Cannabis, thoughts?

JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member

So I get angry when I get the posts on Facebook about any sort of supposed 'cure' for cancer. To my knowledge, none of them work. Cannabis is one of the ones I see quite often on Facebook. The post usually claims that it cures cancer. If I bother to respond I say that it helps with side effects but it doesn't cure or kill it.

I've never smoked pot in my life. I've never smoked period so pulling something into my lungs would be completely foreign to me and I have no interest in doing it. Also, I don't think it's a good way to get whatever properties are supposed to be benefical to where it needs to go. If cannabis is something that actually does jelp fight cancer I'd be willing to take a pill or something like that. My understanding is that there's one compound in it that helps people and it doesn't make a person high, I can't remember what it's called. THC? Something like that.

Anyway, here's why I'm posting. When I was at the cancer clinic the other day seeing my oncologist they gave me a survey to fill out along with the papers I always have to fill out. It was all about cannabis. Questions about if I smoke it or ever have, then more questions if I did, would I be uncomfortable talking to my doctor about it, things like that. Now I'm wondering where this is going. Do they actually think it does have some medicinal value? Neither my onc or her nurse knew anything about it.

Any thoughts on this? I can't get it out of my head. My daughter wants me to get somethign called a green card so I can buy supplies of cannabis related items but I haven't done it yet. I hate the smell and really want nothing to do with it. It would be ironic if a life long non user had to start in her fifties. My husban'd mom died from cancer and in her last months was given a cannabis product to aid her appetite and reduce pain and discomfort. She had been gine before I met him so I don;t know specifically what she took.





  • lizard44
    lizard44 Member Posts: 409 Member
    edited May 2017 #2
    Here's some info

    from the  American Cancer Society regarding marijuana and cannabis  and their possible use in cancer patients:


  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member

    While I personally have no first hand experience, I have seen others discuss its help with side effects.

    I have also seen other options for its use other than smoking.  I don't know if that makes any difference in its helpful properties.

    I beleive in states where it is legal, either recreationally or medically, the "stores" provide options in foods such as brownies and candies.

    Something to check out if you are in a place where it is legal.  In places where it is medically legal you need to get doctor to "prescibe" so that you can get documents for its purchase.


    Marie who loves kitties

  • Tunadog
    Tunadog Member Posts: 235 Member
    edited May 2017 #4
    I use Cannabis..

    I have used Cannabis for pain I had from Radiation burns and to help sleep at night. It helps with the pain and then you forget about it.

     I eat edibles and do not smoke. I generally eat a 30mg THC cookie at bedtime. They take about an hour to kick in.

    You can get them with your green card. Another popular method for using Cannabis is with a vaporizer which does not burn anything.

    If you have any questions perhaps I can answer them.


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Thanks for the input everyone

    Thanks for the input everyone! I just read that the medicinal qualities are in the CBD part of it, not the THC. I'm going to check out that link Grace, thanks! Right now I have to get back out and help my husband paint the deck or I'll hear about how hard it was for him. I ws the one who painted it by myself the first time before I got sick but it's so hard for him now and he needs my help. Grr.



  • Tunadog
    Tunadog Member Posts: 235 Member
    The CBD's help with pain, THC

    The CBD's help with pain, THC will help you sleep. 

    You can buy CBD based stuff not extracted from Cannabis just about anywhere.

    That said I am not a proponent of Cannabis use.

    Most claims are highly exaggerated, Cannabis does not cure Cancer.

    My radiologist assistant (he is a M.D. Onc) suggested I give it a try as I didn't want opiods for this minor pain.

    It seemed to help.

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Tunadog said:

    The CBD's help with pain, THC

    The CBD's help with pain, THC will help you sleep. 

    You can buy CBD based stuff not extracted from Cannabis just about anywhere.

    That said I am not a proponent of Cannabis use.

    Most claims are highly exaggerated, Cannabis does not cure Cancer.

    My radiologist assistant (he is a M.D. Onc) suggested I give it a try as I didn't want opiods for this minor pain.

    It seemed to help.

    That's what I've always

    That's what I've always thought which is why I was intrigued that they had the survey at the cancer clinic. However, it could be ebacsue of how it helps with side affects, not because its going to cure anything.


