Chemo Sux



  • Bellen
    Bellen Member Posts: 281 Member
    Side effects

    A couple of things that I found helpful.  When I have slight nausea, have been chewing peppermint gum and, for some reason, it seems to help settle my stomach.  And it also helps the crappy feeling in my mouth.  Also have used ginger chews, but sort of sick of them by now.  Having folfiri, so don't have metallic coating in mouth, but mouth is sore and brush often with baking soda, little salt and water.  Also use sensodyne.  May help to brush before you eat, including your tongue.  I really have to keep on top of this to prevent mouthsores.  I was getting nose bleeds and scabbing.  I use Seccaris daily - a nasal moisturizer - has reduced (not stopped) soreness in nose and the nosebleeds. 

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    I'm sorry you have been going through this for so long.  I'm not able to give you any information.  Sometimes it's good to get a second opinion if you haven't already.  I'm wishing you the best.


  • phuckcancer
    phuckcancer Member Posts: 63 Member
    yeah it does :( my hubby

    yeah it does :( my hubby stays sick from the side effects for about a week or so now after the pump is removed. It's a vicious cycle :(