Nervous, Can Anybody Tell Me What to Expect During Radiation??

meschellejensen Member Posts: 117


I begin radiation next Monday (May 22nd) and I am really nervous.  Can anybody give me an idea of what to expect?  I know that it is not as tough as chemo, but it is new and overwhelming to me... I would appreciate any pointers!



  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    I can share my experience

    and hope that yours goes as well. 

    First, I had a long appointment with the radiation oncologist who explained everything to me. Told me I couldn't shave under that arm, that I couldn't wear a bra with an underwire, that I might experience fatigue, that I would have a weekly appointment with her so she could make sure everything was going well. 

    I had another appointment where they did all the measuring and tattooed me in the middle of my chest and on both my sides. They are markers so they could position me accurately. They explained the check-in procedure and we set up my daily appointment and they gave me samples of the cream they wanted me to use.

    And then on Monday it began. I would check in, sit in the lobby, be called back, take off my blouse and bra and put on a gown and then I was taken into the radiation room. I lay down on the table, they did the positioning. I had to raise my left arm and hold onto something. Then they left the room and the machine whirred around me. Then poof, done, go out and change and go home. 

    My breast got red in a funny shaped pattern. I used the creams. And towards the end of treatment I was maybe a little more tired than usual, but nothing bad -- but I didn't have chemo so I went into radiation with normal energy. I got redder with the boosts at the end. But no peeling or pain.

    I remember telling the receptionist in the beginning that I didn't want to be there and she smiled and said "Oh, we'll grow on you." And they did. At the end, I took them a giant chocolate cake and hugged them good-bye. It was really weird not to go there every day and I felt kind of adrift, but got over it. Because I was going daily, I felt like I was fighting and doing all I could and now I was done. Except for taking Arimidex which is a whole different story.

    It really was fine. But yeah, I was afraid to start because, of course, I didn't know it was going to be fine.

    I hope this helps. 

  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    edited May 2017 #3

    the tattooing was just kind of a poke. it didn't hurt much. (figured you'd want to know:)

  • Teach76
    Teach76 Member Posts: 354 Member
    Similar experience

    My experience was almost exactly the same.  I had read so much about peeling skin and soreness, but in 25 treatments, the only discomfort I had was a little "pinking" and warm to the touch.  I recall being told no deodorant or powder on the radiated side.  I would shower in the morning (appt usually around 10am), go to my radiation ( drove myself), and put a little powder on if needed once I was home.  My radiation was July through August, so I was concerned.  I purchased a few sun protective shirts, but honestly, just try to avoid the sun or wear something to protect.  Ask your team about sunscreen - my chemobrain cannot remember!


        As to fatigue, I did not experience it early on - only about half way through.  I was not working at the time so it was easy to relax after treatments.


    Best wishes for continued strength!



  • meschellejensen
    meschellejensen Member Posts: 117
    I Think I Can Do This!

    Thank you so much for the posts!  It really doesn't sound that bad!  When should I stop shaving, and can I use a natural deoderant after treatment like Toms?

  • Beepositive
    Beepositive Member Posts: 259 Member
    edited May 2017 #6

    hello Meschellejensen sorry you have to be here but..Welcome Friend!  as everyone has written . Radiation is not bad..i was scared myself of the unknown..I am currently doing my radiation treatments and only have about 8 more to go (will be finish next week) CANT WAIT TO RING THAT BELL!!! its just a matter of going everyday but its only takes about 15 minutes and DONE JUST LIKE AN XRAY no pain just as weeks go alone the area being treated will get sunburn, darker but they give you cream for that (a drop in the bucket compared to chemo from what i've been told) still  chemicals going thru your body thats being treated, have to rest as much and you can and I drink lots of liquid before and after my treatments to stay hydrated.  i stopped shaving under my arm after the surgery because i had some swelling and pain due to lymph nodes being removed .   You will be Fine!!! Prayer going up for you!!!


  • meschellejensen
    meschellejensen Member Posts: 117
    Thank You for the Prayers!

    Thank you for the prayers Beepositive and thank you for the information on radiation!  Radiation does not sound all that difficult!  I will be thankful to put one more step behind me this summer!

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527

    i didn't have radiation for BC yet, but had serious 12 weeks of radiation for a GI cancer. It really was painless and not a problem at all. Towards the end of the 12 weeks, my private parts got burned and a little hard to pee, but that was very fleeting and very doable. I was tired at the end, but that was also due to the chemo. Radiation was inconvenient, but not a problem at all. I hope others give input specific to BC, but try not to worry. It is just like getting an xray.

