have a follow-up appointment Friday.

    I'm looking for jobs to do at home, including freelance proofreading and editing.  If I'm fortunate, I'll be able to resume substitute teaching in late August, about two days a week or so.

    Any other cancer sisters who have vulvar cancer, please feel free to contact me.  I'm always willing to listen.

  • Madchiefsmom
    Madchiefsmom Member Posts: 3
    New to site

    I am so glad I found this board.  I am new to this so bare with me.  I was diagnosed with stage 3a vulvr cancer.  2 surgeries, 6 weeks of low dose chemo and 32 ekes of radiation and here I am.  I am now 2months past last radiation and I am still having problems.  I see most people have bowel and bladder issues.  I only have urgency with both, when I need to go I need to go now.  My main problem is bone pain in left hip (cancer side) and excruciating leg pain at the end of the day!my left is the affected side, mild lymphadenopathy to left leg, but at the end of the day, it hurts to go up 5 stairs to the bathroom,bedroom. I too have applied for SSDI, last check it said, a medical decision has been made, now I am waiting... Anyone else having hip and leg pain?  I am scheduled for pet scan late August to check for mets.   Thanks gals!


  • Madchiefsmom
    Madchiefsmom Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2017 #26


    I got a phone call from Social Security a few days ago, and my disability application was approved.  I'm not sure how much of it was because of the cancer, how much was because of depression, and how much was because of fatigue.  I think all three factors, plus all the doctor appointments, influenced the decision.  I'm just grateful that I didn't need a lawyer and I was approved on the first try.

    My last visit with Dr. A went well.  He was pleased with my progress, but he wouldn't go so far as to say that I'm free of cancer.  He just told me to keep taking care of myself.  The women's clinic, however, did say that I seem to have no cancer risk.  Still, I have a follow-up appointment Friday.

    I'm looking for jobs to do at home, including freelance proofreading and editing.  If I'm fortunate, I'll be able to resume substitute teaching in late August, about two days a week or so.

    Any other cancer sisters who have vulvar cancer, please feel free to contact me.  I'm always willing to listen.

    I am new

    see my july 27th post, thank you.  Nice to know others are "like me"

  • Laura2051
    Laura2051 Member Posts: 34 Member

    New to site

    I am so glad I found this board.  I am new to this so bare with me.  I was diagnosed with stage 3a vulvr cancer.  2 surgeries, 6 weeks of low dose chemo and 32 ekes of radiation and here I am.  I am now 2months past last radiation and I am still having problems.  I see most people have bowel and bladder issues.  I only have urgency with both, when I need to go I need to go now.  My main problem is bone pain in left hip (cancer side) and excruciating leg pain at the end of the day!my left is the affected side, mild lymphadenopathy to left leg, but at the end of the day, it hurts to go up 5 stairs to the bathroom,bedroom. I too have applied for SSDI, last check it said, a medical decision has been made, now I am waiting... Anyone else having hip and leg pain?  I am scheduled for pet scan late August to check for mets.   Thanks gals!


    You are not alone sister!

    Madchiefsmom, I am one year this month (July 26th), past my surgery for radical vulvectomy and bi-lateral lymphectomy. Last October I finished my chemos and radiations, I have right leg pain and pain at the end of the day below my right hip in the pelvic area where they did the boosts of radiation the last few times. When I was doing chemo it was always my right leg that swelled up. I haver mild swelling in my legs but I refuse to wear the stockings they ordered for me to keep the swelling down. I also walk everyday usually for at least an hour. I sleep with a heating pad on my right side where it hurts and sometimes I still sleep with an ice pack between my legs! What is SSDI? My cancer was stage 4 squamous cell carcinoma. I'm doing okay. Every day above ground is a good day. I never did my pet scan after all that treatment. If I did have a little cancer left, why feed it? The sugar drink they give you for the scan feeds it. Besides, I was told that I had the maximum doses of radiation in the groin and I decided I was never doing chemo again. So there I am , believing I am done and free of cancer.

  • chrissymae39
    chrissymae39 Member Posts: 17

    JanuaryDayBreak, I wonder if you still check in here on this message board.  I am in a similar situation that you were in and I am wondering how you ultimately made your decision and if you are happy with it.  I had surgery on September 7th the tumor was removed with clear margins, lymph nodes on right side all clear, 1 lymph node on right side positive for cancer. My doctor also told me there is no evidence to support the idea that radiation will be beneficial to me when only one node tested positive and so she doesn't recommend radiation at this time.  I have a follow up in two weeks and I am going to ask more questions as I am not sure I am comfortable with that decision. I mean I certainly do not look forward to the idea of radiation knowing all the side effects, however, it is much more important to me that I give myself every possible chance for a positive outcome long term.  My biggest question is "o.k. one of the 11 lymph nodes removed tested positive for cancer but how do we know there aren't more in there that also contain cancer and if there are then shouldn't I do radiation?"  Any thoughts you care to share would be helpful to me.

  • JanuaryDaybreak
    JanuaryDaybreak Member Posts: 21 Member

    And guess who just had a second partial radical vulvectomy! If you said I did, you're right. The good news is that we caught this one early, so it was a much smaller area to remove. The bad news is that I'm in much worse pain from this surgery than from the first one. Joy. Oxycodone has helped somewhat.

    I go to the women's clinic on Tuesday to follow up. Just sitting down is excruciating, and I had to wear those mesh undies the first couple of days. This wasn't what I wanted mother nature to give me for my 50th year, but I'm glad this is past.

    Hope everyone is doing OK. Still sending lots of love to all my cancer sisters.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,535 Member

    Ah JanuaryDaybreak, I cannot tell you the number of times I have thought of you. While I am so happy to hear from you I am sorry about all you have been going through. My heart and prayers to you dear and that you have put this in your rearview mirror for good.

    Hugs and bless you dear from letting us know how it has been going