Flood of clear fluid

I found this wonderful support system and have a question that I cannot find an answer to.  I am hoping someone might be able to give me some insight.

I am 56 years old and went through menopause late at the age of 54.   About 3 months ago I had some vaginal bleeding and didn't think anything of it until I had my physical with my primary care doctor.  She told me I needed to see my gynocologist. So I did.  On the day of my appointment he said I should have an ultrasound.  It showed a my endometrial lining to be 6.6 so he asked that I come back in for a biopsy.  Last Wednesday morning (the same morning as my scheduled biopsy) I woke up to spotting again.  I took a walk and was getting ready to get into the shower and my dog started barking wanting out.  I turned off the shower took her out and then thought I would sit down for a second to check an email.  I removed my towel and sat on the kitchen chair and suddenly the whole chair was wet.  I stood up and clear liquid was pouring out of my vagina.  Probably atleast 1/3 of a cup.  

My doctor didn't seem too concerned.  I know this is not normal.  He did the biposy and I have not heard back.  Does anyone know what this could be? He did say he could see the clear liquid coming out of my cervix.  

Thank you so much.  Very concerned.




  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,471 Member
    SJS, I am not a doctor but I

    SJS, I am not a doctor but I believe any of the women here would agree getting it checked out is the best thing you are doing.  I hope it all turns out to be nothing but if it turns out to be serious ask to be referred to a gynecologic oncologist.  They specialize in 'below the belt' cancers.  For now, try not to get too far ahead of yourself.  

    I do have a question for you though, did he do an endometrial biopsy?  Don't be afraid to ask him LOTS of questions and push for answers.  You need to be your own advocate.  PLEASE come back and let us know how everything goes. 

  • SJS
    SJS Member Posts: 10

    SJS, I am not a doctor but I

    SJS, I am not a doctor but I believe any of the women here would agree getting it checked out is the best thing you are doing.  I hope it all turns out to be nothing but if it turns out to be serious ask to be referred to a gynecologic oncologist.  They specialize in 'below the belt' cancers.  For now, try not to get too far ahead of yourself.  

    I do have a question for you though, did he do an endometrial biopsy?  Don't be afraid to ask him LOTS of questions and push for answers.  You need to be your own advocate.  PLEASE come back and let us know how everything goes. 


    Thank you so much for you advice.  Yes he did do an endometrial biopsy.  Waiting on results this week.

  • SJS
    SJS Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2017 #4
    Another question

    If the biopsy is positive he said the next step would be a D and C.  To me a hysterectomy makes more since instead of going under twice.  What do you guys think

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    SJS said:

    Another question

    If the biopsy is positive he said the next step would be a D and C.  To me a hysterectomy makes more since instead of going under twice.  What do you guys think

    My biopsy was positive, and I

    My biopsy was positive, and I went straight to hysterectomy. I don't know why a D&C would be necessary if the biopsy is positive.

  • dgrdalton
    dgrdalton Member Posts: 161 Member
    edited July 2017 #6
    My Gyn did my biopsies. When

    My Gyn did my biopsies. When they came back positive, he referred me to a gynecologic oncologist. He set me up for a CT scan and said once the results were in, he would do a hysterectomy. I agree that a D & C would seem unnecessary.

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    I agree with the other ladies

    I agree with the other ladies. I suggest you go straight to a gyn oncologist and let them decide if one is necessary. My guess is they would skip it too!  Good luck as you move forward and please come back and let us know what you find out.

    Welcome to our board. You can ask us anything. We are here for you.

    Love and Hugs,


  • Donna Faye
    Donna Faye Member Posts: 427 Member
    edited July 2017 #8
    Happened to me

    That is exactly what happened to me but at 77, I knew that stream was not normal. Had sonogram, biopsy and surgery scheduled in 2 weeks. Now 8 mos. later only 2 more radiation and I am done with cancer treatment. I was a 1A but did the preventative route. Not easy ay my age but hope it will prove woth it.

    Women need to know to have it checked when things appear that should not. Thankfully I had a very savy gyn!!!!

  • SJS
    SJS Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2017 #9

    Happened to me

    That is exactly what happened to me but at 77, I knew that stream was not normal. Had sonogram, biopsy and surgery scheduled in 2 weeks. Now 8 mos. later only 2 more radiation and I am done with cancer treatment. I was a 1A but did the preventative route. Not easy ay my age but hope it will prove woth it.

    Women need to know to have it checked when things appear that should not. Thankfully I had a very savy gyn!!!!

    Donna Faye

    Hi Donna Faye.  So happy that you are almost done!  So you had a stream... was yours endometrial cancer?


  • SJS
    SJS Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2017 #10
    Thank you!

    Thank you everyone for your support!  Waiting is hard.