  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    edited May 2017 #8
    I am in my sixties

    And I am probably one of the few in my generation that has never tried cannabis in any form. I am not about to try it now. I am afraid I have become sceptical of medicines ability to cure anything without causing several equally serious side effects. I put pain right up there with cancer as one of those afflictions where the treatment causes as many problems as the disease. Praceteamol is a good example. Doctors have come to the conclusion that apart from lowering temps it has very little impact on pain like osteo arthritis that for many years it was reccommended for. Not only that, accidental overdose can have serious consequences for the liver.   I was on a drug called targin for pain. I was told it was safe and efficient. In fact it was 80 mg of straight oxycodone mixed with an opiate antagonist , naloxone which is supposed to stop opiate induced constipation. Unfortunately it does not work very well , particularly in my case. The oxycodone was another problem. Different people react to opiates in vastly different ways. After two years I was in more pain from the oxy than my original pain. Oxycodone is dreadfully addictive for some of us. I was on two twelve hour doses of 40/29 mg a day . By ten hours I was starting to suffer withdrawel . I chose to go off it (you can't just stop it) . It took me 34 weeks of slowly reducing doses to get off it. I have often mentioned my struggles with long term side effects of cancer and chemo. I will not bore you further with those except to say that given the serious and life threatening aspects of one of my chemo agents my treatment team had a duty of care to flollow up on my treatment with it. I have never been contacted in twenty years. I had no choice it the chemo used on me but since then I have had the option of accepting treatments offered by my doctors and alternate health providers. I made a mistake with the Targin but I am not likely to make another, Hugs to all, Ron.

  • Woodytele
    Woodytele Member Posts: 163
    I use weed almost daily

    got my medical marijuana card in Massachusetts, I believe it helps in a number of ways. They have all types and solutions to get your THC which you may read about being the cancer fighter.  They have, lozenges like a jolly rancher, nuggets like a tootsie roll, and of course traditional ways to use it.  So,you don't have to smoke it anymore.  It helped me more than any pain killer I was prescribed, and helps with appetite too. I can tell you more about how it works if you wish, but I am a believer.  Sometimes with all your stress, it's good to just chill out at the end of the night and put your mind at ease. 

  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member
    Open minded

    Numerous people have suggested cannibas products to me.  I had tried marijuana as a youth, but have not imbided since I was 21.  So far, I have no real interest in it, but I am learning in dealing with this disease to stay open minded.  If you are having trouble with side effects it would make sense to me to be open minded and give it a try!

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    ron50 said:

    I am in my sixties

    And I am probably one of the few in my generation that has never tried cannabis in any form. I am not about to try it now. I am afraid I have become sceptical of medicines ability to cure anything without causing several equally serious side effects. I put pain right up there with cancer as one of those afflictions where the treatment causes as many problems as the disease. Praceteamol is a good example. Doctors have come to the conclusion that apart from lowering temps it has very little impact on pain like osteo arthritis that for many years it was reccommended for. Not only that, accidental overdose can have serious consequences for the liver.   I was on a drug called targin for pain. I was told it was safe and efficient. In fact it was 80 mg of straight oxycodone mixed with an opiate antagonist , naloxone which is supposed to stop opiate induced constipation. Unfortunately it does not work very well , particularly in my case. The oxycodone was another problem. Different people react to opiates in vastly different ways. After two years I was in more pain from the oxy than my original pain. Oxycodone is dreadfully addictive for some of us. I was on two twelve hour doses of 40/29 mg a day . By ten hours I was starting to suffer withdrawel . I chose to go off it (you can't just stop it) . It took me 34 weeks of slowly reducing doses to get off it. I have often mentioned my struggles with long term side effects of cancer and chemo. I will not bore you further with those except to say that given the serious and life threatening aspects of one of my chemo agents my treatment team had a duty of care to flollow up on my treatment with it. I have never been contacted in twenty years. I had no choice it the chemo used on me but since then I have had the option of accepting treatments offered by my doctors and alternate health providers. I made a mistake with the Targin but I am not likely to make another, Hugs to all, Ron.

    Ron, you are one tough bugger

    Ron, you are one tough bugger, that's for sure. You amaze me with what you've gone through. I've never been a druggie type but I had oxycodone after my surgery and I have to say it would have been very easy to take it all the time. It's the only thing that makes me feel almost normal again. I forget how much pain and discomfort I live with daily but if I take one it all goes away. I still have half a bottle left hidden in a drawer and I do take one on occasion if I really need it. I'll be taking ine before my next probe. I have them instead of a colonoscopy because of the ostomy and it always hurts, even with the pedo sized one.

    Anyway, hugs to you Ron, you inspire me! You are amazing!


