Just for fun. What do you find binge worthy ?

1surfermom Member Posts: 396 Member
edited June 2017 in Breast Cancer #1

I'm scheduled for surgery this week so I know I will have at least a week at home recovering.  I can't stand daytime television and if I watch a news channel I just get depressed. I'd love to get some suggestions on television shows, or movies to watch while I'm at home. So my dear pinks ,
What do you find binge worthy? Love Surf



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  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member

    Just started watching shows two years ago, and I may have unleashed a monster because I've now devoured Friday Night Lights, Orange is the New Black, Parenthood, and I'm just finishing This is Us.

    Good luck. You know we're all going to be thinking about you:)

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527
    edited June 2017 #3

    I first want to wish you great success with the surgery! Have you seen Downton Abbey? It was a series on PBS. I loved it.   

  • peony
    peony Member Posts: 306 Member
    Good luck with your surgery

    Good luck with your surgery Surfer.  Hope you're feeling up to bingeing somethin. If you have Netflix, you can get totally immersed in a series called "The Fall". It stars the guy from 50 Shades and the woman who played Scully on the X Files.  It's very good.  Right now I'm trying to pace myself through House of Cards and soon I'll be re-viewing the last season of Game of Thrones (it comes back July 16).

  • tufi000
    tufi000 Member Posts: 745 Member
    here's mine. May not be your taste though


    Lord of the Rings. Only first 3

    Star wars. Only first 3

    Movie Music- Da Vinci Code, Lord of the Rings,Magnificent 7

    Any old SNL with original stars that you can find. ie: Gilda Radnor, etc

    Music...bluegrass, John Herald. Very happy stuff, Bill Monroe, Jim Kweskin Jugband

    Classical, Mendolsohn. drama

    Folk- Paul Simon, Gordon Lightfoot, Doc Watson

    Rockish- Billy Joel

    other- Fleetwood Mac

    Now you know how old I am, EXCEPT, my son loves these also


  • Teach76
    Teach76 Member Posts: 354 Member
    ME TV

    I spent many days in recovery watching some of the old mysteries . . Monk, Diagnosis Murder, etc.

    My favorite distraction was Psych!  I would start at chemo infusion and not realize I was through 3 episodes!

  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    Mix it up!

    I mix it up between music and movies.  PBS channel, I love it.  They have great concerts and shows.  I prefer British movies and the other night they had rock band Journey which dates me as well.  In my pic you will see me with my son (15 year cancer survior!) and daughter who took me to one this past March.  Not like the olden days with Steve Perry, however it was still great.  Netflix is great, so much variety worth the monthly fee. 

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    Netflix usually has something.

    Grace and Frankie but s funny.  I have been so down. It's been 7 years that I have been told 3-6 months, I have watched every rerun, yes I cant watch too much of the news as it use to be they reported the news, now they just give their views.  Cant sand most of what is on.  So Netflix has been the best for me!

    wish you the best on your recovery Surf!



  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527

    It is good to see you posting.  I am sorry that you are down.  The doctors don't know everything and obviously, they were wrong about your time.  You have done ao well. I hope tomorrow is a better day. 

    I watched some of Grace and Frankie last summer when I was out in Portland, Or taking care of my daughter after an accident. It was so good. We loved it and my daughter,  who didn't really want to watch it said, "well, I guess old people can be funny after all", which made me laugh. 

    i agree with you about the news. I just cancelled my cable tv, because I would be tempted to watch it and it is all the same people stirring up hatred and giving their opinions, which are usually pretty predicatable and uninformed. Not much actual reporting of facts anymore. 

    i don't have Netflix here yet, but I am going to get it. I never had much time for tv before this and still have a 20 year old Sony Trinitron. Seems I will be watching more tv, but I am totally clueless about the world of TVs. My daughter wants me to get an Apple TV, whatever that is. 


  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527

    It is good to see you posting.  I am sorry that you are down.  The doctors don't know everything and obviously, they were wrong about your time.  You have done ao well. 

