Medical Reports


  • paella
    paella Member Posts: 81
    THC and cancer

    Dear Sroth - the first article is waaay beyond my ken or pay grade - I just skimmed it and couldn't quickly discover if the cannabis oil is supposedly a good or bad thing for apoptosis (a word I had to look up).  The second article makes it more clear that it's a potentially good thing for patients.  There are quite a few people on this forum with the kind of knowledge needed to understand this and who might dropping out of chemistry after 2 weeks in high school turns out to have been a bad idea (but one I don't regret).

    Good luck to you - Paella

  • sroth
    sroth Member Posts: 3
    edited May 2017 #3
    paella said:

    THC and cancer

    Dear Sroth - the first article is waaay beyond my ken or pay grade - I just skimmed it and couldn't quickly discover if the cannabis oil is supposedly a good or bad thing for apoptosis (a word I had to look up).  The second article makes it more clear that it's a potentially good thing for patients.  There are quite a few people on this forum with the kind of knowledge needed to understand this and who might dropping out of chemistry after 2 weeks in high school turns out to have been a bad idea (but one I don't regret).

    Good luck to you - Paella

    I had to look up apoptosis

    I had to look up apoptosis too!  But it sounds like there is something to this.  Thank you so much for your reply.  

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    Cannabis is almost a religion

    When there is clinically proved, scientific evidence that it has a beneficial effect, then maybe. Still, natural substances can actually reduce the effectiveness of science-based cancer treatment, so anything and everything should be cleared through the oncologist/hematologist first. Cancer patients and families, loved ones, etc. tend to be either desperate or overly helpful. Last week, my wife was given informaion on "alkaline water" - a rumored "cure" or whatever. Sadly, it is quackery, as the body dies if it is either too acid or too alkaline. It's just that drinking alkaline water sounds better than drinking acid.

    Oh, and in that information, it says that alkaline water is not good for transplant patients - of which I happen to be one. Salt, on the other hand, is very good for cancer patients. How? Take everything you hear with a grain of salt!

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Head rush ! Yo man !

    Note that the Blood article was published in 2004 -- 13 years ago.  Most of the references in the footnotes are from the 1990s, many from the early 90s (around 25 years ago).  This line of investigation obviously went nowhere.

    At the Prostate Board, this Stoner News sort of stuff is frequent, a regular. The people who post cannibas-as-cure never provide bona fide scientific studies. And most are conspiracy theorists, people who claim that "Big Pharma" wants to murder cancer patients with chemo, to make money. I find all that they post to be disguisting.  While Blood is one of the finest medical journals in the world, note that it never suggested that cannabis is a cure, or even a suitable treatment, for Lymphoma. It just said that the evidence suggests that it kills Lymphoma cells, but mentioned that it may kill other, healthy cells also.

    The second link is sad.  It disclaims any FDA testing or approval, just mentioning instead that under Fderal Law, cannabis is a Schedule 1 drug.  The founder of the "Organization" has (according to the bio she put there herself) no medical training at all.

    In my ten years following cancer I have run in to a lot of 'holistic medicine' types, all of whom were enlightened on the Internet.  Some I knew personally, some from Boards.  Every one of them died shortly after 'going natural.'

    I have no idea if cannabis is good for pallative effect, and have no position on that question, which is completely  independent of whether it is curative. 

    Gotta run, needin' Doritos all of a sudden,


  • ShadyGuy
    ShadyGuy Member Posts: 933 Member
    Miracle cures - Rituxan not pot

    Most things like cannabis products, alkaline water machines and any number of other " miracle cures" have a strong placebo effect for some people. It gives them hope and thus they feel better. Cannabis, after all, is "grass" or "weeds" and should not cost hundreds of dollars per ounce. It is profitably grown for rope manufacture selling at $100 per ton. Think "weeds" "grass" "hay" . A popular water machine is made of about $40 in parts and sells for $4200 through a massive pyramid scheme. Snake oil -  as a trained physicist I can tell you pure water cannot be electrolyzed. If you have lots of money to waste I would recommend spending it on a trip to Alaska or Hawaii to revel in nature,  not on snake oil. Or maybe join a religion offering eternal life and good health - but of course with no guarantees. And please, don't throw out the conspiracy theories about big pharma or govt. not wanting you to have pot. People selling theses things are simply motivated by money.