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Well, I don;t have side

    Well, I don;t have side effects so I dont need it or have any interest in trying it. The times I've smelled it being smoked it smelled like a mixture of skunk and BO to me. Gross. If it turns out that it can help fight cancer or kill cancer cells I'll suck it up and give it a try, though. I just can't imagine anything in the lungs being a good thing. Particularly now that I have mets in one. I ride my horse with a bandanna like a train robber if I ride inside and it's dusty. I don;t want anything encouraging the mets to kick into high gear.


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    Jan, I tried some CBD gummi

    Jan, I tried some CBD gummi-bears last night but having beer and barbecue with them and going to bed two hours later, I can't say what the effects were. I intend to try a daily dose of CBD edibles for a month or so to give it a fair trial. My son says you have to be careful not to get any with THC in it, as there are all sorts of mixed amounts available. I simply want it for pain after a hard days work and I'll report back what it's effects were.................................Dave

  • Ignatsmouse
    Ignatsmouse Member Posts: 1
    Buttter Bud


    Hello all,
    I've been doing heavy chemo doses since August 2014. Gone through just about all the various treatments for CRC metzd to liver. Currently receiving FOLFIRI with Panitumumab (Vectibex) with some success, actually pretty good success up until now where it is now starting to have less affect. During all my treatments, I've suffered severely within the first couple of days and found the use of marijuana invaluable in helping me get through the beginning of treatments. I use very little, usually once on the first day and maybe one more time on the second day. It seems to be the only medication that relives the nausea associated with heavy chemo. I do not smoke the marijuana but make it into a butter paste and serve on a piece of toast or with a pasta. Within an hour, the sickness and pains diminish to a comfortable state. It's my “go to” thing that battles the wicked side effects that come with strong chemo. No cure, but a great aid in helping during the first couple of days of treatment.


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,428 Member
    Cheech and Chung!/

    This has come up before.  And I had a discussion about it.  There were some things indicating maybe.  Found the link

    Though there is something there, as of now it seems really to help with nausea, give people an apptetite (munchies) to help with weight, reduce anxiety/help rest and easing pain.  

    On the other hand, like most things in this cancer k--p, there are 1,000,000 really easy cures that are all being supressed by big pharma.  Including some where there could be REAL big money made with little risk to big pharma and increase profits.  Someone I know told me I should inject my own urine into my veins because that cures many things.  Not joking.  They buy into the Vitamin C and all the rest of anything and everthing out there.


    Anyway on reefer it seems (a) there seems to be a lot saying it helps with cancer with respect to issues with chemo and other things and (b) perhaps it stops cancer.  If you are looking at (a) issues, try it out if you can handle it and are having the issues (which you do not seem to have).  Make sure to get good stuff and not skunk weed :), which sounds like you are talking about ;)   As to (b).. well.



  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    NewHere said:

    Cheech and Chung!/

    This has come up before.  And I had a discussion about it.  There were some things indicating maybe.  Found the link

    Though there is something there, as of now it seems really to help with nausea, give people an apptetite (munchies) to help with weight, reduce anxiety/help rest and easing pain.  

    On the other hand, like most things in this cancer k--p, there are 1,000,000 really easy cures that are all being supressed by big pharma.  Including some where there could be REAL big money made with little risk to big pharma and increase profits.  Someone I know told me I should inject my own urine into my veins because that cures many things.  Not joking.  They buy into the Vitamin C and all the rest of anything and everthing out there.


    Anyway on reefer it seems (a) there seems to be a lot saying it helps with cancer with respect to issues with chemo and other things and (b) perhaps it stops cancer.  If you are looking at (a) issues, try it out if you can handle it and are having the issues (which you do not seem to have).  Make sure to get good stuff and not skunk weed :), which sounds like you are talking about ;)   As to (b).. well.



    While there are apparently

    While there are apparently compunds that are helpful there are better ways to get them into your body other than by inhalation. Anything that irritates the lungs cannot be good for them.

    And I absolutely do NOT believe in thr whole 'big' pharma' suppressing cures crap. I'll try to make this brief but here goes. Nobody in the world has found the cure for cancer. If big pharma is suppressing a cure then it would require the compliance of millions of people who will have loved ones that get cancer or themselves. No amount of money will keep them all quiet. There will likely not be a single cure for cancer because of the variety of cancers and the individuality of each cancer. It doesn't matter how cheap it is if a supposed cure has been found. The company that comes up with the cure and produces it would stand to make huge profits between what they could mark up the cure price to and how having it would bolster their reputation. I doubt it's expensive to produce a common pain killer like Advil or aspirin but that doesn't stop them, they make money, and new pain killers are being produced all the time. It would be a huge benefit if a pharmaceutical company could find a cure that's cheap to make. Here in Canada the cost of treating cancer patients is huge. Our government pays for it. How would it of benefit for them to not have a cheap cure? Some people think its to reduce population growth. Yeah, because a dead taxpayer make a huge contribution to the government. It just doesn't make sense.