  • peony
    peony Member Posts: 306 Member
    edited May 2017 #9
    Radiation is easier than

    Radiation is easier than chemo (I thought so). I didn't even feel fatigued until the 4th week.  And even then, it wasn't as bad as chemo fatigue. I guess the worse part is that it's every day, but the days pass quickly and before you know it, you're ringing the bell!  I did have some of the burning and peeling. It started in the 5th week (just as I was almost through!), and was quite painful for about a week but it healed quickly. I stopped shaving when I was diagnosed and I've been using a mineral stone for deodorant ever since. I had some dark areas on my chest and breast, but after a year, they've pretty much faded away.  Best wishes.

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    Radiation is nothing at all

    Radiation is nothing at all (compared to other things I am sure you have gone through) THey do a dry run-prior.

    AT MY DRY RUN i was tatooed ( little freckle type marks-to ensure correct treatments) I still have my made made freckles from 2008!

    With me THEY made a mold of my body-so each time I would lay exactly the same (IN The form) My cancer center < I had a swipe card when I arrived-i would go change and they would come get me-IT was a short time for me (I DID IT ONLY MY LUNCH HOUR daily)

    ONCE I got on the table they would adjust me-ever so little to have exact location.

  • booksandnumbers
    booksandnumbers Member Posts: 30

    My story is much like disneyfan2008. I went first thing every morning and then back to work. It became just another routine. Radiation itself is painless. No real side effects except for the exhaustion. No burns until it was all over. Not bad, just a red. Like a sunburn. Best advise I can give you is drink a lot, and I mean lots, of water and moisturize several times a day after your session. It will be over before you know it. Good luck!

  • meschellejensen
    meschellejensen Member Posts: 117
    Big thank you to everyboy for the information!

    Thank you so much to everybody that shared their stories.  I know this is not going to be as tough as chemo, but it is new and scary to me!  I am still afraid of getting burned (I have light skin), but I am feeling that I will be able to get through whatever comes.  I am thankful for this message board!

  • bmm11071
    bmm11071 Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2017 #13
    I am more worried about

    I am more worried about effects to my heart and lung as my cancer is in the left breast. Anyone experienced serious side effects? Anyone try proton radiation?

  • Beepositive
    Beepositive Member Posts: 259 Member
    bmm11071 said:

    I am more worried about

    I am more worried about effects to my heart and lung as my cancer is in the left breast. Anyone experienced serious side effects? Anyone try proton radiation?

    hello bmm11071

    Radiation is not bad  (externally but of course it goes thru your body areas that is being treated I also had radiation on left side last treatment was June 2017..just rest directly after felt little tried. DOING FINE..JUST KEEPING ALL MY FOLLOW UP APPOINTMENT AND TAKING MY TREATMENT PILLS DAILY! GOD BLESSS YOU BEST WISHES WITH EVERYTHING  (this is my feed from above on this)..i was scared myself of the unknown..I am currently doing my radiation treatments and only have about 8 more to go (will be finish next week) CANT WAIT TO RING THAT BELL!!! its just a matter of going everyday but its only takes about 15 minutes and DONE JUST LIKE AN XRAY no pain just as weeks go alone the area being treated will get sunburn, darker but they give you cream for that (a drop in the bucket compared to chemo from what i've been told) still  chemicals going thru your body thats being treated, have to rest as much and you can and I drink lots of liquid before and after my treatments to stay hydrated.  i stopped shaving under my arm after the surgery because i had some swelling and pain due to lymph nodes being removed .   You will be Fine!!! Prayer going up for you!!!

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527

    I am currently getting radiation and have one week down! So far, no real problems other than a slight sunburn feeling on the breast.  I have had radiation before and this one is very different. They don't use a mold to keep me in the same position. It is strange, but they use a sheet that they pull back and forth. It doesn't give me a great deal of confidence. Also, I heard that some radiation treatment for breast cancer uses a method to minimize the radiation to the chest wall, lungs,  and heart, by having the patient lie on the table face down with breast cut out from the table ao the rest of the body is protected. Did anyone have that method? So, I am scheudled for 6 weeks of radiation. Hoping that it goes well. 

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    i was very fortunate

    I DID NOT have any side effects at all. I hope you can say the same-when it is over.





