Cancer free

Bob Watt
Bob Watt Member Posts: 60 Member

but PET scan for NED is  not going to happen anytime soon.
On Monday I visited my oncologist who after physical and observation said that she could not detect any evidence of the tumour in my throat or in my lymph nodes. This is of course great news but I felt a little dejected that the PET scan has been put off until later on and not as I was told that it would happen in July August. But still I'm over the moon with the news... Now to get rid of the dry mouth, and get those whiskers growing again.


  • RobbT
    RobbT Member Posts: 17 Member
    Same thing

    i saw my ENT yesterday and I got the same thing. Tumor and nodes are gone. Told me it looks great. No PET till Sept.  to hot in there and would give false positives. I'm 30 days post treatment 

  • Chicklette
    Chicklette Member Posts: 225
    Great News!

    Very happy for you both!  I hope my husband can join the NED club soon! :)

  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    edited June 2017 #4
    Great news!


  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    Great News

    Just because they postponed the PET scan doesn't mean you can't celebrate being NED.  My doctor told me it will be another four years before my insurance company will pay for another one.  It must be an expensive test.  He also said that when he does request the test he needs to word it like I might have cancer again.  Not exactly lying but close to it.  Omitting some words and carefully stating the need for one.

    So just enjoy the NED DX and wait for your mouth to heal.  Good news to hear.

  • Sprint Car Dude
    Sprint Car Dude Member Posts: 181
    edited June 2017 #6

    My 3 month PET still had hot spots on it. The 6 month was NED. So, don't worry about the wait, sometimes the first few PET still light up. Relax, have another glass of Boost and enjoy the weekend.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    I am thinking you are NED.




  • caregiver wife
    caregiver wife Member Posts: 234
    edited June 2017 #8
    For Bob and Robb


  • Bob Watt
    Bob Watt Member Posts: 60 Member
    RobbT said:

    Same thing

    i saw my ENT yesterday and I got the same thing. Tumor and nodes are gone. Told me it looks great. No PET till Sept.  to hot in there and would give false positives. I'm 30 days post treatment 

    Congratulations RobbT

    I'm 8 weeks post and you are probably right.  Possibly too soon for the scan in July/August. I'm going to see if I can get a year scan... just to boost my confidence that it is indeed NED.

  • Bob Watt
    Bob Watt Member Posts: 60 Member

    Great News!

    Very happy for you both!  I hope my husband can join the NED club soon! :)

    Thank you Chicklette

    I hope your ysband can join too. It actually feels great to be a cancer survivor :)

  • Bob Watt
    Bob Watt Member Posts: 60 Member
    edited June 2017 #11

    Great news!


    Thank you

    Noellesmom, I didn't expect a clearance for a while.

  • Bob Watt
    Bob Watt Member Posts: 60 Member
    edited June 2017 #12

    Great News

    Just because they postponed the PET scan doesn't mean you can't celebrate being NED.  My doctor told me it will be another four years before my insurance company will pay for another one.  It must be an expensive test.  He also said that when he does request the test he needs to word it like I might have cancer again.  Not exactly lying but close to it.  Omitting some words and carefully stating the need for one.

    So just enjoy the NED DX and wait for your mouth to heal.  Good news to hear.

    Thank you tommyodavey

    I guess cos I get this on our national health scheme they weigh up the cost of the scan plus the travel to the scan. Still, I cannot complain, I 'd rather the NED from the oncologist as it stands than be still waiting to see if the radiation and chemo worked.

  • Bob Watt
    Bob Watt Member Posts: 60 Member
    edited June 2017 #13


    My 3 month PET still had hot spots on it. The 6 month was NED. So, don't worry about the wait, sometimes the first few PET still light up. Relax, have another glass of Boost and enjoy the weekend.

    I'm seeing the sense

    in the wait now, Sprint Car Dude. As far as I'm concerned I'm NED until the PET scan says otherwise :)

  • Bob Watt
    Bob Watt Member Posts: 60 Member
    CivilMatt said:



    I am thinking you are NED.




    Thank you Matt

    Hey love the image. I hope you don't mind but I'd like to borrow it for my Chronicles :)

  • Bob Watt
    Bob Watt Member Posts: 60 Member

    For Bob and Robb


    Thank you caregiver wife

    I agree; YIPPEE!!! :D

  • Dennis from Kansas
    Dennis from Kansas Member Posts: 46

    Great news ////// for the both of you.I really enjoy to read the brigther side of the post.I hope to also join the club

  • butch17
    butch17 Member Posts: 5
    Congrats Bob :)

    What is NED short for, nothing evident or detected?

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    butch17 said:

    Congrats Bob :)

    What is NED short for, nothing evident or detected?



    butch 17,


    No Evidence of Disease (NED)




  • RobbT
    RobbT Member Posts: 17 Member
    Bob Watt said:

    I'm seeing the sense

    in the wait now, Sprint Car Dude. As far as I'm concerned I'm NED until the PET scan says otherwise :)


    any sign of whiskers yet??


  • RobbT
    RobbT Member Posts: 17 Member
    edited July 2017 #20

    now I got a month added on.  They say I'm looking real good but don't want false positives.