D day

HapB Member Posts: 527

I just got back from the doctor's office and have agreed to give chemo a try. I will have the port put on next week and chemo starts next Friday. It was a tough decision, but my daughter really felt strongly that she wanted me to try it. So, if my heart can handle it, I will give it a go.  I need to get geared up for this now.  Hopefully, it will be three strikes and all cancer out of my tired body! Surely, nobody could have 4 different cancers! With the help of God's grace, I will survive the treatments.


  • meschellejensen
    meschellejensen Member Posts: 117

    Hopefully it has brought some peace to have the decision over with...  I know that I can do things for my kids that I would never do on my own!  I will be praying for you as you work your way through treatment.  Please keep in touch as you go through treatment!

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527

    I wish I could say that I am at peace, but I am skeptical. How is your radiation going? I hope you are doing well.

  • meschellejensen
    meschellejensen Member Posts: 117

    I am really sorry to hear that you are feeling unsettled with the decision to take chemo.  These cancer related decisions are harder than any decisions that I have ever had to make!  I have family members that feel really strongly that I should be taking Tomox, and they are not shy about trying to push me to take it.  I also have a son in med-school that does not think that I should take it based on risk/benifit.  It is so tough!

    Honestly, I am having a terrible time with radiation!  I know that radiation is easier than chemo, but my body is just freaking out right now.  I was having nerve pain from my surgery that had completely dissipated about two weeks before I began radiation, it is back.  Yesterday I had to take a day off of radiation because I had really bad vertigo, nausea, and other stomach issues.  I spent the day getting IV fluids.  Today I was able to complete another radiation treatment.  My radiation techs tell me that the nausea and other issues are related to the radiation, but not the vertigo.  I find it interesting that I somehow damaged the crystals in my inner ear at the same time that I started radiation (and I am not doing anything right now except radiation treatments, and walking on a treadmill daily at a gym).  I now have perscriptions for nausea and vertigo.  The good news is that I have had 6/20 hypo-fractionated radiation and no skin issues yet!  I guess that I am complaining again...

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527

    You are NOT complaining, you are being real. It doesn't help anyone to pretend everything is just fine and dandy when it is not. I wonder whether the damage to your inner ear is related to the radiation. Could it be a coincidence? Hmmm. I think it is important that we all share experiences because sometimes patients can experience similar side effects that doctors don't contemplate.  I hope that tomorrow is a good day! Hang in there! 

  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    Mesch and Hap

    Ladies, I am glad to hear your updates. 

    Oh Hap, I cant imagine how tough this is for you.  You are a brave soul with a huge love for you child.  I will keep you in my prayers that this time it goes easier on you. 

    Mesch,  I did not have to have radiation.  The chemo I had burnt the lining of my ears, nose, throat, bottoms of my feet and hands.  I am still healing from it in my nose and ears.  The ENT I went to says she dont know if it will totally heal or not.  Side effects suck big time.  I can hear fine, it is just that I get stabbing pains and earaches out of the blue now.  Sound comes in and vibrates causing pain on the nerves.  So I put in cotton balls to soften the sounds and wind.  Once a week, I put in a garlic oil for eas I got at the health food store.  It helps.  At night, I take out the cotton so they can breathe.  Over time it has gotten less and less.  So I have hopes for a full recovery. 

    My nose, well I am not having too much luck with that yet.  I am still on herceptin treatments so I am hoping that heals soon after.  Right now I have too much post nasel drip, which I never ever had before.  I think I sometimes sound like a coke user.  I just always keep tissue handy as I hate to hear myself sniff all the time, let alone put anyone else through that. 

    You ladies are brave. 



  • meschellejensen
    meschellejensen Member Posts: 117
    edited June 2017 #7

    Hugs right back at you!  I will be praying for a complete healing of all side effects for you!  I am sorry for what you are going through, that just s****! I just don't have another word for it!

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527

    Thank you for all of your support. I am sorry to hear of all the side effects that remain.  I really hope and pray that I am doing the right thing with the chemo, but I am really not convinced. Thanks for the prayers. 

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    So glad you are

    Getting the port. It makes the infusions so much easier and saves your veins. Wish you the best. Chemo sucks but but it is the best we have. I have been fighting it since 2002, had almost 8 years cancer free, pre cancers , but without chemo my time would have been up a long time ago.

    I am fortunate, I was present at my son's graduation from the University, was present for my older son's wedding. Will go to grand baby's first birthday next Saturday.  Met women from this site, and made some very special connections with so many I have not been able to meet up with.  Can't say it has been an easy road, but it is what it is.

    I wish you the best,


  • Beepositive
    Beepositive Member Posts: 259 Member
    Prayers to all

    Prayer and blessing to ALL with treatments and recovery!!!!


  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527
    camul said:

    So glad you are

    Getting the port. It makes the infusions so much easier and saves your veins. Wish you the best. Chemo sucks but but it is the best we have. I have been fighting it since 2002, had almost 8 years cancer free, pre cancers , but without chemo my time would have been up a long time ago.

    I am fortunate, I was present at my son's graduation from the University, was present for my older son's wedding. Will go to grand baby's first birthday next Saturday.  Met women from this site, and made some very special connections with so many I have not been able to meet up with.  Can't say it has been an easy road, but it is what it is.

    I wish you the best,


    Thanks Carol

    I have had chemo before for the first cancer diagnosed almost 7 years ago, and I had no fear then. I was younger and more vibrant. I really did great. Then there was the second cancer, now the third. They say they are all unrelated. But, something in my body is just not fighting these nasty cancer cells. i raised my daughter alone and she is only 26. When she graduated from college, I had been out of chemo less than a year and I was not quite myself yet. I remember thanking God that day for letting me be there.  I cannot leave her alone on this earth. I wish she would meet someone nice to share her life with. I would love to be at her wedding someday, but she tells me she is not the marrying kind. LOL. I think I may have spoiled her just a little.  Hang in there. I hate cancer and I sure hate what it has done to good people, like you. For me, three strikes and it better get the hell out of my body!