First Scans in two weeks, feeling anxious

ambava33 Member Posts: 74 Member

Hi everyone! I have not been on in awhile, just been trying to keep my anxiety down and continue on with my life. You all have helped me in so many ways, however I do feel when I get on here often my anxiety goes crazy when I read the bad stories, so I made myself stay off for awhile, but the good old scans since my partial nephrectomy on March 27th are coming due and I am starting to get nervous and what if everything. I know there is nothing anyone can do to make that go away, it's part of this journey, but Ughhhh I just hate feeling this way. I miss the carefree mindset I had before I was diagnosed. I feel great for the most part. I think some weeks are better than others it just depends on my anxiety with all of this, but I am enjoying life with my kids and husband and we are getting ready to go on our second camping trip of the year this Wednesday, so that will be fun. I am trying to keep busy and tell myself , they got it all out, so you have to move on, but then you read stories where people get awful news and it's just so hard sometimes to move on, but I am trying. I hope you all are enjoying your summers so far and thanks for reading and responding in advance. 




  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited June 2017 #2
    You will be fine



    With such a smal tumor you sdould already baking cookies for Uncle Ned's visit.




  • ambava33
    ambava33 Member Posts: 74 Member
    You are right icemamtoo

    Thank you for responding and you are so very right. Our heads sometimes just take over and it's hard to get our minds back in check! 

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    "Part of the journey"

    Hi, Amber--good to hear from you again.  You hit it right on the head when you said this is just part of the journey.  There isn't much we can do to help you with this, other than point out the positive parts of your cancer and pathology report.  Small tumor, clear margins, and contained in the kidney.  Take a deep breath and push forward.  

    God Bless,



  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    Anxiety and Being On CSN

    I have similar anxiety when I'm on here too much. It's not the bad stories in my case. For me it's just that I focus too much on my cancer and the possibilities of it returning starts to be in the forefront of my mind.

    You're right, though. It is part of the journey. Part of that anxiety is good for you. It encourages you to get followups and take care of yourself. While the chances are very slim, you do want to catch it early, so keep doing your followups and do your self care and get to the doctor if you have any issues.

    It's going to be fine, though. You handled it. You'll handle whatever comes up.


  • Steve.Adam
    Steve.Adam Member Posts: 463 Member
    Carefree mindset

    I think you are a bit more of a worrier than I am, but I know what you mean.

    Those background fears probably never quite disappear.

    My first scans are on June 17th.


  • ambava33
    ambava33 Member Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks everyone

    My scans are June 16th and Steve.Adam yes I'm a worrier by nature. I'm trying to get better at it but I think after this first set of scans are over and everything is fine I will worry a little less. 

  • ambava33
    ambava33 Member Posts: 74 Member
    Hi Stub

    You are so right, focus on the good and that's wh I'm trying to do. We head out tomorrow for our camping trip and I'm trying to focus on having fun with my family and enjoying life.