Let's talk pot and it uses, what is your opinion of it?

Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member

Recently, I was on another discussion board researching and came across an interesting discussion.  Some people were very judgemental and some even seemed a bit hostile to the subject of marijuana use for cancer patients.  So I jumped in with both big feet and addressed my opinion of the taboo topic.  I am curious to hear from the other pink ladies on this topic that is all over the news and various internet talk sites.  Are you pro or are you con? 

I belong to another cancer board.  I was doing some searching for another unrealted topic.  I came upon this one and thought hey, why dont I put my 2 cents in.  I do not believe that marijuana is a cure all for cancer.  Just like I dont believe tumerac, cinnamon, honey or ect.. does either.  I dont not even believe that a doctor can say without a shadow of a doubt they cured your cancer with radiation or chemotherapy.  There is no guarentee of anything.  It is a crap shoot.  They may get it to go into remission, but just like that cell was sitting in your body and woke up to cause chaos and destruction, it is still there.  Sometimes it wakes again and sometimes it don't.  You just keep on going on with your life and you fight fight fight when you have to.

However, I do think and am thankful that marijuana is out there for cancer patients to help aid them with the nasty side effects.  However the person chooses to use the aid is totally up to them.  I don't think it is going to cause them any harm in doing so.  I for one have used it for some side effects of my chemo treatments.  It does ease pain.  I dont need it to increase my food consumption, unfortantly, the steriods do that.  Like one of the gentlemen above said, it does help those first days or weeks after chemo or side effects and pain from the radiation to ease the pain and help with sleep.  And you dont have to take another pill into your body and another pill to counteract that pill's side effect.  I for one am thankful for that reason to use marijuana as a medical aid.

I also do not beleive you will become a "pothead" because you use it.  I am not.  As most cancer patients I have talked to who use it, they are not.  They use it responsably and sparingly.   And I tell you, they wont have to worry about what most people who have to use strong opiates to ease their pain do.  They wont end up with a chance of fighting a horrible addiction later when or if their cancer goes into remission.  We all pray for remission for all.

You cannot compare us to those people that smoke pot all the time just for the thrill of it.  Those people have what is called addictive personalities.  If it is not pot they abuse, it is alcohol, or other types of drugs.  It usually is not their only flaw in life.  This is like comparing apples to oranges.

So if you can get it and want to try it wll go on and smoke it, chew it, drink it, slather that goodness on your toast.  I hope it brings you relief like it has me.  To each his own!

Hugs to all. 



  • nspired36
    nspired36 Member Posts: 80
    edited May 2017 #2
    Good Topic


    I am neither pro or anti-marijuana. I have read numerous studies and listened to personal accounts on how it has subsided severe seizures, increased appetites, eases pain, helped severely Autistic children to calm down etc... my take on it is this..... Do whatever you need to do to make it through each day. If you are in pain and marijuana helps to ease that pain, by all means smoke it! If you cant eat due to the meds, your feeling nauseous and marijuana helps you to eat and alleviates your pain...by all means smoke it! People get so judgy about so many things, often times they are not the ones going through chemo and suffering the side affects




  • sparkle1
    sparkle1 Member Posts: 242
    Whatever helps!!

    Whatever helps!!

  • anne_janevret
    anne_janevret Member Posts: 12
    Anything is bad if it's too

    Anything is bad if it's too much. I actually don't know anyone who tried pot as an alternative to chemo, but I'm curious if it really works.

  • cartina
    cartina Member Posts: 3
    edited June 2017 #5

    I am considering    using it at age 76 for radiation neuropathy pain which doesn't respond to drugs very well.

  • peony
    peony Member Posts: 306 Member
    edited June 2017 #6
    When I was on chemo, people

    When I was on chemo, people were giving it to me, so I tried it.  My worse side effect of chemo was fatigue and weed did not help that.  In fact, I felt even more draggy and tired.  So I put it away.  Lately, my arthritis has been driving me crazy.  I can't take any NSAIDs because I have only one kidney, so that only leaves opiods as a prescription painkiller for me.  I don't like oxcy, or hydrocodone or co-tylenol  - they constipate me and I don't like the effect. Plus I know they're addictive (I got enough problems, thank you!).  So I tried the weed again.  It does help the pain and it helps me sleep. It's been approved medically in my state, but there are no dispensaries.  So I guess that makes me an outlaw.

  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    peony said:

    When I was on chemo, people

    When I was on chemo, people were giving it to me, so I tried it.  My worse side effect of chemo was fatigue and weed did not help that.  In fact, I felt even more draggy and tired.  So I put it away.  Lately, my arthritis has been driving me crazy.  I can't take any NSAIDs because I have only one kidney, so that only leaves opiods as a prescription painkiller for me.  I don't like oxcy, or hydrocodone or co-tylenol  - they constipate me and I don't like the effect. Plus I know they're addictive (I got enough problems, thank you!).  So I tried the weed again.  It does help the pain and it helps me sleep. It's been approved medically in my state, but there are no dispensaries.  So I guess that makes me an outlaw.

    for pain management

    For pain management when no other way is offered without more complications does not make you an outlaw in my book.  I get it.  No judgement, just hope it helps ease your pain.