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    SJS my cancer discovery was

    SJS my cancer discovery was much the same. One night in bed clear fluid kept flowing out with a little tiny spot of blood. At first I thought I had a urinary tract infection. Like the others have said, I suspect the biopsy will give some answers, but if it isn't conclusive, you may need a d+c. I personally didn't have a biopsy, but had the d+c. As the others have said we aren't doctors, but a gynecologist oncologist can give you answers. Prayers and keep us posted with results.

  • Donna Faye
    Donna Faye Member Posts: 427 Member

    Yes! UPSC the rare and aggressive type.  Why I chose the chemo route even as a 1A.

  • henhill
    henhill Member Posts: 123
    edited July 2017 #13
    Same here

    Unfortunately, I had had several bladder surgeries and thought it was starting to fail again.  I even went through another surgery to correct this, and it cost me 8 months time for discovery and treatment.  Frown  A PAP smear was negative at the time and so I felt safe on that level.

    None of my doctors caught it, and months later, I was the one to suspect something else and asked for the biopsy.  Sadly, it turned out to be stage 3 upsc.  I know it's hard, but you can be glad you are on top of whatever it is.

  • SJS
    SJS Member Posts: 10
    edited July 2017 #14
    Biopsy Results

    Thank you to everyone for responding. My biopsy came back normal.  I know something is wrong with me.  Any suggestions of what to do next.  My doctor is out today. Should I get a CT scan?

  • SJS
    SJS Member Posts: 10
    henhill said:

    Same here

    Unfortunately, I had had several bladder surgeries and thought it was starting to fail again.  I even went through another surgery to correct this, and it cost me 8 months time for discovery and treatment.  Frown  A PAP smear was negative at the time and so I felt safe on that level.

    None of my doctors caught it, and months later, I was the one to suspect something else and asked for the biopsy.  Sadly, it turned out to be stage 3 upsc.  I know it's hard, but you can be glad you are on top of whatever it is.


    So sorry yours was not caught.  Hope that you are doing well today!  How are you?

  • SJS
    SJS Member Posts: 10
    Soup52 said:

    SJS my cancer discovery was

    SJS my cancer discovery was much the same. One night in bed clear fluid kept flowing out with a little tiny spot of blood. At first I thought I had a urinary tract infection. Like the others have said, I suspect the biopsy will give some answers, but if it isn't conclusive, you may need a d+c. I personally didn't have a biopsy, but had the d+c. As the others have said we aren't doctors, but a gynecologist oncologist can give you answers. Prayers and keep us posted with results.

    Thank you!

    Hi, Thank you so much for your response.  Now I know that I am not crazy.  How are you doing today?  I hope all is well.

  • CheeseQueen57
    CheeseQueen57 Member Posts: 933 Member
    My Biopsy was normal too

    Don't mean to scare you but often they don't get enough tissue on an endometrial biopsy. Mine came back normal and in fact I had Stage 3c endometrial cancer. I would insist on a D&C. Good luck to you. 

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    edited July 2017 #18
    Agree with CheeseQueen

    My ob/gyn told me at the time that if the biopsy was negative, then she would do a D&C.  Cancer doesn't always show up in the biopsy for the reason CQ provided.

  • takingcontrol58
    takingcontrol58 Member Posts: 272 Member
    Agree with Cheese Queen and Editgirl

    My endometrial biopsy was inconclusive- I had a D&C (considered the gold standard for endometrial cancer).
    I was diagnosed at Stage 3B, Grade 3 at my surgery.

    One other question.  Have you been having regular transvaginal ultrasounds?  Do you know if you have 
    fibroids or polyps?  They can also cause bleeding.  

    Your thicker endometrial lining can also be a sign of cancer.

    You might want to get some blood tests- CA125, HE4, HCG (tests for pregnancy and cancer) and LD (rises with
    cell damage) and adiponectin (low levels have been linked to some types of endometrial cancer) .  It is a protein
    secreted by fat cells. This will give you some baseline blood marker levels to see what is going on inside. Things
    show up in the blood well before a scan.

    I would also test for insulin, IGF-1, estrogen and progesterone. Endometrial cancer tends to be either insulin driven
    or estrogen driven.




  • SJS
    SJS Member Posts: 10
    Still waiting

    Thank you for the above information.  I still have not heard back from my doctor to next steps.  I did receive my CAT 25 results with a score of 8.  Is that a sign of reassurance?

    In response to your question taking control...this is my first ultrasound...and no I do not have a history of fibroids that I know of.

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member

    Unfortunately, CA125 is not always a reliable indicator.  Mine has been in the normal range all along, ranging from 8 when I was diagnosed to 17 now.  It's just another tool doctors use.  But if you have to be somewhere in the range, I'd say "normal" is a good place to be at this stage of the game since you and your doctor are still trying to determine what's going on.