    I could go on and on, this is a subject close to my heart and it angers me when someones suggests that there is a cure but it's being witheld by either big pharma or the government, or both. It's so ridiculous it ought not to be a condideration by anyone. But I think it's common for people to want to find someone or something to blame when there is nowhere to place blame.

    I apologize if I've come across as too strong but this subject gets me fired right up. I defend my stance to anyone who tries to push this untruth on anyone. I'm also very hard on antivaxxers and those conspiracy theorists who think there's such a thing as 'chem trails' when they see the condensation left by a jet plane. I also get on people who dont understand the distinction between Monsanto and GMOs. Monsanto has created GMO products but not all GMOs are Monsanto or are bad for us. Enjoy peaches and cream corn? That's a GMO. 

    Anyway, I'll get off of my soapbox now. I'm in a cranky mood this morning after reading about the suicide bombing in Manchester. I'm sick to death of radicals and their cruel tactics. There is a special place in hell for them, I'm sure.


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member

    Buttter Bud


    Hello all,
    I've been doing heavy chemo doses since August 2014. Gone through just about all the various treatments for CRC metzd to liver. Currently receiving FOLFIRI with Panitumumab (Vectibex) with some success, actually pretty good success up until now where it is now starting to have less affect. During all my treatments, I've suffered severely within the first couple of days and found the use of marijuana invaluable in helping me get through the beginning of treatments. I use very little, usually once on the first day and maybe one more time on the second day. It seems to be the only medication that relives the nausea associated with heavy chemo. I do not smoke the marijuana but make it into a butter paste and serve on a piece of toast or with a pasta. Within an hour, the sickness and pains diminish to a comfortable state. It's my “go to” thing that battles the wicked side effects that come with strong chemo. No cure, but a great aid in helping during the first couple of days of treatment.


    I'm sure it does help with

    I'm sure it does help with side effects. I've seen shows on TV showing the positive effects on things like seizures and other brain maladies. But I don't believe it will kill cancer cells. And Tommy Chong would agree with me, I'm sure, if he hadn't died of his cancer a few months ago. I don't think I need to explain who he is to anyone, I'm sure.

    I'm glad it was helpful for you. I've been lucky and haven't had any side effects such as neusea. I used to live with a boyfriend who smoked it regularly and I grew to hate what it did to him. The laziness, the lack of interest in anything or any motivation at all, the red eyes. We didn't last long.  

    But if it turns out that it does help get rid of cancer I'd be all for it, just not in smoking form. I don;t want to inhale anything and I don;t want to have to walk through a cloud of it anywhere, cigarette smokers are bad enough.

    Good luck with your treatments and welcome to the board!


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,428 Member
    You Threw Me Off JJ

    Thought I was having a chemo moment when I read this

    And Tommy Chong would agree with me, I'm sure, if he hadn't died of his cancer a few months ago.

    Not sure if you are a Monty Python Fan but

    Tommy is alive and well (kind of).  He had claimed that his prostate cancer was pretty much cured by hemp oil.

    But all this did not stop him coming down with CRC in 2015



  • Kazenmax
    Kazenmax Member Posts: 463 Member


    I have used pot to help with side effects. I know it will not cure cancer but it certainly helped with pain/illness management. I do not live in a state where medical marjiuana is available so let's keep that to ourselves...

    however, given the option, i would definitely use eatibles if available. It also helped with my attitude towards life in general. 

    I'm not advocating for full time use, I'm just saying that in my case, it helped a lot.


  • Kazenmax
    Kazenmax Member Posts: 463 Member

    BTW, Tommy Chong had rectal cancer recently and has a colostomy. He calls his bag, Donald.

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    edited May 2017 #21
    Well, apparently I stand

    Well, apparently I stand corrected. I've mentioned him being dead before to other people and nobody has ever said he wasn't. The news of his death was a hoax. That being said, the cannabis did not treat his cancer or prevent it from spreading. He started out with prostrate cancer and now has colon. So it still shows that the cannabis use didn't help him with the cancer.

    Thanks guys!
