No health insurance and worried about symptoms

Schnitzel06 Member Posts: 1

Hi I just joined this board because I have a few concerns over some symptoms I have... Fit's of all I haven't been to a gynecologist in over 4 years. The last time I went I tested positive for HPV and they wanted me to schedule a colposcopy because they found precancerous cells. I never followed up on it. Anyway now I am experiencing the following symptom:

anemic- I was unable to donate blood due to low iron levels

hair growth- to be fair I've had a problem with this for about 10 years, I could be the bearded lady tbh

urgency- this started a little over a year ago

fatigue - I feel tired constantly and have for about a year

bloating - I get full very quickly sometimes and have on and off abdominal pressure... this has been going on for about half a year

ive been putting off seeing a doctor because I'm uninsured. Also I'm 31.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    schnizel06, I would suggest

    schnizel06, I would suggest you go to the local planned parenthood and ask for help.  

  • bettyboop3917
    bettyboop3917 Member Posts: 45
    Planned parenthood

    Planned parenthood is the place you want to go to. They helped my aunt when she found a lump in her breast. It turned out to be cancer and they put her in contact with who she needed to be for help. Please phone your local planned parenthood and let them know what you said here and get in to see them.