Sun Sensitive on Xeloda?

JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member

My husband and I went out today to our town's festival today. It required walking a total of about 3 blocks to go around it. Halfway through I was weak and feeling like crap. Last time I saw my onc she reminded me that I'll be sun sensitive from the Xeloda. Its a beautiful day. What exactly does sun sensitive mean? I've never been able to spend a lot of time in the sun, I get sick really easily from that, so I wasn't worried when she said that because I'm careful anyways. 

Should the Xeloda make me weak and feeling sick? Or just burn easily? Or what does it do? I tried looking it up but it doesn't really specify.

So our outing ended up with me crying on the way home. We had to cut it short because of me being weak and my stupid pouch filled right up and I was upset about that. I stopped and went to the bathroom but it filled up again in ten minutes flat. Just air. I can't use the pouches that have a filter because my output is so liquid that it leaks out of the filter.

So upset right now. I can't even enjoy an hour out with my husband and this crap has to ruin it for me. Most days I feel great but some days I'm just weak from the time I get up. No rhyme or reason to it.



  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member
    So sorry

    Jan, I am so sorry you had a rough day.  Your symptoms sound a bit more like heat exhaustion than sun sensitivity.  I think the sun sensitivity is burning easily, but I have not yet experienced it, so I am probably not a good resource.  I am on the Xeloda (capecitabine) and sometimes it just makes me feel crappy and nauseous, without any definable pattern.  I am also sure your frustration at not being able to have the good time you planned plays into it.  Maybe a couple of glasses of wine and watching the sun set (no problem at that time of day I bet) will help.  I hope things get better.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Sun sensitivity

    I always through it meant the actual sunshine hitting the skin.  Saying that, the sun can eek the life out of you, so maybe you are on to something. 

    I am so sorry it has made your excursion miserable. It sure can spoil lifes fun. I hope soon you will see better days. 


  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    edited June 2017 #4
    Sun sensitivity

      Is a major problem with chemo drugs and immuno suppressants.   I can vividly remember having a problem with methotrexate. I love my fishing but it is almost impossible to dodge all the sun. I wear a wide brimmed hat a neck tube that comes up to my eyes.I use the strongest sunscreen and wear long sleeve shirts and trousers. One day on methotrexate I missed the back of my hands . By day three I had lost all of the skin off my hands. The worst of sunsensitivity is that it accelerates the growth of sunspots and skincancers. Up till chemo and immuno-suppressants I had no skin cancers removed. I now have skin checks every six months and have on average two removed each time. My skin ca doc takes it very seriously and surgically removes skin cancers never burns them off. I cannot stress enough how important it is to protect your self from sun exposure. Ron.

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Thanks you guys, I appreciate

    Thanks you guys, I appreciate the help. From what I'm reading now about the Xeloda there are some side effects that weren't mentioned to me that might be making my life a little more unpleasant right now. Joint and muscle aches and pains. Is this why my sciatica has become so bad? Maybe. Stomach cramps and gastro issues. When I got up today I had a cramp in my tummy and have been filling my pouch with air/gas all day. Stomach issues can make me pretty weak and crappy feeling. 

    I'll watch out for the sun. I always have. I've always had to not be in it too long and be careful. An hour in the sun and I'm sick to my stomach and have a terrible headache. Mild sunstroke, I think. So I wear ball caps a lot and just don't sit around in it. 

    Oh well, a small price to pay if the Xeloda is working. 
