Friendly Reminder

stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
edited May 2017 in Kidney Cancer #1

I want to take this opportunity to welcome all the new members that have joined us the past couple months.  In order for members to give advice it helps having a good understanding of your journey.  At the top of the page you will see.... "Click here" to create or update your member "About Me" page.  Follow those instructions and fill out the information.  This is the feature that allows members to click on your "Name" and read about the details of your journey.  Trust me, it doesn't take long, but it is very helpful.

I suppose this is also a good time to ask veteran members to update their information. 




  • Deanie0916
    Deanie0916 Member Posts: 628 Member
    Hi Stub

    Thanks for the reminder! I have tried a few times to add a photoo my profile, but have never been successful. Any tips?

  • beemurguia
    beemurguia Member Posts: 57
    Yes, you are right...but Im

    Yes, you are right...but Im having a hard time navigating for some we do it in the blog area? 

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    Deanie:  I struggled with adding a picture becuse of size of file.  Finally I found a pheasant hunt photo that was taken a few years ago on an old camera.  The trick is resizing the size of your photo file.  Once you get that fingured out you'll be fine.

    Bee:  In the blog area of the site look at the top I believe there is an "About me" tab.  Click on that and you'll see some questions to answer about your journey.



  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    edited May 2017 #5

    Yes, you are right...but Im

    Yes, you are right...but Im having a hard time navigating for some we do it in the blog area? 

    At the top of the page...

    (This page, as it's currently set up), right under the big "Cancer Survivors Network" banner, it says, "Click here to create or update your member 'about me' page." Assuming you're signed in, of course. Click there... Go there... That's where...