  • JKoehler25
    JKoehler25 Member Posts: 12
    It's not all painless and a walk in park

    I Had my 21st treatment last friday. By sunday I was in severe pain across my upper chest and my whole arm pit down to my ribs was burning like someone hit me with a blowtorch. I am very swollen, have severe pain, and sores are developing. Needless to say, I have stopped the radiation with 9 to go. It has been a wk now and nothing is getting that much better. So I am not the lucky one who sailed thru it and you can't count on that. I have talked to other radiation patients, and their experience was to be burned, have pain. They even warn you about developing mushy skin and deep sores that come from that mushy skin. But I did last thru 21. Also the side effects have a lag time. The radiation is doing damage, but might not show up right away. You think everything is ok, then whamm O, it's not. I know I am not alone in this. I met a man in office who still couldn't eat after having radiation 6 mos. previous. So this isn't just nothing. I know you don't want to hear this, but be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. Dr will say not to listen to "horror" stories. These are not horror stories. These are real people who got the same as your're getting.  It depends on the dose they give you too. I have a feeling I was on the blast your skin to pieces dose. Maybe you won't have this. And by the way, that cream they gave me was pretty worthless. It didn't help at all, but you have to at least keep your skin moist as possible. Radiation dries it out. But what they didn't tell me was to not use it before the treatment. Nurse said I could use it anytime. Not true. Some on here have said their Dr. told them that radioplex actually makes radiation worse. I don't know the answer. None of these cancer dr's can get their stories straight. So after I read all the other advice, I didn't want you to think radiation was a walk in the park. A lot of others have problems. I have met them. But the treatment itself is short and painless. It's what it causes later is the problem. I hope you get thru it with minimal problems. I can't finish my treatment.

  • JKoehler25
    JKoehler25 Member Posts: 12
    I find this unbelievable

    I am sitting here with and ice bag under my armpit as I have 2cond degree radiation burns all over my pit and chest. I have cancelled the last 9 treatments. So it is not a walk in the park. Radiologist says this is not unusual at all. happens all the time.  The pain was so bad I didn't sleep for 2 days. This is day 11 and burns are scabing up, but my skin is dying and sloughing off leaving very sore raw spots. I have been putting silvadeen on it and that is helping it too heal. So radiation is no walk in the park. I'd rather die then let them do this to me again. Radioplex is absolutely worthless. Don't use if it may make things worse. Maybe that's what happened to me. Never again

  • meschellejensen
    meschellejensen Member Posts: 117
    edited September 2017 #19
    Medical Grade Honey


    I got a really bad burn in my arm pit (where they said that I was not receiving radiation).  After I completed radiation, they gave me medihoney.  It is sticky, and will ruin anything that you try to wear, but it was amazing for pain relief, and my armpit healed really fast after I started using it.  I hope this helps!

  • HapB
    HapB Member Posts: 527

    J, Sorry that you are in pain.  I hope that it resolves quickly for you.

    Other than slight pink skin for a week or so, I had no problems at all with radiation. Really, no issues whatsoever and within a couple of weeks, nobody could guess which breast was radiated.  My hospital advised not to use any creams or lotions at all on the radiated skin before or after. That seems to make the difference. I had radiation for another cancer and also had no problems and never used any creams and lotions. Some insist on putting on lotions and creams and I don't think it is coincidence that most of the people who use topical treatments have big issues with their skin. The radiation reacts to lotions even after they have sunk into your skin. The hosptal gave me literature about this and I followed the advice, don't worry about"dry skin" in the treated area. IThe skin is best healing itself. I used cool compacts once radiation was finished when it got a little itchy. That's it. I have my one month follow up this week. 

    For anyone about to start treatment, I highly recommend that you do not put lotions, creams, soaps, or deodorant on your skin to be radiated. If the skin breaks due to friction from your clothing, they may prescribe an antibiotic ointment, i want without a bra  for the most part and slept without a top, to let the skin get air. 

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I hope have the same

    I hope have the same experience i had-I had no side effects at all-no burning, rash, pain etc. I did my treatments on my lunch hour.


    Dry run they set me up with fitted mold to lay in daily-i was also tattooed (tiny dots) for acuracy-when I arrive daily i would swipe in-so they  knew i was there-go get changed into a gown & wait. Staff would come and get me-i did use some type of sample cream daily.


    I was fine the whole time -after work for weeks i went and packed a friends house (of 30 yr) alone-so it did nto effect my energy (I am high enegery, so maybe treatments put me to normal leverl.


    I hope you have a okay time.