    I watched some of Grace and Frankie last summer when I was out in Portland, Or taking care of my daughter after an accident. It was so good. We loved it and my daughter,  who didn't really want to watch it said, "well, I guess old people can be funny after all", which made me laugh. 

    i agree with you about the news. I just cancelled my cable tv, because I would be tempted to watch it and it is all the same people stirring up hatred and giving their opinions, which are usually pretty predicatable and uninformed. Not much actual reporting of facts anymore. 

    i don't have Netflix here yet, but I am going to get it. I never had much time for tv before this and still have a 20 year old Sony Trinitron. Seems I will be watching more tv, but I am totally clueless about the world of TVs. My daughter wants me to get an Apple TV, whatever that is. 

  • meschellejensen
    meschellejensen Member Posts: 117
    House of Cards

    I Love it, but you have to have Netflix to watch it.

  • lintx
    lintx Member Posts: 697
    edited June 2017 #12
    Hi Surf

    Thinking of you and hoping you're at home on the mend and binge watching something! Keep us posted, as you can. Hugs, Linda

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    DO you have hulu or nextflix?

    DO you have hulu or nextflix? cabalvision I LOVE home decorating channels, cooking shows,

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527

    I hope that your surgery went well and that you are healing well!  

  • anne_janevret
    anne_janevret Member Posts: 12
    edited June 2017 #15
    I'll suggest comedy or

    I'll suggest comedy or cooking shows! Comedy to make my mood better, and cooking shows to give me ideas on what I can cook for my family. Make sure that you watch cooking shows geared for healthy food.

  • 1surfermom
    1surfermom Member Posts: 396 Member
    Thank you for your suggestions.

    Surgery went well. The tumor was much bigger than what the mamogram, ultrasound and MRI reported.  It went from 9mm to 1.5 cm, still small but I'm surprised that all that imaging was incorrect. I'm waiting for Oncotype results to see what my next steps are. As for entertainment I saw the first season of Grace and Frankie, loved it. Jane Fonda wears some beautiful clothes and I just loved Lilly Tomlin's character.  I also started wathching 13 Reasons Why also  Netflix with my 18 year old son. I'm not going to lie, not a fan of it, but if I can spend time with my kid I'll watch it. Now that I'm not clouded by pain meds, I think House of Cards is next on my list. Thank you for all the good thoughts and prayers. Love Surf

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527

    I am sorry to hear that you have to go through this again. I hope that everything goes well for you going forward with your treatment plan. Sending you prayers and best wishes! 

  • Willowtree1822
    Willowtree1822 Member Posts: 13
    edited July 2017 #18
    Hey surf! Hope you're

    Hey surf! Hope you're recovering from surgery alright. I'm new here and still working my way around the different posts. Learning and getting insight from everywhere. :) 

    i understand a little about what the scan showed versus what they found after surgery. My docs thought I had two small tumors. Turned out to be one large one 4.62 cm. My husbad was upset because he felt that it should have been more obvious to docs. But, I talked him off the ledge :))

    my doc was surprised but just made some chages to what he thought the original treatment would be. I hope it goes well for you! 

    Btw, binging orange is new black was awesome. Also "stranger things" was great. If you have Netflix. I watched it with my grandson who now can't wait till October for next season. My daughter named her cat eleven after one of the characters. :)

     hope you're doing well and want to hear what they have decided for your treatment!

  • DeeMarie72
    DeeMarie72 Member Posts: 3
    Binge Suggestions

    Hey there Surf, 

    Try to consider more about what you have been missing in your life and try a show that relates to that--we need to treat our emotions as well as getting rid of the cancer in our bodies. I have found that Parenthood worked for me because I left home when I was 24 because I was surrounded by dyfunctional relationships but didn't know and the show gave me a family sense everytime I watched it. Also, Big Little Lies with Reese Witherspoon is a good one. It has a few differrent types of stories/dynamics going at the same time. And then there is the series called Switched at Birth. It is a bit of a cheesy drama but I really appreciate the insight into life as a deaf person. The show sometimes cuts off sound so you can imagine what life is like being deaf and the challenges in the deaf community and interacting with hearing people. It furthered my compassion for others in a new way. Wishing you peace, love, compassion and waves of healing love and aloha!


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