Laser Ablation for Vin III


Hi everyone,

I wanted to start this log to help others with this diagnosis. I was diagnosed with Vin III in July. I researched and researched and could not find much up-to-date info.

I thought I would write down my personal experience so that others may find this post if they are scared and not knowing what to expect.

I was diagnosed with a biopsy by my regular GYN. Biopsy hurt and I was sore for a few days. When he took the stitches out I nearly jumped out of my skin. But then the area healed nicely.

I had a spot on my labia for a long time. Years. My GYN said it was nothing. It would improve with Estrace, so we thought it was hormone related. I am in forced menopause due to ovary removal and lack of estrogen can cause thinning of vaginal tissues. I have had chemotherapy and they believe that my VIN was caused by a low immunity, rather than HPV because I have never had HPV before.  When I developed a new area on the other labia, that is when he wanted to check it for VIN. The biopsy said Bowen's Papulosis. A second reading of the slides showed high grade VIN.

My GYN sent me to a GYN/ONC. He told me I needed to have the areas removed. He said that if I had a partial vulvectomy, he would do a wide excision of the areas and it would change the architecture down there. I was a bit hesitant about renovating my vagina and I am sure the look of horror on my face gave that away. He also said that he felt comfortable doing a laser ablation. The only downside is they do not have tissue to check after it is over to see if they got all the areas. However, they already knew the pathology because of my core biopsies, so he was confident they  knew what they were dealing with. He also explained Aldara ointment to me. He said it takes 16 weeks to work and it is very uncomfortable. I chose the ablation. My regular GYN told me that ablation leaves you with virtually no scars and as he says, a "new, fresh vagina." I trust him completely and felt better after speaking to him.


The weeks leading up the surgery I was a complete wreck. I have had a lot of surgeries, but this one freaked me out. I had no idea how much pain I would be in or how to prepare. Plus, I was too mortified to tell anyone what was happening to me. I prepared by google-ing what women need to have in the house after they have a baby. I don't have any kids so this was new for me.

I bought a Peri-Bottle to cleanse the area after using the toilet; pads for spotting; epsom salts for the sitz baths you have to take three times a day; Tucks and witch hazel because I read it is cooling; dermaplast spray because the new moms said it was a life saver; Aleve and ice packs.

I had the ablation three days ago. It took about a half hour, I think. I was under anesthesia in a day op facility. I woke up to NO PAIN. My doc gave me a long acting numbing injection of Marcaine. Ask your doctor to do this. He also put a lot of Silvadene on me. Make sure you get this wonder cream to take home. I was walking fine. I  had no trouble using the bathroom. I immediately grabbed the peri-bottle the first time I peed, but I didn't need it. Make sure you have plenty of clean towels, disposable hand towels and a blow dryer with a cool setting...

I am swollen and I keep putting the Silvadene on. I am wearing skirts and granny panties with pads during the day, but nothing at night. Don't use good sheets- or use white sheets that you can bleach, because you will spot them. I took the first sitz bath on the morning of the second day. It felt fine. I dried the area with the blow dryer on low/cool. Don't put the air too close because it will sting a bit. I then put more cream on and a new pad. Day two and still no real pain at all.

Today is the morning of day 3. I noticed some itching with I associate with healing. I feel the area more today but I am not in pain. I am faithfully following all the instructions: Sitz baths, silvadene, rinse and repeat.

I am not a super woman- I am a complete wimp. The biopsies hurt more than this. Maybe pain will be coming, but so far so good.

I will check back in again to give you more reports. Because, for me, knowing what to expect is half the battle. And if my experience helps you, then I am really happy.


  • Sunnysmile
    Sunnysmile Member Posts: 2
    Day 3 and 4 Post Ablation

    Just an update for anyone following this log.

    As I went through more of day 3 I did feel a bit more uncomfortable - but it was nothing unmanageable. The sites are starting to ooze. Imagine when you skin your knee, first you have a hard scab and then the yellowish oozing starts before it dries up and heals. That is the exact same thing these two ablated sites are doing. I keep putting on the Silvadene after every sitz bath and the pain and swelling is eased with Aleve.

    Day 4, I noticed I am more sore, but not in true pain. (Again, the biopsy sites hurt more than this.)

    I just took my first sitz bath of the day, put on my Silvadene and took an Aleve. I am feeling OK.

    I hope this helps someone who is scared about going through this procedure....


  • number2key
    number2key Member Posts: 1
    Thank you for the information

    Thank you so much for your information.  I was diagnosed with VIN III 3 weeks ago.  Have had three biopsies.  Will now be scheduled for laser ablation after the three grandkids return home in month and half.  I appreciate knowing what is coming.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,371 Member
    Dear number2key,

    Dear number2key,

    I am a visitor from the Uterine page, but I just wanted to point out this is an old post.  Sunnysmile has only posted twice and both of those were on this thread.  Hopefully she is still reading or visits, but it was back in 2014, so maybe not.  

    This board can be a little quiet - maybe some of the ladies on the National Cervical Cancer Coalition can be of some help.

  • WildNinja
    WildNinja Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for the info

    Oops, just noticed it's an old thread Lol

  • jlp1016
    jlp1016 Member Posts: 2

    Thank you for the information

    Thank you so much for your information.  I was diagnosed with VIN III 3 weeks ago.  Have had three biopsies.  Will now be scheduled for laser ablation after the three grandkids return home in month and half.  I appreciate knowing what is coming.

    Hi there.  I hope you healed

    Hi there.  I hope you healed well after your laser ablation in later summer of this year.  My story - short is dx with VIN III with severe squamous cell carcinoma insitu on r side of vulva along with HPV 16+ in 2014.  I had a skinning surgery at Massachusetts  General Hospital in 2014.  Had been misdiagnosed for years.  That surgery was tough.... but I got through.  That same year we moved to Sarasota, FL.  I found a great gyno and unfortunuately this stuff has come back 4 times.  I have also seen a gyno-onc here who biopsied me twice to confirm.  I've been laser ablated 4 times in three years.  Tomorrow I go back for colposcopy and biopsies...It's back, I know my body, this time still on right side, but also on left of vulva.  I have had hystorectomies - partial, due to endometriosis and another as I have a strong family history of ovarian cancer - so in 2015 the new gyno in FL took the ovaries.  All I have left is the cervix.  I think it should come out at least I won't have to worry about CIN!  Not sure what will come of it.  But at least he numbs it with marcaine before cutting, he learned his lesson - the first time no marcaine, jerked back and shot the speculum out directly into his balls! He fell off his little seat and said owww.... true story!  Nervous as usual, but going at 1 tomorrow.  I pray you are healed and no recurrence.  Thanks for listening.  Sincerely, Jennifer Pierce